Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room, Llansadwrn on Wednesday 13th July, 2016
Chairman: Counc. H. Davies
Councillors: J. M. Davies, C. Hudson. L. Jones, J. Evans, C. Powell, R. Williams
Due to the sudden death of County Councillor T. Theophilus last week the meeting had been postponed for a week.
Before the meeting commenced the chairman, Counc. H. Davies, asked everyone to stand-up for one minute as a sign of respect for the sad death of County Councillor T. Theophilus.
1. Apologies
Counc. C. Jones
2. Minutes of the meeting held 1st June, 2016
Minutes were accepted as correct.
It was agreed to remove the name of Counc. R. Williams from the Declaration of Interest reference Bellview. Counc. R. Williams was not involved personally with any issues/comments.
3. Declaration of Interest
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
Nothing to report. The weather on the day of the Carnival had been very unfavourable.
5.1 Llansadwrn Primary School
It was a very sad time for the village as the school would close its doors on Friday. A very emotional service had been held previously at Llansadwrn Church. Staff would continue to be employed until Christmas, the Head Teacher would continue until Easter. A “time capsule” had been placed in the Community Field.
8 (c) Waun Clyn Da Road Sign
A site visit was arranged and Mr. Stuart Quick met with Counc. J. Evans. This issue had been ongoing since 2014. Mr Quick stated that he should have contacted the appropriate department at Carmarthenshire County Council before agreeing with the purchase of a new sign at Waun Clyn Da with the Community Council. The purchase of new road sign was not possible at this point in time.
8 (a) Insurance for events held on Community Field by local organisations
No reply had been received from the chairman of the Reading Room.
8 (e) Road from Llansadwrn – Llanwrda (Roman Road)
Counc. J. Evans spoke to Mr Stuart Quick, Carmarthenshire County Council, at the site meeting and he explained that some of the pot holes had been filled. Unfortunately due to budget cuts this road was not a priority.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area inspection/footpath
An official play area inspection had been carried out by Wicksteed and copies distributed at the meeting.
(a) The Safety Shackle of the Basket Swing had been replaced with Rapid Link at time of inspection to allow continued safe use.
(b) The area lacks litter facilities, this was an issue as Carmarthenshire County Council would not collect the litter from the bins as it was not their responsibility.
(c) Gates are not self-closing, so access by dogs is not physically prevented, routine inspection should include monitor and removal of animal faeces.
(d) Operators sign required giving details of emergency contact, name of playground, address of playground and other relevant local information.
A letter had been received from Llys Cennen, Solicitors, advising us that Hugh Williams, Llandovery are no longer instructed and they have now appointed Mr Peter Sands of CBS Law at Brecon, they note that Mr Peter Sands has in fact been involved in this matter previously when he was employed at Hugh Williams at the outset of the matter.
8 (2) Llansadwrn Terrier Club
The following dates had been received from the Terrier Club:
Friday 15th July, 2016
Friday 12th August, 2016
Friday 9th September, 2016
Sunday 1st October, 2016
Sunday 30th October, 2016
Sunday 27th November, 2016
8 (3) Planning Application W/31092 Bellview
Copies of the planning consent were sent to every member before the meeting. The increased noise levels, home boarding, were discussed briefly. The Clerk was asked to enquire if a new application had been presented by the new owners?
5. Correspondence
(a) One Voice Wales – Notification of Appointment of Vice-Chairs and Independent members to NHS Wales
(b) Active Travel Consultation including new road schemes to consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists
(c) Carmarthenshire tourism industry – Forum meeting 11th July, 2016
(d) Clerks and Councils Direct magazine July, 2016
(e) Ombudsman 2015/2016 report
6. Reports
7. Payments and Donations
Image Print (sign for web site) - £30.00
Clerks Wages - £200.00
Clerks expenses - £59.36
HMRC - £50.00
Gift for Counc. T. R. Powell - £45.00 (cakes and engraved gift)
Wicksteed (play area inspection) - £54.00
Bank Statements
It was agreed to request Bank Statements on a monthly basis and not on a quarterly basis.
Audit Grant Thornton
One of the issues raised by Grant Thornton regarding the Audit was that the Clerk had not written to the Internal Auditor in 2015 inviting the Auditor to audit the accounts for 2015/2016. The Clerk had explained that the present Auditor had audited the accounts for over 11 years and the previous external auditor had not advised of any issues from previous Audits.
A copy of the Financial Regulations had been sent to every Community Council. The Clerk to report at the next meeting any issues that would appertain to Llansadwrn Community Council before they were passed and signed.
Signatures for the Bank Account
Forms were given to Counc. H. Davies and the Clerk to complete and return to Nat West Bank, Llandeilo.
8. Any other business
8 (4) Grass cutting Community Field
The cutting of the grass of the Community Field, etc. was discussed at length. Due to the change in weather conditions the grass would need cutting on a regular basis.
It was agreed to discuss this issue at the September/October meeting with the possibility of advertising the work and organising a contract. Three quotes would be required in order to conform to the Audit Office regulations.
Trees along the Llansadwrn – Llanwrda main road
The trees were discussed as branches were falling down on to the road. This would always be an issue as in various cases the landowner was responsible and not always Carmarthenshire County Council.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 7th September, 2016.
Everyone proceeded to the Sextons following the meeting in order to attend a presentation for Counc. T. R. Powell.