TCS (619) 462-6440
October9-13, 2017
Monday9 /
- Daily Reading- 20 minutes(Reminder: Weekly Work Env,Reading log andStudy Spelling , Vocab and Bible Verse math facts drill log due
- Review math facts 4+0-4+10 for immediate recall
- Always review past facts (0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s)
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- Daily Reading-20 minutes
- Study Spelling, Vocab and Bible Verse
- Drill on math facts 4+0-4+10
- Always review past facts (0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s) Work on 4’s
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- Daily Reading- 20 minutes
- Study Spelling, Vocab and Bible verse
- Drill on math facts (4+0-4+10)
- Always review past facts (0’s, 1’s, 2’s,3’s) Work on 4’s
12 /
- Daily Reading-20 minutes
- Study Spelling, Vocab and Bible Verse
- Drill on math facts (4+0-4+10)
- Always review past facts (0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s) Work on 4’s
13 /
- Daily Reading- 20 minutes
- Drill math facts 3+0-4+10-next week-immediate recall (mixed)
Dates to remember:
10/95:00-8:00 Family Dinner Night –Souplantation (fundraiser dinner)
10/9Fall Festival Planning Comm. mtg in Rm 16 at 6:00 p.m.
10/156:30 a.m. Making Strides Walk (“Kelly’s Krew”)
10/17 1:45 PTF mtg in WH
10/182nd Grade field trip to the zoo
ANNOUNCEMENT: FIELD TRIP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, SAN DIEGO ZOO! This is a special 2nd grade program. Drivers must be able to take 4 or more students as we are limited at this time to a 1:4 ratio. I have my parent drivers but am keeping a back-up list. If you want to be on the back –up list, email me at .
Updated Reminders and News:
- Math drill will be the 4’s this week. Push hard to get them down. Each week it gets easier. Truth is, the only really new facts to learn are 4+6, 4+7, 4+8 because they should know all the others.
- Using capitals incorrectly will be marked wrong in the near future: spelling, Bible verse, etc. Please have your child practice writing out the verse or the words without unnecessary capitals.
- Through the week, remember to keep going back over the 0’s, 1’s, 2’s and 3’s.
- The Scholastic book order should arrive the beginning of this week.It finally shipped!
- IMPORTANT MATH NOTE: Please stress the importance of READING all instructions on the math worksheets. Students miss points because they do not read ALL of the directions.
- Please see the note about spelling this week. If I can help, let me know. I’ll be stressing the rule in class as well, but wanted you to know the rule I am teaching. A little phonics review never hurt anybody!
- In English, we are going over all the rules for capitalization. We are learning the proofreading symbols, such as three lines under a word that should be capitalized. You may have seen me correct a paper with that marking.