Math 8 Honors Disclosure 2016-2017

Instructor: Melinda Snook E-mail: Room 221

Course Overview:

In Math 8 we focus on three critical areas: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two and three dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem. The eight mathematical practices will also be incorporated as students apply mathematical skills and make meaningful connections to life’s experiences.

*Students who are unable to keep up with the rigor of this Honors Course will be moved to Math 8.*

Materials needed:
•Online Textbook: Digits/Envision
•Notebook(s) / •Pencils
•Charged Tablet / •Student Workbook
•Personal Headphones


Grades will be based on tests, quizzes, homework and projects

A ~ 90% above B ~ 80% - 89% C ~ 70% - 79% D ~ 60% - 69% F ~ below 60%


Math is learned my doing, expect to have homework daily. This is practice time and practice is essential to success. There will be frequent homework quizzes to check for understanding on the homework.

Students must SHOW ALL WORK for each problem in their notebook. This notebook will be collected for a grade at the completion of each unit. Extra credit is not usually available. Please focus on regular credit.

Late work is not accepted for credit after a topic test. Check SIS and Pearson DIGITS weekly to monitor progress.

Tests and Quizzes

We will test over each unit and have a cumulative exam each quarter. There will be quizzes and pop quizzes used to check understanding along the way. Cumulative questions may appear on exams. Test maybe retaken once for full credit, additional retakes will earn you a maximum of 70% on the test.


Citizenship grades will be based on the following three criteria:

1)Attendance / Tardy / Participation

2)Behavior / Time Management / Cleanliness

3)Preparation / Homework

All students will start with 100 points. Points will be deducted for infractions.

H ~ 90-100 points S ~ 70-89 points N ~ 60-69 points U ~ 0-59 points

Available help

It is the student’s responsibility to make time in their schedule and seek extra help when needed. I am available for extra help during stretch time and after school.

General Policies

Be Prompt and Prepared. (In your seat with materials and ready to learn, before the bell rings).

Be Respectful. (Take care of yourself and your surroundings)

Be Safe. (Our classroom is a safe environment. All people in the classroom have the right to a learning environment free of harassment, intimidation and ridicule.)

Be Responsible. (Completing homework and obtaining makeup work is the student’s responsibility.)


I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:

•Come to school ready to learn and work hard with the attitude that I can learn and will learn.

•Come to class on time with necessary materials and completed assignments.

•Pay attention and ask for help when I need it.

•Be responsible for my own behavior and learning and respect my school, classmates, teachers and family.

•Know and follow all school and class rules.


I understand that my participation in my student’s education will help his/her achievement and attitude.

Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:

•Make sure that my student attends class every day, on time, and with assignments completed.

•Consistently monitor my student’s progress in school.

•Contact Mrs. Snook with questions or concerns.

•Discuss the value of education and learning regularly with my student.

•Support school policies and respect the school, staff, students and families.


I understand the importance of education and my role as a teacher and role model. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:

•Provide a safe and supportive learning environment.

•Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction using best practices.

•Set high expectations for every student and help every child be successful in meeting the state academic achievement standards.

•Participate in professional development opportunities that improve teaching and learning.

•Support school policies and respect the school, staff, students and families.