Once you click on the link to go to SNAP, you will see the following screen. Click on Check Configuration before moving ahead.

You will want to choose Register if you are a New Student. You will then see the following screen:

If you are a New Student, you will click Register for SNAP. If you have taken Word 2013 just last semester, you will click Add Another Course and use new enrollment key. If you don’t have a textbook yet, you will Register for SNAP and check off the box Trial Activation, next login. The Trial Activation is only good for 15 days.

If you click Register for SNAP you will fill in the information as required.

I recommend using your first initial and last name as your username, such as kburtonand the same password you use to log into My.DTCC so you don’t have too many passwords to memorize. Your Enrollment Key isoat157online-spring2016. Your activation code is with your textbook information.

When you have correctly added yourself to the course you will see the following screen. This is by clicking All Activities from the menu on the left side of the screen:

Once you have created your account and added the correct information you will see the following Course Information if you click All Topics on the left menu.

Basically you will see a weekly update to go along with your course calendar and dates. For example, there are tutorials located at the top but labeled to go with each Chapter. If you scroll down you will see dates for each week. Once you have read, reviewed, and completed the tutorials, you will want to complete the Practice Concept and Skill Exams in addition the Grade-Itsfor the specific chapterfor practice. The graded assignment will be labeled as Graded Assignment for Chapter ?, these go towards your assignment grade. You have 3 attempts at each Performance Evaluation. After each unit you will see required Unit Assessments that go towards your assignment grade as well. Any item that has a date following it (due date) is required. If the required items are not completed by the designated dates, 0% will be earned. No credit is earned for assignments past the scheduled due date. Please do not ask.

Some of the chapters do not have performance evaluations so you will refer to the textbook when necessary for assignments. This will be indicated in SNAP, as well as the calendar.

snap instruction sheet--2013Word Level I