Evolutionary Biology

Exam II, Fall 2017

A. Multiple Choice Questions. Choose the best possible answer. Use the bubble sheet. (1 pt. each)

1. When selection acts to eliminate one extreme from an array of phenotypes it is called
(A)natural selection (B)stabilizing selection (C) disruptive selection (D)directional selection (E)artificial selection.

2. Which one of the following is not an example of a reproductive isolating mechanism?
(A)sympatric isolation (B)behavioral isolation (C)ecological isolation (D)mechanical isolation (E)temporal isolation.

3. A behavior that has evolved to aid relatives, although at personal risk, and thus increases the chance of your genes being passed on to the next generation is known as(A)altricial behavior (B)instinctive behavior (C)kin selection (D)operant conditioning (E)adaptive behavior.

4. Which plants are characterized by a vascular conducting system, the possession of cuticles, specialized stems, and roots, stomata, and, in many species, seeds?(A)liverworts (B)mosses (C)tracheophyta (D)horsetails (E)club mosses.

5. The infection cycle of HIV includes all of the following steps except(A)attachment (B)entry (C)replication (D)immediately killing the host cell (E)viral DNA integrates into the host chromosome.

6. The gametophyte is green and nutritionally independent in(A)mosses, liverworts, and ferns (B)angiosperms (C)gymnosperms (D)conifers (E)cycads.

7. A microbiologist is conducting a research project on chemoautotrophs. This means that the investigator is examining certain aspects of a bacterium that(A)can oxidize sulfur (B)is a purple non-sulfur bacteria which depends on light (C)obtains carbon from organic molecules (D)can use the energy from sunlight to build organic molecules from carbon dioxide (E)uses light as its energy source and carbon for organic compounds.

8. The biological species concept can be applied to all of the following except
(A)sympatric organisms (B)allopatric organisms (C)eukaryotic organisms (D)prokaryotic organisms (E)asexually-reproducing organisms.

9. Meiosis also has been called reduction division because(A) new somatic cells are produced but with a reduction in the required amount of time, which promotes faster wound healing. (B)new gametes are produced but their numbers are reduced. (C)there is a reduction in the chromosome number during two separate nuclear and cell divisions to produce gametes. (D)there is a reduction in the chromosome number during two separate nuclear and cell divisions to produce somatic cells. (E)there is an initial reduction in the chromosome number during the first division followed by an increase in chromosome number, the second division quickly follows the increase in number of chromosomes.

10. Two of Darwin's finches display a character displacement when they occur as sympatric species. Which of the statements correctly interprets the graph?

A.Both species have the same size beak on Santa Maria Island (B)Both species have the same size beaks on Daphne Major (C)Both species have the same size beaks on Los Hermanos Island (D)The two species have different beak sizes when they occur on the same island (E)The two species feed on different food resources; one feeds on seeds while the other feeds on insects.


11. The genetic alteration of a cell's genome by the direct introduction of foreign DNA is called(A)transfection (B)transformation (C)transcription (D)translation (E)transduction.

12. The recessive phenotype of a trait occurs in 25% of a population. There are no selection pressures affecting this trait. What would be the expected frequency of the dominant allele after six generations of continued non-selection?(A)0.25 (B)0.306 (C)0.50 (D)0.494 (E)0.75

13. If populations within a common area split into species, the process is known as(A)sympatric speciation (B)allopatric speciation (C)racial speciation (D)ecotypical speciation (E)reproductive speciation.

14. The California populations of the Northern elephant seal are descendants from a very small population of seals that was over-hunted in the 1890s. Heterozygosity in this population would be expected to be ______due to ______. (A)slight; a bottleneck effect
(B)slight; the founder effect (C)great; disruptive selection (D)great; a bottleneck effect (E)great; assortive mating.

15. In the southeastern U.S., two species of wild lettuce (Lactuca) do not usually form hybrids, because they bloom at different seasons. The means of isolation appears to be(A)behavioral
(B)temporal (C)geographical (D)mechanical (E)ecological.

16. If the sequence of bases in a section of DNA is ATCGCTCC, what is the corresponding sequence of bases in mRNA?(A)ATCCGATT (B)TAGGCUGG (C).UAGCGAGG

17. You are studying a population of geese in which there are two color phases, brown and gray. Color in this species is controlled by a single gene, with brown dominant to gray. A random sample of 250 geese shows that 210 are brown. What percentage of the brown geese are heterozygous? (Assume that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.)(A)36%
(B)43% (C)48% (D)57% (E)84%.

