Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 3, 2014


Some years ago, Mark Barton killed his family and 9 others. He was a man without hope, a man without Christ in his life. He searched for his happiness in his wealth and in the stock market. He believed that this world could bring him peace. He feared insecurity and poverty, and so this servile fear to worldliness overtook him. As a result he lost faith, and with faith hope and charity are lost as well. In his suicide letter he even said, “I have come to have no hope. I have come to hate this life and this system of things.” He hated it so much, because he trusted in it so much.

If he had trusted in God’s will, he would have accepted his losses, never giving up hope that God will feed him both spiritually & physically, and he would certainly have loved his wife and children, more than he feared the world. Twelve people would not have had to die senselessly & prematurely if one man had not lost hope.

So, in time of despair we must turn to Christ, and He’ll give us hope. When we're lonely we must come to come to Christ and He’ll comfort us with his presence. When disaster hits and all seems lost, let's talk to Christ and He’ll make us courageous. When we feel trapped in sin and darkness, we need to beg Christ's forgiveness and He’ll fill our soul with love and satisfy our deepest yearnings to be one with him. In the darkest times of our life, when death is near to us or our loved ones, let's not forget to call on Christ, and He’ll fill our heart with faith, hope and love.

Mr. Barton was a sad man who his lost soul. He had no hope, his faith was weak, & so his love was centered on his pride. Let us pray that we never reach such destitution, such despair, but rather keeping our focus on Christ, and Christ will not leave us hungry in a deserted place, rather He will fill us with his love and give us hope where there’s none.

Pax Christi

Fr. Paul J. Prevosto

"When suffering overtakes us, let us accept it with a smile. This is the greatest gift of God: having the courage to accept with a smile whatever he gives us and whatever he takes from us" (Mother Teresa: Her Essential Wisdom ed. by Carol Kelly-Gangi, 2006).

Prayer for Our Troops
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Please pray for our deceased and their loved ones:

Our Parish Community prays for the sick:

Mary Badaracco, Ann Enrico, Robert Lewis, Vincent Maccarro, Phyllis Maher, Jose & Dorothy Nogueras, Maureen Quinn, Joyce Wottke, Carol Yaner

/June Shuler, Marjorie Ott // Gary Haltner, Wilson Chavez ///Ann Marquez, Jamie Clark, Ann Taylor, Murry Family, Carly////Mary Walsh, Pam Grwoniey


Last Sunday’s Collection/Colecta del Domingo Pasado: $7876.00

Grupo de Oracion por el Amor de Dios: $394.00

SATURDAY Anticipated Masses for Sunday
5:00 PM / Ron Pezzillo
6:30 PM / Julia Almonte
SUNDAY August 3 - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM / People of the Parish
8:15 AM / María y Antonio Sandoval
10:00 AM / George B. Marchant
11:15 AM / Dr. Eugene Coyle
12:30 PM / Anna Pasquale & Charles Conti
MONDAY August 4 - John Vianney, priest
7:00 AM / Kasper & Wellnitz Families
8:00 AM / Mary Bishop
12:10 PM / Thanksgiving to Padre Pio
TUESDAY August 5 - Dedication of St. Maria Major Basilica
7:00 AM / Chen Ying Tsai
8:00 AM / Patrick Caufield
12:10 PM / Concepcion Zepeda
WEDNESDAY August 6 - Transfiguration of the Lord
7:00 AM / Margaret & John Finn
8:00 AM / Intentions of Sr. Emily
12:10 PM / Keven Duarte
THURSDAY August 7 - Sixtus II, pope, et al, martyrs
7:00 AM / Celso Garrovillas - 4th Anniversary V
8:00 AM / Miriam Bolano
12:10 PM / Donato Vitale
FRIDAY August 8 - Dominic, priest
7:00 AM / Dorothy Malmquist
8:00 AM / Francisco Suarez
12:10 PM / Larry Araneo
SATURDAY Aug 9 - Teresa Benedcita (Edith Stein), virgin martyr
8:00 AM / Intentions of Michael & Carmen Isaac
12:10 PM / Arthur Blouin
Anticipated Masses for Sunday
5:00 PM / Ron Pezzillo
6:30 PM / Roger Tenecela
SUNDAY August 10- Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM / William J Mawe
8:15 AM / Amado Arboleda & María de Jesús
10:00 AM / People of the Parish
11:15 AM / Mary & Nicholas Gentile
12:30 PM / Michael Mattalian
4:00 PM / Misang Pilipino

