Awakening to Presence
The Key to Discovering Who You Truly Are


Participants learn to understand and feel Presence including its value and specific ways to experience it. Presence is experiences as a state of being of mind and body. Students learn to observe and feel distinctions between Presence and non-presence (past/future). They can articulate the everyday benefits of being in Presence.


By learning Presence we shed our mind-based sense of self. When you are in the moment your mind chatter ceases and you experience yourself as divine essence. If you are in the moment, ego dissolves and merges with the Soul. There is no judgment. Love only happens in the moment. Only in the eternal now do you experience God.

Elements for Discussion

Value of presence in relationship, sexuality, spirituality, creativity. Honoring the body as a temple, union of sex and spirit, ego vs. soul identity, Witness consciousness

Relevant Techniques and Processes

From Jewel in the Lotus – The Tantric Path to Higher Consciousness:

Witnessing Sensory Stimulation (39), Witness Consciousness (41), Mantras (147ff.), Become Aware of the Chatter (161)

From The Ipsalu Formula – A Method for TantraBliss:

Witness Consciousness (53), “Tantra Reiki” (87), AUM Mantra (146), Latihan (70)

From the TantraBliss Practicum:

Witness Consciousness (Lesson 2) Latihan – Body Flow (Lesson 5)

Other Sources and General:
“What is Present?” Dialogue, Sensate focus exercises, Grounding through the Feet


Eckhart Tolle. Gateways to Now (Audio Book). Tolle guides the listener through three gateways to the present moment: The Gateway of the Inner Body; The Gateway of Silence; and The Gateway of Accepting This Moment.

Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment and the companion Practicing the Power of Now

Osho. Meditation: The First and Last Freedom. A practical guide to Osho Meditations

Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Meditations from the Tantras. Published by The Bihar School of Yoga.