Questions for Staff
The staff survey was conducted by telephone with quotas set to ensure a mix of occupations. Six hundred and fifty two interviews were conducted in total in 2012. Research was undertaken in 2009 to gauge a baseline awareness level. Follow-up surveys were undertaken in 2010 and 2012, to inform the 2012 Report.
The target audience for the research comprised NHS staff in certain occupations, working in the NHS in England. These were:
- GPs: half of GPs had been qualified for up to 10 years, and half qualified for 10 years or more.
- Practice nurses
- Hospital doctors: quotas were set by grade: half were of Specialist Registrar grade or below, and half were of higher grades.
- Nurses in secondary care: half were specialist nurses and half were ‘general’ ward nurses.
- Senior managers: this sample was representative of NHS managers and was spread across primary and secondary care settings.
- Administration staff: quotas were set to achieve around half of the interviews with administrative staff in a primary care setting, and half with administrative staff in a secondary care setting.
- Dentists
- Pharmacists
All contact details were found through the use of Binleys
For each ‘group’ it was split down into sub groups, to ensure the data was representative.
Staff surveys were conducted through telephone interviews. The telephone interview lasted for approximately ten minutes. In some cases, a statement was read out, and participants were asked to respond to the statement, across a five point scale (varying from strongly agree (+2) to strongly disagree (-2)). Others were in the form of questions- with the answer varying based on what the question revolved around. For each question, a series of options was presented AS AN ANSWER- with occasional free speech options available, at which point the individual leading the interview, would write down some notes.
Questions for Staff
- I am proud to work for the NHS
- I am satisfied with the service the NHS currently delivers to patients in my local area
- Can I just check, have you heard of the NHS Constitution?
- Where did you hear about the NHS Constitution?
- Which, if any, of the following ways have you come across the NHS Constitution?
- How well informed do you feel about the NHS Constitution?
- What do you think are the main aims of the NHS Constitution?
- Have you heard of this element of the Constitution?- goes through each of the areas of the Constitution- principles, rights, duties, responsibilities etc
- Which of these things about the Constitution do you remember seeing or hearing?- followed by a line
- And which of these things have you used the NHS Constitution for in the last 12 months?
- Can I just check, had you heard of the NHS Constitution before this interview?
- I am going to read out some things that other people have said about the NHS Constitution. How much do you agree or disagree with each one?
- On balance what impact do you think the NHS Constitution will have on patients’ experience of the NHS?
- And what impact do you think the NHS Constitution will have on you?
- You said that the NHS Constitution had a positive/negative impact on the patients’ experience of the NHS/on you. Can you tell me why you say that?
- In which of these ways, if any, has the NHS Constitution influenced your day to day work?
- Overall, to what extent do you support or oppose the NHS Constitution?
- Overall, how likely do you think you are to use the NHS Constitution in the future? Would you say...?
- What was your age last birthday?
- How long have you been working for the NHS in your current role?
- How long ago did you qualify as ...?
- Which newspapers, including their online equivalent, do you read regularly? By regularly I mean at least twice a week
- The Department of Health may wish to undertake further research with health professionals on these issues in the future. Would you be willing to be contacted again?
Other things noted throughout the interview
- Gender
- Staff type
- Length in role
- Setting
- Satisfaction in job
- Region
- Awareness, knowledge and support of the NHS Constitution
General Public and Patients
This questionnaire was designed by GfK NOP working in close collaboration with COI and DH. The majority of questions used pre-coded lists of responses, although the opportunity to capture further detail was possible via “other” answer options at some questions. There was one open ended questions which were office coded after the survey was completed. The average interview length was 10 minutes.
- In the last 6 months, have you personally done any of the following?
- And in the last 6 months, has a close family member or household member done any of the following?
- If you wanted to find out about the following information, where would you look?
- Can I just check, have you heard of the NHS Constitution?
- Can I just check, have you heard of the NHS Constitution or something like it before this interview? (All who said no to the previous question).
For Q1, 2 and 3, a range of options are presented, with participants asked to select multiple answers. Each question was then split by a variety of demographics, with a table and percentages asked for each