NOVEMBER 8, 2017

The regular meeting of the Mount Penn Borough Municipal Authority was held on Wednesday, November 8, 2017, in the meeting room of the John A. Becker Municipal Building, 200 North 25th Street, Reading, PA 19606 at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Tuan Duong. The following Board members were present in addition to Mr. Duong:

Joseph Boyle, Secretary

Alfred Worrall, Treasurer

Kelly Dudash, Asst. Secretary/Treasurer

Also present were the following:

Teresa Christof, Business Office Manager

Matt Hauck, Water System Superintendent

Brad Smith, Arro Consulting

Mark Merolla, Solicitor

Ann Sellers

Bill Bradley

Motion was made by Alfred Worrall, seconded by Joseph Boyle, to approve the minutes of the October 2017 meeting. All approved.

Motion was made by Joseph Boyle, seconded by Kelly Dudash, to approve the Treasurer’s Report for October 2017. All approved.



Motion was made by Joseph Boyle, seconded by Kelly Dudash, to approve the (attached) quote for $5,037.00 from J/M Fence Company to install a hydraulic gate system at the entrance of our Spook Lane property. All approved.

Motion was made by Joseph Boyle, seconded by Kelly Dudash, to approve the (attached) quote for $1,823.00 from Burkholder Manufacturing, Inc. for a single axle utility trailer to transport our mowing equipment to our properties. All approved.

Matt Hauck stated that they are troubleshooting problems with the Carsonia pump station fluoride pump.

The service line leak to 12 Cherrydale Ave. was fixed by the customer. Concrete repairs still need to be made.

We replaced the curb box to 4 Park Lane because the shut-off valve was covered with concrete.

Clem’s Lock and Key Service came to change our locks; all locks now have security keys.

We boarded the door to the house on our Spook Lane property because the door was kicked in.

Motion was made by Joseph Boyle, seconded by Alfred Worrall, to purchase a Line-X truck bed liner for our new 2017 Ford F-350 truck for $1,000.00. All approved.


A safety meeting was held on Time Management.


Motion was made by Kelly Dudash, seconded by Tuan Duong, to approve the (attached) Resolution #4-2017 to adopt a Schedule of Rates and Fees under the Municipal Authorities Act. All approved.

Mark Merolla distributed the (attached) resolution to pass the costs of attorney’s fees onto the customer if we have a problem collecting a large unpaid balance to the Board for review.


Brad Smith stated that the bids for the Oley Turnpike Water Main Replacement project should be ready for our December 2017 meeting.

Brad Smith received the updated plans for Phase I of the Carsonia Park Master Plan and will review them for approval at our December 2017 meeting.

Brad Smith stated that Arro Consulting is available for assistance with the implementation of MPBMA’s Source Water plan initiatives.


We mailed 827 past-due water/sewer notices to customers.

Teresa Christof distributed the (attached) 2018 proposed Budget and Capital Improvement plan to the board members for review.

The Board approved the (attached) quote from United Document Destruction & Storage to shred checks and other documentation that have been in storage for seven years or more. The cost of the shredding is a $55.95 minimum charge up to 250 pounds. Weight exceeding 250 lbs. will be charged at a rate of .12 cents per pound.

Teresa Christof distributed the (attached) quote from M.J. Reider Associates, the Board for $2,120.00 to complete the new 2018 UCMR Drinking Water lab testing requirements.


A Source Water Protection meeting was held on 10/18/17 at Berks Nature. Mike Ronco from Liberty Environmental gave committee members an update on the Crystal Lake assessment. A follow-up meeting will be held on 11/28/17 with Larry Lloyd and Liberty Environmental to discuss the development of storm water best management practices for Crystal Lake. The next quarterly MPBMA Source Water Protection meeting will held in March 2018.

Joseph Boyle distributed the (attached) sign design regarding pet waste disposal to be posted at Crystal Lake. Mr. Boyle would like to include the purchase of the pet waste disposal signs and pet waste receptacles for Carsonia Park in our 2018 Source Water Protection budget.



A.V.R.C.C.’s next meeting will be held on 11/13/17. Joseph Boyle stated that Puffnock Electric is updating the electrical wiring to the outside electrical outlet at the recreation center building to prevent a potential electrical fire.


Joseph Boyle stated that the Carsonia Craft Beer Festival held last month was very successful and raised $17,000.00 for Carsonia Park improvements.

Joseph Boyle stated that R.C.A.V. is waiting for Exeter Township to approve the permits for Phase 1 of the Carsonia Park Master plan. Alfred Worrall stated that MPBMA should consider having a sub-lease with R.C.A.V. for the permitting process since MPBMA owns the property.

Motion was made by Alfred Worrall, seconded by Joseph Boyle, to make a $1,000.00 donation to R.C.A.V. for the publishing of an historic book containing Carsonia park photos taken by George Meiser IX and other local historians. All approved.


No Report.



No Report.





Motion was made by Joseph Boyle, seconded by Alfred Worrall, to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. All approved.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa A. Christof

Teresa A. Christof

Recording Secretary