50/50 Raffle

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the July 2014 monthly 50/50 Raffle is Stephen DeCarlo (#0185), winning $432.50 who has generously donated it back to the parish. This fund raiser is being run by the volunteer efforts of parishioners and the generosity of the Gentile Funeral Home. We hope that you will continue to support your parish in this fun way.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Are you interested in giving a substantial gift to the Church? If you answered yes, you might consider a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) offered by the Archdiocese of Newark. CGAs regularly pay you a fixed amount of money every year for the rest of your life. Payments on our CGAs are guaranteed by The Archdiocese of Newark. When you pass to eternal life, what is left in the annuity is distributed to the catholic charities you specify. If you are interested in this gift opportunity, now might be a good time to act. For more information about making a gift, please call the Theresa Lynch, Planned Giving Manager, Archdiocese of Newark, (973) 497-4042 or email: .

Finance Council Finance Council / Sept 04 / 7:30 / Rectory
Knights of Columbus / Aug 11 / 8:00 / School
Spiritual Renewal / Aug 18 / 7:00 / Convent
Liturgy Committee / Sept 22 / 7:30 / Rectory
St. Vincent de Paul / TBA / 7:00 / Convent
Pastoral Council / Sept 18 / 7:30 / Parish Hall
Amor de Dios / Cada lunes / 7:00 / Parish Hall
El Rosario-no agosto / Sept 08 / 7:00 / Capilla
CCC / Cada viernes / 7:30 / Parish Hall
HT Prayer Group / Thursdays / 7:30 / 30 Maple
Bible Study / Sept 10 / 7:30 / Convent
Fil-Am Ministry Officers / Sept 06 / 6:30 / Marcelino Residence
Fil-Am Ministry
General Meeting / Sept 21 / 1:30 / Parish Hall

Religious Education K-8

It is our sincere convictionthat the real aim of catechesis is to bring each student into intimate communion with Jesus Christ. We are dedicated not only to teaching the Catholic Faith that comes to us from the Apostles, but helping to form disciples of Jesus Christ and to aid them in discovering the purpose of their life: to know, love and serve God in this world so as to be happy with Him in the next.

Our catechetical program provides a comprehensive learning experience of religious formation for children, Kindergarten through 5th grades and 6th thru 9th grades. The Confraternity of Catholic Doctrine (CCD) classes are held across the street from the Church on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings September through April.

·  Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharistis complementary to our School of Religion Programs, which should be participated in concurrently.

·  Registration forms for the school year 2014 -2015 are obtained in the Religious Education office at the Rectory. Payment must be received by September 1st.

·  The fee will be $100 for one student and $150 for two or more. Any family paying before August 15, will receive a discount of $20.

Contact Deacon Gregory C. Quinn, M.A. of the Religious Education office at 201-343-5170 for more information.

Spiritual Events/Eventos Espirituales

Cross Catholic Outreach

Fr. Paul Farin of the Cross Catholic Outreach will be visiting our parish next weekend to speak at all Masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries. Cross Catholic Outreach was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas in the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Central and South America.

Annual Appeal for the Missions.

On the weekend of August 16-17, Sr. Laura Bazila of the Filippini Order will be here to make the annual appeal for the missions. Sister will speak after every Mass. I hope you will be able to contribute to this collection and support the foreign missions.

The New Jersey Catholic Charismatic Conferenceis featuring Patti Gallagher Mansfield a renowned speaker. Mrs. Mansfield was a participant in the 1967 “Duquesne Weekend” in which the Holy Spirit was poured out mightily, ushering into the world the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

In 1998, Pope John Paul encouraged the Renewal to “Open yourselves with docility to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.” The theme of this teaching Conference is: “Spirit Filled and SentForth.” The conference will give attendees the opportunity to develop a better understanding of how the Holy Spirit ministers and empowers us to live our lives as renewed and dedicated Catholics, filled with the Holy Spirit.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! The weekend Conference will begin at 7:00 PM on Friday, August 15th and end on Sunday, August 17th at 1:30 PM. The event will be held at the Immaculate Heart Academy, Township of Washington, Bergen County.

