Maxim Advanced Sales Video Facilitator’s Guide


This video is designed to be used as a facilitated training video. I can be used for large groups, small groups or individuals. You can use it in the classroom or in your customer’s facility. Your job, as the facilitator is simple. Welcome the group and explain how the class will work. Show the video, facilitate the demonstrations and answer questions. You are not required to be a public speaker and all of the probable questions are listed below.

If you use this video to train your customers it will open a new world of profit for you and your company.

Preparation List

You should gather the following materials for your class. One of the most important things to do before the class is to arrange your demonstration area and practice the demos so you know what to expect. Don’t get caught in the unusual situation of having a less than successful demonstration.

· Video, DVD player and projector – If you are using a laptop computer rather than a standard DVD player, be sure that your software is compatible before the class. You will need external speakers on your laptop for a classroom setting.

· Printed sales scripts to use for the role play in the class

· Study the list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

· Carpet squares for demonstration – Have enough that individuals or small groups can practice doing the demos.

· Blotter cards for individuals or small groups – You may run water over each end of the card or dip each end into a glass of water. (It is not a good idea to submerse the entire card as the line between protected and unprotected is sometimes not clearly defined due to the nature of the process of creating the card.)

· Pre-mix your red dye solution in the bottle provided

· Clear glasses or plastic cups – Use these to rinse the carpet squares after dousing them with red dye. Usually you won’t have a sink and running water in the classroom.

· Towels or paper towels to place under demonstrations and contain the liquids

· Maxim Advanced Brochure and Maxim Advanced After Care Guide for each student

· A copy of the Maxim Warranty for each student

· At least one complete Marketing Kit to show

o Consider including Marketing Kits to sell or give away with purchase of a case of Maxim Advanced. Any part of the kit, including carpet squares and warranty forms, can be reordered on the Interlink Supply website.

· A sample bottle of Home Pro Spotter for each company or student

· Create a simple order form for Maxim Advanced and marketing material – State any specials you may wish to offer.

Class Process

Welcome the students and explain how the class will work. Tell them that you are going to give them the tools and techniques for the most profitable service they can offer. It could mean tens of thousands of dollars in profit to them each year.

Explain that the video is 20 minutes long but that you will be pausing for hands-on demonstrations and for questions and answers. The class may last for 30 – 45 minutes total, depending on how much fun they are having.

Explain any specials that you will be offering after the class in appreciation for their attendance.

Start the DVD and watch with the class.

Pause #1

Show the class the Maxim Advanced brochure.

Have each individual or small group practice the demonstrations with the blotter card and carpet squares with red dye. Explain that you want them to be comfortable doing this demonstration because this is the thing that will sell more Maxim than they ever thought possible.

After they have practiced the demonstrations and asked their questions, start the DVD again.

Pause #2

This pause follows the explanation on the DVD of the sales presentation and the explanation of the warranty.

At this pause do the following:

· Hand out the Maxim After Care Guide, the sample sales script, and a copy of the warranty for each student.

· Explain that the After Care Guide should be given to the customer at the end of the job. It is useful in selling the warranty if you have not already included that in your initial sale.

· Have the students practice the simple sales script. This can be done by having students present to each other or have a volunteer do it for the class.

· Go over the points of the warranty and answer questions about it.

At the end of the DVD.

· Invite questions from the group.

· Hand out the order form and explain any specials. Take orders.

· Offer this training to any owners who have technicians they would like train. You can do the training or the owner can borrow the DVD to do his own training. For larger companies, you may want to offer the training and to sponsor a sales contest for his technicians. Gift cards, movie tickets, etc. can create a spirit of competition that will help you sell a lot of Maxim.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Maxim different than Teflon or Scotchguard?

There are a couple of important things:

· Neither Teflon and Scotchgard contain acid dye resistors, so they don’t have protection against those nasty red spills. It’s not that they can’t, they just don’t.

· Secondly, the dispersing agents in Maxim make it go on better and cover more completely with less water. Quicker drying is a key.

· The warranty and marketing kit make it easy to sell.

How do I get my techs to sell?

Here are some keys to getting your techs to sell.

· Offer commission – A small percentage of the sale will boost his productivity and your profit. Let him have a piece of the action.

· Training – Mmake a big deal of this. Use this video and script to help them.

· Tracking and accountability – Hold a morning meeting where they need to report their sales from the previous day. This engenders both competition and accountability.

· Contests – Movie tickets, gift cards, etc. Competition and measurement will improve performance.

· Never let it die. It is funny to see how something that makes the technician so much extra money can simply fade away if you don’t stay on top of it.

What if I run out of red dye?

You can order it from Interlink or you can buy some unsweetened red Kool Aid. If you buy the stuff with sugar, it will grow yucky stuff in the bottle eventually. All of the other marketing material is available on

Free service calls sound like a black hole.

This is my favorite question. In the video we showed an average job with a profit of $147. If you do 100 jobs per year you make $14,700 in profit.

What is the cost of a spotting service call?

· Technician labor – $15.00 average

· Transportation and fuel – $15.00

· Miscellaneous and overhead – $15.00

· Total – $45.00 in hard costs

Statistically, you will only get about 3% of the customers with a warranty calling you back. If you take those 100 jobs and get calls from three of them…..

3 calls at $45 each = $135

5 calls at $45 each = $225

10 calls = $450

20 calls = $900

You see, you would have to get a statistically impossible number of calls to ever worry about losing money.

It is important to do these calls as inexpensively as possible or you can create a higher cost structure.

· Make them part of a route system. Don’t make a special trip.

· Don’t set up your truckmount to do the spot. Use a spotting kit and a small spotting machine. Setting up your cleaning machine is an invitation to the customer to ask you for free work.

· Use the opportunity to sell additional services.

Should I protect after every cleaning?

Yes, after every extraction cleaning. Maxim, like every other protective product, can wear off to a degree. In addition, cleaning chemicals and surfactants can reduce the beading effect of Maxim although it is very difficult to clean the protection off. Protecting after each cleaning assures maximum performance and profit.

What are the chances of not getting a spot out?

If you have Maxim protection and Home Pro spotter, you are covered for about 95% of things that can happen to a carpet. But you answer the question for yourself. Are there spots that you can’t get out, protected or not? If there are, let me help you with some spotting product and procedure.