Study Series: Name Above All Names
By: Alistair Begg
Lesson Title: “Jesus Christ, the True Prophet”(pp.19-28)
June 11, 2017Session 02
The main point of this lesson is: Jesus Christ, the True Prophet, came to dispel our ignorance about God and His will for us.
Focus on this goal: To help adults heed the instruction of Jesus.
Key Bible Passages: Luke 4:16-24; 7:16; John 6:14
Before the Session
1. Bring one or more potential distractions, such as something sparkly, clattery, or delicious (Step 2).
2. Bring extra Bibles, pens, copies of MasterWork.
To the Leader
Send a thinking question to every group member using the communication approach each prefers: email, text or chat. Sample: Think of one of your favorite teachers. Why was this person a good teacher for you?
During the Session
Step 1. Lead-in
To gain insight into why we love being taught use the series of Day One discussion questions about favorite teachers (p. 20).
Apply this to Jesus as our Teacher, our Prophet, the One who dispels ignorance.
Invite group members to share why they like being taught by Jesus Christ.
Suggest that this begins by fixing our eyes on Jesus.
Step 2. Day 1 – Required, Part 1
Guide the group to fix all eyes on a chosen point in the room, and to stay fixed on that point no matter how you try to pull away their attention.
Attempt to distract with something sparkly, clattery, or delicious.
Compliment the group for keeping their eyes so consistently focused.
Suggest that a focus point can give us perspective on the rest of the room.
Call eyes back to the group and ask:
- How was maintaining focus like and unlike what it means to fix our eyes upon Jesus Christ?
- What competes for our focus?
Use Day One, activity 1 (p. 19) to explore further how fixing our eyes on Jesus actually helps all other elements of life—such as work and relationships—fall into place.
Step 3. Day 2 – Required, Part 2
Note that even when we have been fixing our eyes upon Jesus we might choose—at least sometimes—to return to spiritual ignorance.
Use DayTwo, activity 1 (p. 21) to discover four ways to slip into ignorance.
Invite group members to identify words that drive home the meaning of each verse.
- What’s the big deal about ignorance?
- How can our ignorant intentions and declarations lead to dark thinking and alienating actions?
Guide a volunteer to read the Thomas Watson quote in the margin of page 21: “While we see the dangers in natural darkness, in spiritual darkness we seem to know no fear.”
Use the first set of discussion questions (top of p. 22) to develop a healthy fear of spiritual darkness.
Step 4. Day 3 – Revealed
Note that pushing away ignorance becomes more consistent when we remember that Jesus is incomparable. He is God and speaks for God.
Direct the group to read the Day Three quote (margin, p. 23): “God puts … His Father has commanded Him.”
Recall the list begun last week (Step 2) across from the front inside cover about ways Jesus is incomparable.
Suggest group members add to their lists from Hebrews1:1-2 and Deuteronomy 18:15-18 using Day Three, activity 1 (p. 23).
Find more reasons Jesus is incomparable by letting group members choose, from Day Three, activity 2 (p. 24), a person or group who spoke truth about Jesus Christ: Moses, Simeon, the people in Nain, Nicodemus, and Jesus Himself.
Note that Jesus’ coming on the scene changed everything.
Use the discussion questions (p. 23) to discuss how each statement would have been revolutionary.
Step 5. Day 4 – Recognized
Review the four R’s of knowing Christ (Days One to Five).
Note that in Day Four, we study recognition. Dispelling ignorance begins with requirement and revelation and becomes solid as we recognize who Jesus is.
Guide a volunteer to read the Day Four quote (margin, p. 24): “Ultimately Jesus must be … that revelation.”
Ask why this is so.
Let the two discussion question sets in Day Four (p. 25) guide this process.
Note that recognizing Jesus doesn’t happen only with the mind, but also with our motivations and actions.
Use DayFour, activity 1 (p. 25) to consider how to thoroughly recognize Jesus Christ.
Pray adults will put their whole selves into recognizing Jesus.
Step 6. Day 5 – Realized
Invite the group to recall from the last session some of the reasons they dislike lies.
Explain that ignorance is a kind of lie we tell ourselves.
Ask:How does our ignorance overflow to others?
State that to push away ignorance we must find and realize the truth. Truth comes through the Bible, God’s Word.
Call on a volunteer to read the Day Five quote (margin, p. 27) about the gossiping of the gospel.
Then guide the group to name truths they want to get out about Jesus Christ, using Day Five, activity 1 (p. 26).
As group members call out phrases, list them on a whiteboard or poster.
Applaud all the truth we already know.
To name specific ways to “gossip the gospel” with actions rather than just our words use Day Five, activity 2 (p. 27).
Step 7. Make It Practical
Discuss why genuine compassion is a critical element of sharing Jesus Christ.
Ask why compassion is one of Jesus’ most effective ignorance dispellers.
Thank God for Jesus, the true, compassionate Prophet.