18. In disruptive selection, over time(A)a population goes extinct (B)the most extreme outliers of a population are eliminated (e.g., the largest beaks and smallest beaks are eliminated) (C)the population is strongly selected for in one direction (e.g., larger beak size) (D)the population is strongly selected for in two directions (e.g., larger beak size and smaller beak size) (E)a population increases its variation (e.g., a wide selection of all beak sizes).

19. A layer of lipoprotein and glycoprotein that covers the outer surface of some viruses is the
(A)capsid (B)casing (C)envelope (D)membrane (E)viroid.

20. Which radioactive dating method would you use to date the age of an artifact from the pyramids of Egypt? (A) Uranium-Lead (B) Potassium-Argon (C) Rubidium-Strontium (D) Carbon-Nitrogen (E) Hydrogen-Helium

21. In which of the following characteristics, prokaryotes and eukaryotes are similar?(A)cell division (B)internal compartmentalization (C)flagella (D)contain ribosomes (E)enzymes localized in the plasma membrane.

22. Which of the following is not true about prokaryotes?(A)They are the oldest organisms on Earth (B)They are the structurally simplest organisms (C)They are the most abundant cellular life forms on Earth (D)They contain organelles (E)They are found in fossils 3.5 billion years old.

23. The gene pool includes(A)all of the fitness within a population (B)all of the individuals within a population (C)all of the mutations within a population (D)all of the adaptations within a population (E)all of the alleles of genes within a population.

24. Pea fowl (peacocks and peahens) show sexual dimorphism. Which statement best describes the graphed data?

(A) There are no peacocks with less than 140 eyespots (B)The fewer eyespots that a peacock has in his tail, the more mates he attracts (C)Actually eyespots have very little to do with mate-attracting activities (D) The more eyespots that a peacock has in his tail, the more mates he attracts (E)There are no peacocks with more than 160 eyespots.

25. Sickle-cell anemia is a classic example of(A)founder effect (B)genetic bottleneck (C)point mutation (D)heterozygote advantage (E)heterozygosity.

26. A type of isolating mechanism that leads to reproductive isolation by preventing the formation of hybrid zygotes is called ______isolating mechanism. (A)hybridization (B)postzygotic (C)prezygotic (D) adaptive (E)differential.

27 Prokaryotes undergo a process that produces cells that are identical. This process is called(A)mitosis (B)meiosis (C)conjugation (D)binary fission (E)syngamy.

28 Where would you expect to find the enzymes for the Krebs cycle? A) nucleus B) Golgi body C) chloroplast D) mitochondria E) cytoplasm.

29. If the frequency of an autosomal recessive trait in humans is 490 out of 1000 births, what would be the expected frequency of homozygous dominants for the trait if we assume that the gene is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? (A) 0.09 (B)0.18 (C) 0.42 (D) 0.49 (E)None of the above.

30. A keystone species is (A) the largest animal in a habitat (B) the species that lives the longest (C) the species with the largest number of individuals (D) the species that occupies the largest home range (E) the species whose presence or absence has the greatest impact on the ecosystem.

31. The direction of genetic information transfer in a retrovirus (such as the HIV) is(A)DNA to mRNA to protein (B)RNA to DNA to mRNA to protein (C)DNA to protein (D)RNA to mRNA to protein (E)RNA to protein.

32. Angiosperms are primarily characterized by all of the following except(A)ovules are enclosed within other tissues at the time of pollination (B)a seed develops within a carpel (C)the ovary matures into the fruit (D)free water is required for pollination (E)they bear flowers which are modified stems bearing modified leaves.

33.Adaptive radiation is best described as the(A)existence of groups of closely related species recently evolved from a common ancestor (B)existence of groups of distantly related species recently evolved from a common ancestor (C)existence of groups of closely related species recently evolved from different ancestors through hybridization (D)existence of individuals of closely related species that originated in different areas within diverse habitats, but that have rejoined as a single species.

34. Plasmids are distinguished from bacterial chromosomes in that(A)plasmids are circular, bacterial chromosomes are linear (B)plasmids occur in the cytoplasm, bacterial chromosomes occur in the nucleus (C)plasmids are composed of RNA, bacterial chromosomes are composed of DNA (D)plasmids have few genes, bacterial chromosomes have many genes (E)plasmids consist of single-stranded nucleic acids, bacterial chromosomes consist of double-stranded nucleic acids.

