Implementing Discontinuation and Teach-out of Courses and Majors
Planning Template
ThefollowingPlanning Templateforimplementingdiscontinuation andteach‐outofcoursesandmajorshas beendevelopedtoassistFaculties/Institutes/DivisionsinpreparingtheirsubmissionstoAcademicSenate,whichwill ensure University‐wideconsistency,establishclearly theUniversity’sneedtomake amendmentstoits courses(includingdiscontinuationof awards), identifythe keyprocedurestobefollowedby Faculties/Institutes/Divisions includingconsultationwithaffectedstudents,andminimiseconfusion amongststudents.Academic Senatewillrequirethatchangesto,andtheteach‐outof,acourseormajorbeundertaken withinthe frameworkof maintainingthe University’sapprovedqualityassurance procedures.
In proposing significant amendments to an existing course[1], including the discontinuation of a complete awardcourse[2] ormajor[3] andanyconsequentteach‐out,please complete thefollowing:
Full name of Course/Major:Abbreviated Course Title:
Course Code:
Clearly outline the reasons for the amendments to the course (and the consequent rationalisation of any majors):
What assurance can be given thatthe proposed changewillnotresultinastudent[4]beingrequiredtoundertakea greaterworkloadortotakealongertimetocompletetheprogramthanhadbeenanticipated when they first enrolledforthe course?
Inthe caseofanamended or replacementcourse: which of the following options will need to be offered to students currently enrolled in the course?Please tick the relevant box/s.
- Transferto the amendedcourse
- units already completed
- unitsrequiredto becompleted
- receivingmaximum advancedstandingorequivalent credit
- An option for a teach‐out
In the case of deletion of a major: which of the following options will need to be offered to students currently enrolled in the course?Please tick the relevant box/s.
- Transfertoother majors
- Alternativemethodsof deliveryoftheirmajorwithout loss of standingin thecourse
- An option for a teach‐out
In the event of discontinuation of a complete award: which of the following options will need to be offered to students currently enrolled in the course? Please tick the relevant box/s.
- Transfertoothercourses
- Anoption forateach‐out[5]
What steps will be taken to communicate with applicants (prospective students who have applied but have not yet accepted an offer)? What alternative will they be offered?
What stepswillbetakentocounselallstudentsenrolledinthe course/major?
What levelofconsultation withotherSchools/Faculties/Institutes/Divisions is required?
What is thenumberof students that are involved?
What arrangementsare proposedforany teach‐out?Please indicate the generic study plan arrangements for students, a communication strategy (how students will be notified of changes, with specialconsiderationgiventostudentsin theirsecond orlateryears of study,in relation tothelikelihoodof morerestrictedoptionsfor suchstudents) and responsibilities (who will be doing what). If insufficient space, please attach a separate planning document.
What timeframe is proposed for any teach-out[6]?See examples over page.
Year of study at time of decision / Implementation of teach-out
Add comments if required:
Example 1: Discontinuation/Teach-Out of Bachelor of X (typical 3 year course)
Academic Senate approves decision in 2016; no new intake into course in 2017:
Year of study at time of decision / Implementation of teach-out2016 / 2017 / 2018 teach-out / 2019 teach-out
Year 2 / Year 3
(normal completion)
Year 3
(normal completion)
Notes:OptionsforYear1studentsin2016wouldincludetransfertotheamendedcourseoran alternative course at the University, or the Faculty/Institute/Division may negotiate a teach‐out involving cross institutional studyorotherarrangements.
Also note the timeliness of the Academic decision can impact whether admissions have occurred. Typically, domestic admissions open on 1 August of the year prior to the start year. Therefore, any changes to a course made after 1 August may already have had a 2017 intake.
TheFaculty/Institute/Division concernedwouldberequiredtoadviseAcademicSenateofarrangementsforallstudents includingany option fora teach‐out which would extendbeyond 2019 (e.g. to 2020).
Example 2: Discontinuation/Teach-Out of Major Y (typical 3 year course)
Academic Senate approves decision in 2016; no new intake into major in 2017:
Year of study at time of decision / Implementation of teach-out2016 / 2017 / 2018 teach-out
Year 2 / Year 3 (normal completion)
Year 3 (normal completion)
Notes:OptionsforYear1studentsin2016wouldincludetransfertotheamendedcourseand/ortoan alternativemajor,ortheFaculty/Institute/Divisionmaynegotiateateach‐outinvolvingcrossinstitutionalstudyorother arrangements.
TheFaculty/Institute/Division concernedwouldberequiredtoadviseAcademicSenateofarrangementsforallstudents includingany option fora teach‐out which would extendbeyond 2018 (e.g. to 2019).
Example 3: Discontinuation/Teach-Out of Bachelor of X (typical 4 year or longer course)
Academic Senate approves decision in 2016; no new intake into course in 2017:
Year of study at time of decision / Implementation of teach-out2016 / 2017 / 2018 teach-out / 2019 teach-out / 2020 teach-out
Year 2/3/4 / Penultimate Year (3-5)
Penultimate Year (3-5) / Final Year (4-6:normal completion)
Final Year (4-6:normal completion)
Notes:OptionsforYear1studentsin 2016 wouldinclude transfer totheamendedcourseor an alternativecourse at theUniversity, ortheFaculty/Institute/Divisionmaynegotiateateach‐out involvingcross institutional studyorotherarrangements.
TheFaculty/Institute/Divisionconcernedwouldbe requiredtoadvise AcademicSenateofarrangementsfor allstudents includingany option fora teach‐out which would extendbeyond 2020 (e.g. to 2021).
Once teach-out, or transfer due to deletion has been completed, a Briefing Note reporting that this has occurred will need to be submitted to Academic Senate.
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[1] Significant amendments to an existing course as defined Table 1 (Levels of approval for new awards and courses and changes to courses, specifications and schedules); i.e. including deletion of award/major, change in course duration, change to campus offering.
[2] Award course/course = a course of study prescribed in the specifications of a particular degree, diploma or certificate listed in the schedule to the Rules of Awards.
[3] Major = an area of specialisation continued for the duration of a course at a deeper level of content with knowledge developed to a high level providing the basis for postgraduate study.
[4] In all cases “students” should include any student on approved Leave of Absence at the time that the decisions to discontinue is made.
[5] In such an instance the University may make arrangements for students to complete the course at another tertiary institution.
[6] Normally the date of effect of the implementation of the teach‐out be determined by the normal full‐time completion date of the majority of the students and that the period of teach‐out be as follows:
•in the case of an award course: two years beyond the date of effect; and
•in the case of a major: normally one year, depending on the availability of alternative options and the number of students involved.