Call to order

A meeting of the GO Team forBazoline E. Usher-Collier Elementary was held at Bazoline E. Usher-Collier Elementary Media Center on August 18, 2016.


Attendees included .

Eboni Jemison / Donna Smith / Ashley Weems / Shawanda Dickey
Sharee Brinkley / Gregory Parks

Members not in attendance

Members not in attendance included .

Bree Kirkpatrick / Derricka Arnold / Eric Todd

Is there are quorum present? Circle or highlight Yes or No

Changes Made to Minutes

Minutes approved? