3rd ordinary JCR meeting of Trinity Term 2016
2nd quad hours, spoke to Ruedi, college won’t extend hours due to noise in 2nd quad. Living wage, written proposal goes to GB next week. Please vote in elections. Pledge2reg, climbed a lot higher in the rankings. Event about Brexit on Weds at 12pm in the MCR, 2 barristers arguing.
Paid more charities, trying to get ball money back. There’s lots of money.
Been busy with finals, sorry the agenda was late
He’s just been trashed so busy
Leavers BBQ on 24th June, please buy tickets, you have to if you want to come.
Sexual consent workshops, need people to train as facilitators, let me know if you’re interested. Final welfare tea on Sunday!
Feedback about the videos, don’t want anything negative.
Arts ballot back next week
Elysia is seeing a talk from an Olympic skier
Pimms party raised money, yay for charities. Please read about the nominated charities.
Need to contact Ruedi about the recycling system in college. Starting conversations with Debbie about vegetarian food pricing.
Lots of football, Need someone to do the last pub quiz, need someone to do the last bar shift. Feedback for debit system is pretty negative, isn’t enough time to sort it over the vac at least.
Tv/projector working, HD in the bar and here. DVD player behind the tv, can watch on the projector.
Why has finalist bbq moved?
Bella – I thought it was always on Friday of 9th
What negative stuff was in the videos?
Jess – lots of feedback, want negative comments to be framed properly, need to make some changes to the college ones. JCR ones will not change
Shout out to those who decorated the JCR
19. JCR Sticker Album
This JCR notes:
i. That we don’t know if anyone’s heard, but the Euros start TODAY!
ii. That collecting Panini™ stickers to fill an album is one of the best ways to immerse oneself in the tournament in the fullest possible way.
iii. That collecting Panini™ stickers is not, as the common misconception holds, for children.
iv. That Panini Group have been producing football stickers since 1961, and completed albums are incredibly valuable.
v. That in many ways, a completed Panini™ football sticker album constitutes an investment in the JCR’s future.
vi. That this investment forms part of the current treasurer’s long-term economic plan.
vii. That other JCRs have started collecting these stickers, providing ample opportunities for exciting trades and fostering inter-collegiate friendships.
It therefore proposes:
viii. To give Omar Mohsen £100 to spend on stickers for the JCR album.
ix. To mandate the President and Vice-President to embark on a diplomatic mission to Queen’s, and conduct trade negotiations for swaps from their sticker album.
x. To mandate the President, Vice-President, and E and E rep to oversee the completion of the sticker book and ensure its long term future.
Proposed: Omar Mohsen
Seconded: Luke Green
Omar - There will be welfare benefits and relationships fostered with other colleges.
Geo – You’re abusing your position as treasurer to have some fun with stickers. Do you think that’s a good use of money?
Omar – Yes
Rosie – How many much do we have?
Omar – lots
Many – how many people will this actually benefit?
Omar – anyone who is interested in taking part, could be up to like 20?
Em – why so much?
Omar – lots of stickers, 50p in a pack, need to buy lots
Joel – Can you not just pool with your friends and buy them?
Omar – not open to everyone in the JCR then
Kash – still do shinies?
Omar – yes
Ellen – What is a sticker book?
Matt R – every player have a slot in a book, you collect different stickers of all the players, and stick them in.
Geo – Don’t think this is justifiable to spend the JCR’s money on this
Omar – we spend money on lots of things
Jake – How will you distribute the stickers?
Omar – could do it welfare tea and different sessions
Ellen – when does this finish?
Rob – goes indefinitely
John – is this actually investment, do they increase in value?
Omar – yes they actually do, couple sell for a few hundred pounds
James – Just gonna vote on whether I think this a good use of money, not the people suggesting it.
Geo – I just disagree with this waste of £100
17 against, 11 for, 6 abstentions. Motion falls
20. Fish Bowl – Film Funding
This JCR notes:
i. That Fish Bowl, a short film set in the South Wales Valleys, is looking for funding. It will be shot in the Rhondda valleys, and is about the tribulations of a girl living in a working-class community.
ii. That whilst the film’s executive crew are Oxford University students, the director (Shannon Britton, Exeter College) is from the South Wales Valleys, as are the rest of the crew and all of the cast. The film therefore aims to involve what is considered by some to be a disadvantaged community by providing young people with the opportunity to gain experience in film that they would otherwise not be able to have.
iii. That experience in film is vital for those wishing to pursue a career in the highly competitive industry.
iv. That the film is ambitious and exciting, and will be distributed to festivals across the UK.
v. That a member of this JCR, Jake Hatt, is the project’s Director of Photography, Co-Producer and Editor.
vi. That the JCR is committed to support the creative endeavors of its members, especially when it constitutes work experience.
vii. That film is notoriously difficult to fund, and that there are no major funding bodies as there are for theatre or sport, and therefore, for student filmmakers, approaching JCRs is often their only option.
viii. That the money would go towards renting a high quality camera, lighting equipment and production design to help make the film possible and allow it to look as professional as possible.
ix. That Jesus College is committed to supporting access and providing educational opportunities for young people in South Wales, particularly in disadvantaged areas, and given the college’s Welsh connection, it would be appropriate for the JCR to support this film.
x. That Cymdeithas Dafydd ap Gwilym, the University Welsh Society which is affiliated to this JCR, fully supports the project.
