WORKOUT #1: Place 3 X’s in a triangle shape on the wall with tape and alternate hitting them with your throws for accuracy

30 right throws30 left throws30 right long pass throws30 left long pass throws

15 one handed throws (right)15 one handed throws (left)30 side arm throws (right)

30 side arm throws (left)

30 bounce ground balls (throw the ball at the wall-low-so it will hit the wall, bounce once on the ground, and roll back to you to be picked up as a ground ball. Be sure to run through these, so maybe step back from the wall a bit so you have room to run onto the ball)

30 pop up balls right (throw the ball close to the wall but so that is hits the ground and then the wall, this will make the ball pop high into the air so you can practice wrapping it up)

30 pop up balls left

WORKOUT #2: Place 5 X’s in a horizontal line across the wall(give a good foot of space between each X). This workout is stick skills while sliding back and forth, so practice hitting each X as you slide back and forth doing your stick skills.

30 right throws30 left throws30 quick sticks right30 quick sticks left

15 one handed throws (right)15 one handed throws (left)

30 opposite throws right (stick is in right hand, but throw and catch the ball on the left side of your body)

30 opposite throws left (stick is in left hand, but throws and catch the ball on the right side of your body)

30 long passes right30 long passes left

WORKOUT #3: Place 2 X’s with tape one on top of the other with about 6-8 inches of space in between them. As you go through your workout, try to hit the space in between the X’s each time your throw for accuracy.

30 right handed throws30 left handed throws30 side arm throws (right)30 side arm throws (left)

15 one handed quick sticks (right)15 one handed quick sticks (left)

30 little sticks right (little sticks=top hand on the neck of your stick just below the head, bottom hand in the middle of the shaft)

30 little sticks left30 catch and switch (catch one hand, switch and throw with the other)

30 throw and switch (throw with one hand, switch to catch with the other)

WORKOUT #4: Do this work out standing on one foot for balance

15 right throws (standing on left foot)15 left throws (standing on right foot)

15 quick sticks right (on left foot)15 quick sticks left (on right foot)

15 one handed throws (right) on left foot15 one handed throws (left) on right foot

15 side arm throws (right) on left foot15 side arm throws (left) on right foot

15 opposite right throws on left foot (stick is in right hand, but you are catching and throwing on the left side of your body)

15 opposite left throws on right foot (stick is in left hand, but you are catching and throwing on the right side of your body)

WORKOUT #5: Do this workout while running up and back (about a 5 yard span of space) Make sure to protect your stick while moving backwards, keeping it behind your shoulders and running back in a side stance, the way a football quarterback drop steps to throw a pass.

30 right throws30 left throws30 side arm throws (right)30 left arm throws (left)

30 long passes (right)30 long passes (left)30 catch and switch

30 throw and switch (throw and switch hands to catch the ball as it comes back off the wall)

30 pop up throws right (throw the ball as you are backing up to simulate a dump pass, then run up to catch it while going forward)

30 pop up throws left

30 ground balls (roll the ball at the wall while moving backwards, then run up to scoop it while moving forward)

WORKOUT #6: Place an X made of tape on the wall as your target. Put a trash can or other tall object (even a person!) in front of you to pass around. Practice your levels of passing to hit the X and pass around the obstacle in your way. This will help you to avoid blocked passes or feeds.

30 right throws30 left throws30 side arm throws (right)30 left arm throws (left)

30 pop up throws right (simulating a dump pass, Make sure to protect your hands and keep them behind your shoulders to make this pass)

30 pop up throws left

Fake low pass high right (use your hand and body levels to fake low and pass high)

Fake low pass high left

Fake high pass low right (use your hand and body levels to fake high and pass side arm)

Fake high pass low left

WORKOUT #7: Place 3 X’s made of tape on the wall. Make a large, medium, and small X. This is meant to practice your accuracy. You must hit the X 15 times before you move on to the next skill!!!

Big X:

15 right throws15 left throws15 side arm throws (right)15 side arm throws (left)

15 quick stick right15 quick stick left

Medium X:

15 right throws15 left throws15 one handed throws (right)15 one handed throws (left)

15 quick stick right15 quick stick left

Small X:

15 right throws15 left throws15 catch and switch (catch and switch hands to throw)

15 throw and switch (throw and switch hands to catch)15 side arm throws (right)

15 side arm throws (left)


Do the following work out AS FAST AS YOU CAN! Time it and make sure you are NOT QUICK STICKING, unless the drill is a quick stick. Do this work out TWICE, with a 5 minute rest in between and try to beat your initial time!

15 right15 left10 right side arm10 left side arm15 right quick stick

15 left quick stick10 right10 left


Do the following workout with a LITTLE STICK. (place your top hand at the throat of your stick, just below the head, and your bottom hand midway, or where your top hand would usually be).

20 right20 left20 right quick stick20 left quick stick20 catch and switch

20 throw and switch20 ground balls

20 duck quick sticks DOM (keep stick in your dom hand, but switch the side of your body you catch on each time youthrow)

20 duck quick sticks NON DOM


“LONG-SHORT-SHORT” Start far away from the wall and throw a long pass (high) at the wall. Sprint to catch it, and then throw 2 short passes right on top of the wall before jogging back to start the next rep.

10 right10 left10 rigth side arm10 left side arm10 right quick stick

10 left quick stick10 throw and catch opposite right10 throw and catch opposite left


“BOX BALL” Use tape to make a box about 6x6 on the wall. Do the following workout:

Target-IN box: 25 right 25 left 25 RQS 25 LQS 25 catch & switch 25 throw & switch

Target-ABOVE box: 30R 30L 30 opposite R 30 opposite L

Target-BELOW box: 30 RQS 30 LQS 30 side arm R 30 side arm L

Target-IN then LEFT of box: 25 right 25 left 25 RQS 25 LQS

Target-IN then RIGHT of box: 25 right 25 left 25 RQS 25 LQS


“OVER THE SHOULDER SESSION” Do each exercise from 1 to 10 on each wall (so you should do this work out in a room where there is a wall behind you to throw at as well!) Ex. Right hand, 1 throw then an over the shoulder, turn and face other wall for 1 throw and an over the shoulder. Turn and face the 1st wall and do 2 throws then an over the shoulder then turn and face other wall for 2 throws and an over the shoulder, etc. Repeat until you have thrown 10 passes on each side. You will throw a total of 20 passes right before you move on to left, 20 total left passes before you move on to opposite right, etc.

Rightleftopposite rightopposite leftquick stick right

quick stick leftside arm rightSide arm leftright left