35. Which is NOT a piece of evidence in support of the endosymbiotic hypothesis? (A) There are many similarities between bacteria, nuclei and ribosomes. (B) Protein synthesis in mitochondria and bacteria is inhibited by antibiotics. (C) The enzymes for DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in bacteria and chloroplasts are similar. (D) Chloroplasts and mitochondria have circular DNA (E) None of the above answers are wrong; all are evidence for the hypothesis

36.Which of the following is the correct pairing of a term and definition that result in sympatric speciation? (A) Autopolyploidy—haploid gametes of the same species form a zygote. (B)Autosomalpolyploidy—additional duplication of autosomal chromosomes double their chromosomes (C) Autopolyploidy—diploid gametes of two different species form a zygote (D) Allopolyploidy—two different species hybridize and double their chromosomes

37.Suppose there were a small island with most palm trees producing traditional brown coconuts with only a few trees producing orange shells instead. A tidal wave hit the island and destroyed many of the trees but most of the orange individuals managed to survive by luck. Now the gene pool has a disproportionate high number of orange alleles. What should we call this shift in frequency? (A) Founder effect (B) Artificial selection (C) Natural selection (D) Epigenetics (E) Bottleneck effect

38. Mitochondria and chloroplast have ribosomes. If the theory for the endosymbiotic origin of these organelles is correct, then these ribosomes should be most similar to ribosomes found
(A)on the rough ER of a eukaryotic cell (B)free in the cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell (C)on the nuclear envelope of a eukaryotic cell (D)free in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell (E)on the rough ER of a prokaryotic cell.

39. Female loraxes prefer to mate with males with the largest mustaches. Over time the mustaches have gotten so large that when the males try to run from predators they trip over them making them an easy target. Despite this disadvantage, the females continue chose to mate with the males with the largest mustaches. What type of selection is this an example of? (A) selective advantage selection (B) runaway selection (C) kin selection (D) interspecific competition (E) inclusive fitness

40. How many different types of gametes can be formed by plants with a genotype of PpYYrrTt?(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 16 (E) None of the above

41. Certain small towns in the western United States have remained isolated and inbred since their settlement many years ago. Some alleles are more common in these communities as compared to the rest of the population. This situation is most probably the result of(A)artificial selection (B)directional selection (C)disrupting selection (D)Hardy-Weinberg principle (E)founder principle.

42.Protists are extremely diverse and this poses a challenge to their classification. Four of the five statements are true concerning protists and their classification. Select the exception.
(A)The Kingdom Protista contains unicellular, colonial, and multicellular members. (B)The Kingdom Protista contains autotrophs and heterotrophs. (C)The Kingdom Protista contains members that have chloroplasts. (D)The Kingdom Protista contain eukaryotes and prokaryotes. (E)The members of the single Kingdom Protista are not representative of any evolutionary relationships.

43. The earliest fossils on earth are of this type (A) carbonized film (B) permineralized specimens (C) casts (D) original material (E) chemical fossils

44. A virgin pine forest covers a valley, and one of the inhabitants is a red squirrel species. A large volcanic eruption occurs and separates the valley with a huge lava flow that the squirrels cannot cross, thus producing two isolated populations of squirrels. What change needs to occur for the two populations of squirrels to become separate species?(A)The two squirrel populations must eat distinct species of plants (B)The area that the squirrel populations occupy changes so that the squirrel populations exist in distinct habitats (C) The fur color of the two squirrel populations must become distinct (D)The two squirrel populations select mates using the same sexual behavior (E)The two squirrel populations become reproductively isolated.

45. Essay on the Principle of Population, written by Thomas Malthus in 1798, influenced Darwin's thoughts as he struggled to understand what mechanisms could be at work to produce evolution. Malthus proposed that populations of animals and plants, including humans (A)increased arithmetically in numbers while the nutrients available only increased geometrically. (B) increased geometrically in numbers while the nutrients available only increased arithmetically. (C) decreased arithmetically in numbers while the nutrients available increased geometrically. (D) increased geometrically in numbers while the nutrients available decreased arithmetically. (E) evolved from mainland to islands, thus explaining why the island flora and fauna resembled the mainland species so closely.

46. One of the main reasons genes assort independently of one another is that(A)they produce unrelated traits. (B)they produce related traits. (C)they are on the same chromosome.
(D) they are different alleles. (E) they are on different chromosomes.

47. Darwin proposed that natural selection occurs in an environment by(A)favoring heritable features that make the organism better suited to survive and reproduce (B)producing a constant number of offspring while in that environment (C)surviving for a fixed amount of time (D)resisting the environment and keeping the environment from changing (E)favoring those individuals with the most favorable acquired characteristics.