It therefore proposes:
xi. To donate £250 to Fish Bowl to support the film.
xii. The JCR will in turn be thanked in the film’s credits.
Proposed: Jake Hatt
Seconded: Llewelyn Hopwood
James - Has this been done before?
Many – Yes.
Tim – When will it be out?
Jake – Michaelmas.
James – How many will this benefit?
Jake – Depends how many like the film.
There will be a screening in college
Em – how much of your budget is this?
Jake – about a quarter?
Hugo – who else is funding you?
Jake – applying to the council, a few other JCRs, have about £100 so far.
Luke – If I won’t personally benefit should I still vote?
Jake – Yes
28 for 2 abstentions, Motion passes
21. JCR Games Console
This JCR notes:
i. That there used to be a Nintendo Wii and an Xbox in the bar.
ii. That games consoles are good and fun.
iii. That the lack of a JCR games console is a sad state of affairs.
iv. That a games console located in the bar would lead to more people being in the bar.
v. That this would make the ACC rep very happy.
vi. That informal surveys have suggested that the top priorities for a JCR console are for it to have four controllers and a copy of FIFA, as well as a shooter such as Halo.
vii. That the treasurer genuinely thinks this is the best possible way to spend the JCR’s money.
It therefore proposes:
viii. To give Matt Roche £400 to spend on an Xbox One, four controllers, a copy of FIFA 16 and Halo.
Proposed: Matt Roche
Seconded: Omar Mohsen
Matt R– Can get more games as people desire. Used to have one, disappeared over summer. Reason we’re getting a new one is so that it lasts longer.
Kash – Given its 8th week, why get it now? Get Fifa 17 and can we get Singstar?
Matt K– Can get FIFA 17 as well or just instead.
Em – Whats the breakdown?
Matt R- £234 console + 1 controller, games £20 each, controllers £40 each.
Em – 2nd hand controllers?
Many – More difficult than you think, quality I often very poor.
David – If you were selling controllers you typically sell them with the console.
Matt R– did look at knock off one but not much cheaper and much riskier.
Luke – will get used more so better to have good ones.
Tim – How are you gonna look after controllers?
Matt R– Will have to trust the JCR to some extent.
Tim – we bought a second hand boxing machine and it just doesn’t work, risky.
Luke – issue with MCR using it?
Llew – they have their own.
Mariya – why is this any more fun than stickers?
Matt – this will stay in the bar, facilitates FIFA tournament. Will get people to actually come to the bar.
Bella – variety of games?
Matt R – Can happily purchase if people ask for them, driven by demand.
Jess – I have lots to donate.
20 for, 3 against and 4 abstentions. Motion passes
22. Vardy Party
This JCR notes:
i. That the Euros start today, and this is a great event which many of the JCR will follow closely.
ii. That Jesus is the Welsh college, and we are incredibly proud of our historic Welsh heritage.
iii. That Jesus is the Welsh college, and we are incredibly proud of our historic Welsh heritage.
iv. That England have also qualified.
v. That Jesus College is in England.
vi. That Wales are in England’s group, and that makes for an exciting rivalry within college between English and Welsh fans.
vii. That Hal Robson-Kanu is a Welsh hero, and absolutely not just an arbitrary forward who isn’t Gareth Bale.
viii. That Jamie Vardy is a popular, some say cult figure, famous for his ‘Vardy Parties’.
ix. That Jamie Vardy is English.
It therefore proposes:
x. To mandate the treasurer to go and spend £50 on any red-coloured alcohol, immediately, every time our Welsh hero Robson-Kanu scores a goal.
xi. To mandate the treasurer to go and spend £50 on any blue-coloured alcohol (WKD, VK, Jamie Vardy isn’t fussy), immediately, every time our English hero Vardy scores a goal.
xii. That this blue/red-coloured alcohol be consumed by JCR members in the immediate euphoria that follows Vardy/Robson-Kanu’s goal(s).
Proposed: Omar Mohsen
Seconded: Luke Green
Joel – do we want to be honouring and endorsing the kind of behavior Vardy typically exhibits?
Omar – not endorsing it just drinking and having fun.
Others – Will there be a limit on how much we will spend?
Someone – A reasonable limit yes.
7 for, 11 against, 12 abstentions. Motion falls
23. JCR Screening of Beyonce’s ‘Lemonade’ Video
This JCR notes:
i. That Beyoncé released her 6th album ‘Lemonade’ in April this year, including an hour long video.
ii. Themes such as empowerment, self-positivity and acceptance, and perseverance are all present throughout the songs and video.
iii. Regardless of opinion of Beyoncé herself or other aspects of the album, these are all valuable qualities which reminders of can help people throughout life at Oxford, in particular over the exam period.
iv. The album costs money and not all people may want to spend money on buying the album but would still like to view the video.
v. Ellen has the album and video.
It therefore proposes:
vi. To do do a screening of Beyoncé’s visual album Lemonade in the JCR for all members of the JCR who wish to come.
vii. To provide Ellen Clarke with up to £50 to buy lemonade and peach schnapps (providing college gives permission for alcohol to be consumed in JCR) so that people can have a refreshing beverage whilst watching.
Proposed: Ellen Clarke
Seconded: Bella Renehan
Ellen – wanted to get a feel to see if people will enjoy this and worth spending some money on it. Don’t need to spend money on it, will still do it anyway. Can just pop over for 10 minutes and discuss some positive issues.
Bella – Have permission to have alcohol in the JCR
Tim – How long is it?