Turlin Moor Community Centre – Mini Election
The community centre has been boarded up and vacant for a number of years now and there is a real need for the residents of Turlin Moor to advise the local authority as to their preferred option. Community Development, in partnership with Legal and Democratic Services are arranging to do this by way of a mini election with four options regarding the community centre to vote for. All residents of Turlin Moor who are already on the electoral roll will be eligible to vote.
The voting options are:
- Do nothing
- Refurbish the existing community centre
- Demolish and rebuild the community centre
- Demolish the community centre and return the land to open space
Obviously, once the preferred option has been agreed, there will be various options as to how we go about carrying out that work but that is something that will be dealt with later on in the process.
All eligible residents will be issued with official ballot papers which will have to be returned and counted. They will have at least two weeks to do this and will have a chance to talk with an impartial team representative if they so wish. We will also be arranging some events aimed at young people on Turlin Moor who may be too young to vote but may have informed opinions or views regarding the community centre.
The timescales are quite close:
- Papers delivered week commencing 18 September 2006
- Series of information sessions at various venues in area w/c 25 September
- Follow-up flyer w/c 27 Sept – 4 October
- Closing date is Friday 6 October 2006
We would like the papers to be hand delivered to each registered property, thus providing the opportunity to talk to local residents, explain the process and provide the opportunity for residents to have a say. We would like to organise a rota of teams to help with this and get involved with the project and also to help the following week with manning the information sessions. Attached are a couple of charts showing dates and times, etc, we would like to invite you to become involved with this piece of work as someone with a vested interest in the outcome or already working in Turlin Moor and wanting to engage with local residents.
Can you please help us with this project and let me have details of any times you can help out. The more people that can get involved with this, the better the outcome. If you have any questions or require further information then please contact either Linda Maguire on ext 3045 or myself on ext 3430.
Many thanks for your anticipated help.
Delivering of Ballot Papers – week commencing Monday 18 September
(10am-noon) /Afternoon
(2-4pm) /Evening
(4-6pm) /Other
18 / / /Tuesday
19 / / /Wednesday
20 / / /Thursday
21 / / /Friday
22 / / /Sat/Sun
23/24 / / /Information Sessions (venues to be confirmed but all on Turlin Moor)
(10am-noon) /Afternoon
(2-4pm) /Evening
(4-6pm) /Other
25 / / /Tuesday
26 / / /Wednesday
27 / / /Thursday
28 / / /Friday
29 / / /Sat/Sun
30/01 / / /Please insert your names on any slots you can do and return to me as soon as possible so that I can plan and prepare a rota ensuring that all times and/or places are covered. If you are at all flexible, then please also let me know so I can cover any eventuality. Thank you once again.
Paula Wade
Community Development Officer