Updated 07/11/2016
Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition
Balance of State Continuum of Care
Timeline for the NOFA FY2016 CoC Application Program Competition
HUD has released the announcement of the FY2016 CoC Notice of Funds Available (NOFA). Information about the electronic process may be found at https://www.hudexchange.info/e-snaps/fy-2016-coc-program-nofa-coc-program-competition/. Web-based training is offered on that site as well. Additional activities and/or meetings may be added to this timeline. All dates are approximate and are subject to change. (TBD= To Be Determined)
2015 / Action Step06/28/2016 / HUD releases Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and the guidelines for CoC Project Priority Listing and Project Application.
07/05/2016 / Notice was posted on KSHC Web site
07/07/2016 / The KSHC Executive Director will send a notice inviting all renewal grantees, those creating a new project through reallocation and those applying for the Permanent Supportive Housing Bonus to submit an application. Agencies wishing to reallocate project or change amount requested must contact KSHC Executive Director immediately to discuss proposed changes.
07/15/2016 / All Letters of Intent to apply must be submitted to the KSHC Executive Director via email attachment at by 12:00pm.
7/19/2016 / The KSHC Executive Director provides copies of all Projects Letters of Intent to the BoS CoC NOFA Committee for feedback.
7/22/2016 / The NOFA Committee Reviews the Letters of Intent for compliance with HUD regulations and priorities. 1:00 pm Phone conference 712-432-0075 code 401556#
KSHC Staff will notify the potential applicant of their acceptance.
Two Mandatory Pre application Workshops are available. You are required to attend one of them
7/26/2016 / Pre application Workshop 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Please join the meeting, Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 10:00
Join the conference call:
(712) 432-0075
access code 378379
Meeting ID: 856-657-893
07/27/2016 / Pre application Workshop 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm
Please join the meeting, Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 2:00
Join the conference call:
(712) 432-0075
access code 378379
Meeting ID: 236-504-181
8/03/2016 / Question and Answer period during CoC Phone Meeting
8/08/2016 / PDF’s of the application are due to KSHC Executive Director via email by 10:00 pm.
8/09/2016 / The CoC committee will convene at 9:00 am to review project applications at 2001 Haskell Ave, Conference Room Lawrence KS. Members can also attend via GoToMeeting, 712-432-0075 code 378379#
08/10/2016 / Applicants will be provided recommendations for technical corrections and other feedback via email no later than 5:00 pm.
08/16/2016 / One original and four copies of the final project application and attachments must be sent to the Executive Director, 2001 Haskell Ave, Ste. 207, Lawrence KS 66046 postmarked by August 12, 2016. Please use your company’s return receipt process.
08/18/2016 / The Rank and Review Committee will convene at 9:00 am at the KSHC office, 2001 Haskell, Lawrence KS 66046, conference room. This meeting will provide information concerning the Rank and Review process, HUD’s priorities, training on the Project Score Sheets and to distribute the applications and score sheets.
08/31/2016 / Rank and Review Committee will convene at 9:00 am at the KSHC office, 2001 Haskell, Lawrence KS 66046, to review all applications and assign a project score derived from the scoring sheets. Project Applications will be listed on the Project Listing Form according to the ranking score assigned by the Ranking and Review Committee.
09/01/2016 / The KSHC Executive Director will distribute final ranking results, including ranking score, to the project applicants no later than 5:00 p.m.
09/06/2016 / Applicants may file an appeal for the process followed by KSHC, including the Ranking and Review Committee. Appeals must be submitted via email to the KSHC Executive Director at . By 12:00 pm. The appeal must describe the rationale for requesting an appeal to the process and is limited to one page.
09/07/2016 / A special committee of the KSHC Board of Directors will meet to review appeals and approve the final project ranking recommendation of the Ranking and Review Committee.
09/09/2016 / All Project Applications (renewal, reallocations, PSH Bonus) must be submitted in esnaps to the KSHC by 5:00 p.m. KSHC will conduct a final review of the CoC Project Priority List and approve its submission to HUD.
09/13/2016 / The entire BoS CoC Project Priority List and Project Applications are submitted in esnaps.
09/14/2016 / HUD deadline for submission of the application (7:59 p.m.)