Employee Director

Summerfield House

2 Eday Road


AB15 6RE


Ms Laura Gray

Board Secretary

NHS Grampian
Date 27 May 2011

Enquiries to Gordon S Stephen

Extension 58599

Direct Line 01224 558599



Dear Laura

Grampian Area Partnership Forum – Report to Board

Matters arising since the last report to the Board are:

·Allied Health Professionals (AHP) management review. Following a meeting with over 100 of staff affected, a way forward with the post of Associate AHP Director and the formation of a working group to formulate the structures below that post was agreed.

·The Grampian Area Partnership Forum held an Away Day event at Woodend on 24th March. Three themes were discussed – back to basics, Safe Affordable Workforce (SAW) and an initial high level analysis of the 2010 Staff Survey results.

·As part of the SAW implementation it is important that the staff who are on the redeployment register are found suitable alternative employment. One of the full time released staff side members will now attend the weekly meeting where vacancies of potential suitable jobs are identified and offered to those on the register.

·Whilst we have balanced the financial books for 2010/11 as a result of everyone playing their part, we are fully aware that 2011/12 is nevertheless going to be equally challenging. Staff Side, in recognising the amount of redesign to be done, have indicated that they would welcome another round of voluntary severance should funding become available.

·I am delighted that the Evening Express has shown an interest in the University of Nottingham’s report on the partnership model within the NHS. I will ensure that all Board members have sight of this report.

As always all Board members are welcome to attend the next GAPF which is scheduled for 16 June 2011.

Yours sincerely

Gordon Stephen

Employee Director