The Morgan Horse Association (UK)

Membership Application Form

Please print off a copy of this form, fill it in and post with the appropriate fee to: David Cursley, Membership Officer, MHA (UK), Pampisford Place,

Pampisford, Cambridge CB2 4EW

Cheques should be made payable to “MHA (UK)”. Memberships run for 12 months from date of receipt. A one-off joining fee is applicable to cover initial administration costs.

Membership categories:

FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (includes 2 adults and children under 17) ….£50


DUAL VOTING (1 x Magazine) …………………………………….£40

17 & UNDER (Non-voting) ………………………………………….£15

REGISTERED DISABLED ……………………………………….£15

JOINING FEE (Payable once, in addition to initial membership) …………£5


MHA(UK) Membership Application

Please print in block capitals





Tel……………………………………………. Email………………………………..

I wish to join the MHA(UK) as a (please tick one box)

o Family membership £50 o Single member £30 o Dual voting £40

o 17 & Under £15 o Registered Disabled £15

I enclose the fee of £………………………………….

plus the joining fee +£5………………………………..

TOTAL £…………………………………

Signed………………………………………. Date……………………