Minnesota Reflections

Call for Projects

Phase 15 (2018-2019)

We are pleased to announce that Phase 15 is now open! As always, we welcome content for Minnesota Reflections on a wide range of topics, as long as the subject matter is in, of, or about Minnesota or Minnesotans.We explicitly encourage submissions that add to the diversity and inclusivity of the historical materials shared in Reflections. We accept many types of materials as well,some examples of which are listed below, so it is likely you have items in your collection that would be a good fit. New for this year is the option to submit materials to become part of a Primary Source Set. Visit our website at mndigital.org/projects/primarysourcesets to see examples of Primary Source Sets and learn more about them.

To become part of the MDL and Reflections for the first time, or to contribute again, please contact MDL Outreach Coordinator Molly Huber at or 612-301-1329/800-462-5348 to discuss your project. Application forms are available online at mndigital.org or by contacting the Outreach Coordinator. We will accept applications until our money for this phase is fully allocated or until May 10, 2019, whichever comes first. We look forward to hearing from you!

About the MDL and Minnesota Reflections

The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) is a statewide project supported by the people of Minnesota. The purpose of its signature project, Minnesota Reflections is to provide access to collections housed in organizationssuch as libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, and other cultural heritage institutions from across the state in one centralized, easily searchable location, reflections.mndigital.org. To achieve that purpose, the MDL assists these organizations with converting valuable resources to digital formats, sharing digital expertise, and providing access to services such as digital project management, training and assistance in project development, metadata creation, and education in best practices and standards for digitization work. Already have important items digitized? We can add those to Reflections as well - contact the MDL Outreach Coordinator to discuss the possibilities.

Minnesota Reflections General Topic Areas

Agriculture / Health and Medicine
American Indians / Immigration and Ethnicity
Animals / Labor
Architecture / People of Minnesota
The Arts / Politics and Government
Business and Industry / Religion
Communication / Social Issues
Crime and Punishment / Sports and Recreation
Education / Transportation
Environment / Weather

Types of Material Accepted

Images (such as photographs, postcards, prints, drawings)

Documents (letters, diaries, ledgers, texts)





Molly Huber

Minnesota Digital Library Outreach Coordinator


University of Minnesota

60 Wilson Library

309 19th Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55455


Telephone: 612-301-1329 or 800-462-5348

The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL), a service of Minitex, is funded by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund of the Minnesota Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution via the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS). Additional funding is provided byMinitex. MDL’s collaborative partners, including the University of Minnesota, also contribute substantial in-kind services.

Minitex, University of Minnesota, 60 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455

- 612-624-4002 – 800-462-5348