ISO 17078 Side Pocket Mandrel System Task Group
Meeting Minutes, 25 July, 2000
Atlanta, Georgia, Hampton Inn
Each attendee was introduced and an attendee’s list was prepared and provided to Mr. Mabry.
Attending was:Mr. Wayne MabrySchlumberger (Chairperson)
Mr. Ken DeckerDecker Technology
Mr. David McCalvinSchlumberger
Mr. Jim HoltWeatherford
Mr. Roger StinsonSchlumberger
Mr. Cleon DunhamShell
Ms. Shauna NoonanChevron
Mr. Dean ChapmanSchlumberger
Reviewed and approved minutes of last meeting, May 2, 2000
Discussion of item K, Next Meeting, was determined to be undecided and would be added to this meetings agenda.
A request was made to provide straw minutes prior to future meetings.
This agenda was prepared at the start of the meeting.
- Review and approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Review action items from the previous meeting.
- Review comments included within document 17078.1
- Review structure of quality / design matrix
- Confirm time / place / host for the next two meetings
- Review and update Gant Chart
- Clarify 4 classes of service
Principal Discussions
- Open action items from previous meeting
Items 1-7:complete
Item 8:not complete. Change responsible individuals from Mr. Mabry and Mr. McCalvin to Mr. Mabry and Mr. Chapman
Item 9:not complete
Item 10:not complete. The requirement should be changes from providing 11V1 to providing 11V2.
Item 11-12: not complete
- Future meetings are tentatively scheduled as follows:
October 6th hosted by Mr. Decker in Dallas
February 8th hosted by Mr. Holt in Houston
May 3rd hosted by Mr. Mabry in Houston
In conjunction with the SPE meeting in October
- A draft revision of ISO 17078.1 was distributed after the last meeting as it was decided to work through the document to review all comments. Mr. Durham agreed to take detailed notes for updating of the draft. The following were assigned as action items to be completed prior to the next meeting unless otherwise noted. All information, which is required to update the document, should be forwarded to Mr. Dunham for inclusion in the draft.
Mr. Holt to define “Deflector vs. Discriminator” pg. 3
Mr. McCalvin to define “Date of Manufacture” pg. 3
Mr. Chapman to define “Hydraulic Type Mandrels” pg. 3
Mr. McCalvin to supply “Supplier/Mfg.” and “User/Purchaser” definitions
Mr. Durham to define “Operating Environment” pg. 5
Mr. Decker and Ms. Noonan to define “Tensile Load” pg. 5
Mr. McCalvin to define “Size” pg. 5
Ms. Noonan to look at deployment methods and there definitions
Mr. Holt to forward definitions of “Drifting” to Mr. Durham
Ms. Noonan to develop template for use by purchaser/user as informative annexes pg. 8
Mr. Stinson to review and recommend wording for clause 5.3 pg. 8
Definition of standard mandrel characteristics to be done by Mr. Mabry, Mr. Holt, Mr. Stinson and Mr. Chapman
Mr. Mabry and Mr. Holt to write clause 5.5 pg. 10
Mr. Mabry to write/rewrite 5.4.4 and 5.6
There was significant discussion on “material service class” or material selection. It was agreed that specifying materials for use in service would be difficult. The general agreement was that users would want some direction but that manufacturers would find it difficult to separate by the application.
- Mr. Mabry presented a design verification matrix. There was significant discussion as to the distinction between verification, validation and quality. Mr. McCalvin presented his understanding of the ISO interpretations. A generalization was presented that verification was at the design level and validation was at the product level. The following example for a validation matrix was discussed.
Validation Grade
no test 100%grade 3 +grade 2 +
requiredID Pressurestatistical:100%
ID DriftBurstBurst
OD DriftDriftCollapse
Features Test
- Mr. Dunham will reword clause 6.2 pg. 12
- Mr. Mabry and Mr. McCalvin will write the lead paragraph and review body for clause 6.3 pg. 13
- Mr. Chapman will review industry standards and recommend wording for clause 6.3.1 pg. 13. It was discussed at length that although it would be beneficial to provide more stringent requirements for design acceptance criteria it was the general believe that broader guidelines would generate wider acceptance. The groups direction was that we should tighten guidelines but allow manufactures significant flexibility.
- Mr. Mabry agreed to review and rewrite clause 6.4 pg. 14 on design verification. The following matrix for design verification was discussed.
Validation Grade
objective Mersk test
evidencePass validation test for D1
Verify max stress levels
Verify deviated well capability
Tensile load test
Corrosion test
Erosion test
- The status of the next meeting was discussed. Mr. McCalvin suggested a longer meeting session to allow for more rapid progress. It was recommended that we start Thursday afternoon after the VPC meeting. Possibly to be help in the Stokley Hotel.
- Mr. McCalvin agreed to write the introduction and scope for ISO 17078.3 prior to the next meeting.
- The Gant chart was reviewed. It was noted that the document development was behind schedule per the current chart. It was recommended that the goals be moved out one year and then further evaluated after the next meeting. Mr. Mabry agreed to update the chart and forward for inclusion in the minutes.
Submitted by Dean Chapman