St. Michael’s Catholic High School

Understanding New Approach to

Assessment & Reporting at St Michaels

KS3 (Year 7, 8 and 9)

From September 2016 schools we are no longer expected to follow KS3 National Curriculum levels.

To reflect the changes in Assessment / Grading Systems from the DFE in all Key Stages, we felt it only right that we change the format of our reporting structure. As a staff we devised our own assessment criteria based on the skills, knowledge and understanding students would require to make progress.

Students will be assessed in all subjects, using a scale of 0 – 9. This uses the same numerical scale as the new GCSE grades. However, the 0-9 scale used in KS3 does not equate directly to the GCSE 0-9 grades. KS3 is based on a solo taxonomy using a 0-9 scale but has been adapted by each department to make it subject specific.

Please note levels may go up and down depending on the topic studied or skill being learnt.

•Level 0 = Working Towards Level 1 (To get level 1 students must meet the assessment criteria for that

Skill or units of study independently and consistently over the unit).

•Foundation levels 1-4 reflect basic levels of knowledge, understanding and skill.

•Higher levels 5-8 reflect deeper levels of knowledge, understanding and skill

•Level 9 reflects mastery of a topic or skill.

KS3 Students will receive their first PARs in the Autumn term, followed by a Full Report in the Spring or Summer term.

APR day is on Wednesday 25th January 2017. This is when all pupils meet with their tutor for a 15 minute interview looking at their progress to date and setting targets for the remainder of the year.

Parents Evenings will follow after the reports have been issued – see calendar for dates

What to look for on the PARs/Reports: Our reports/PARs focus on the areas that we as a school believe are important for students to make progress:

1. Attendance and Punctuality:

“Be in school, be on time”. Students who attend school (95% or above attendance) are statistically more likely to make progress and outperform students who have a lower rate of attendance. Attendance is measured on both the PARs and Full Reports.

2. Effort Score:

Always strive for excellence. Try your hardest”. Students are given an Effort Score of 1 - 4 for each subject. These scores are added together and divided by the number of courses studied to give the:-

Average Effort Score.

•This average is the Effort Score displayed on the PAR and Report.

•Students with an Effort Score below 2 would be demonstrating Good to Outstanding Effort.

•Students with an Effort Score above 2.5 would be a ‘Cause for Concern’.

•In this case students would receive intervention to help them improve their overall effort.

•Effort scores are not based on ability – they are only based on effort

•Individual Effort Scores for each subject are available from Tutors on APR Day or from Subject Teachers on Parents Evening.

3. The End of Year MINIMUM Working at Grade:

This is specific to each student and is the minimum standard students should be achieving by the end of the academic year. We expect students to make at least 1.5 levels of progress across the year. Therefore you may find that at the beginning of the academic year students are 1 or 2 grades from their target, this is acceptable at the start of the year but we would expect the difference to reduce as the year progresses and for students to reduce the gap from their current attainment towards the target grade. In many cases students should and will exceed their minimum target by the end of the year.

Average Point Score:

The average point’s value calculated from the Current Working at Grade. This will be based on the classwork, homework, assessment and tests completed in each subjects.

Student Conduct:

Achievement Points are awarded good behaviour/effort.

Behaviour Points are awarded for poor behaviour/effort.

Bringing Christ to All and All to Christ

St Michael’s Catholic High School Effort Grid

Passion / Perseverance / Preparedness / Pride / People oriented / Pro-activeness
(always) / Always willing to participate fully in tasks
Works independently
Loves school
Has a thirst and desire for learning
Always tries hard
Sustained desire for excellence / Always resilient and always perseveres
Attendance > 99%
Will always act on feedback
Shows determination
Willing to fail and try again
Set-backs never discourage / Always fully equipped
Homework always completed and striving for improvement
Always meets deadlines / Work produced always shows attention to neatness, detail and accuracy.
Uniform perfect
Challenges themselves
Goes ‘above and beyond’ / Works well in a group both for themselves and others
Always polite and courteous
Always demonstrates excellent behaviour for learning / Punctual
Problem solver
Always looking to improve
Always volunteers
2 / GOOD
(most of the time) / Usually willing to participate fully in tasks
Frequently does independent work
Shows a love of school most of the time
Usually tries hard
Desire for excellence / Usually resilient and usually perseveres
Attendance > 95 <99%
Usually acts on feedback
Usually shows determination
Will risk failing
Set-backs rarely discourage / Fully equipped with the basics
Homework always completed to a good standard
Meets deadlines most of the time / Work produced shows attention to neatness, detail and accuracy
Uniform usually perfect
Can challenge themselves
Meets expectations / Usually works well in a group both for themselves and others
Polite and courteous
Demonstrates good behaviour for learning / Punctual
Attempts to solve problems
Usually looking to improve
Often volunteers
(sometimes) / Sometimes willing to participate fully in tasks
Sometimes does independent work
Tolerates school
Sometimes tries hard
Sporadic desire for excellence / Rarely resilient and rarely perseveres
Attendance >92.5 <95%
Sometimes acts on feedback
Sometimes shows determination
Sometimes willing to take risks
Set-backs often discourage / No pencil case but has basic equipment
Homework completed but to a minimum standard
Does not always meet deadlines / Work produced rarely shows attention to neatness, detail and accuracy
Uniform sometimes not correct
Works in comfort zone
Falls below expectations / Can works well in a group both for themselves and others
Usually polite and courteous
Sometimes demonstrates good behaviour for learning / Sometimes late
Dependent on others to help before trying
Sometimes looks to improve
Sometimes volunteers
(rarely) / Rarely willing to participate fully in tasks
Does not work independently
Sees school as a burden
Rarely tries
No desire for excellence / Show little resilience and requires adult or peer to motivate
Attendance < 92.5%
Rarely acts on feedback
Rarely shows determination
Never takes risks
Set-backs always discourage / Rarely comes with equipment to learn
Homework often not done or incomplete
Rarely meets a deadline. / Work produced never shows attention to neatness, detail and accuracy
Frequent breaches on uniform
Rarely pushes themselves
Does not meet basic expectations / Cannot work well in a group for themselves or for others
Not always polite and courteous
Does not demonstrate behaviour conducive for learning / Frequently late
Says ‘I’m done…I don’t get it’
Rarely looking to improve
Rarely volunteers
  • This is a ‘best fit’ model. To achieve any level must exhibit the majority of qualities.

Bringing Christ to All and All to Christ