For more information & registration call Betty @ 973-448-8847

Or visit the Conference website @ NJCCRC.org

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat

Post Abortion Healing & Forgiveness

Sponsored by: The Newark Archdiocese Respect Life Office


Are you suffering from an abortion experience? Do you have feelings of guilt and anxiety? Do you suffer from depression? There is Hope! Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats offer hope and healing for post abortion syndrome.

When: September 26-28, 2014

Where: Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center

499 Belgrove Drive, Kearny NJ, 07032

Cost: $150 (includes all retreat materials and meals)

For more information contact the Respect Life Office

All calls and e-mails are confidential.

Come, Pray with Us

Holy Trinity Prayer Group - charismatic prayer every Thursday at 7:30 PM at 30 Maple

Adoration - every first Friday from 12:30 to 10:00 PM

Misang Pilipino is celebrated every 2nd Sunday of the Month at 4:00P PM. Fellowship follows in the Parish Hall.

(Aug 10; Sep 14; Oct 12; Nov 9; Dec 14)

Evening Retreat at The Church of the Nativity with Fr. Andrew Apostoli and Fr. Bill Halbing

The Retreat will be on Tuesday, August 5. The evening will start at 6:00 pm in the Church with recitation of the Holy Rosary, followed by Mass, a talk by Fr. Apostoli on “Family 2014,” followed by fellowship in McGrath Hall. Fr. Apostoli will have many of his books and tapes available.

The Church of the Nativity is located at 315 Prospect Street in Midland Park. A $10 per person cash donation at the door is requested, along with your favorite dessert to share during the time of fellowship. Information: Parish # 201-444-6362 or 201-286-0777

***** Save the Date*****

Respect Life Directors Enrichment Day

Who: Current Respect Life Directors and those who are interested in becoming one.

When: September 13, 2014

Where: Archdiocesan Center, 171 Clifton Ave., Newark, NJ

Time 9:00am-12:00pm

For more information call The Respect Life Office (973-497-4350) or via e-mail ()



Once again this August we will have vigil candles in honor of Our Lady’s Assumption and Coronation from August 15 until August 22. Vigil Candles will be on sale August 2-3 and 9-10 for only $5.00. Please inscribe your intentions on the label of the candle and return it. The candle will be placed at Our Lady’s Altar and will burn during the octave. Our Lady Queen of Heaven, pray for us.

From a catechetical instruction by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop

(Cat 18:23-25: PG 33, 1043-1047)

The Church as the assembly of the people of God

The Church is called Catholic or universal because it has spread throughout the entire world, from one end of the earth to the other. Again, it is called Catholic because it teaches fully and unfailingly all the doctrines which ought to be brought to men’s knowledge, whether concerned with visible or invisible things, with the realities of heaven or the things of earth. Another reason for the name Catholic is that the Church brings under religious obedience all classes of men, rulers and subjects, learned and unlettered. Finally, it deserves the title Catholic because it heals and cures unrestrictedly every type of sin that can be committed in soul or in body, and because it possesses within itself every kind of virtue that can be named, whether exercised in actions or in words or in some kind of spiritual charism.

It is most aptly called a church, which means an “assembly of those called out,” because it “calls out” all men and gathers them together, just as the Lord says in Leviticus: Assemble all the congregation at the door of the tent of meeting. It is worth noting also that the word “assemble” is used for the first time in the Scriptures at this moment when the Lord appoints Aaron high priest. So in Deuteronomy God says to Moses: Assemble the people before me and let them hear my words, so that they may learn to fear me. There is a further mention of the assembly in the passage about the tablets of the Law: And on them were written all the words which the Lord had spoken to you on the mountain out of the midst of the fire, on the day of the assembly; it is as though he had said, even more clearly, “on the day when you were called out by God and gathered together.” So too the psalmist says: I will give thanks to you in the great assembly, O Lord; in the mighty throng I will praise you.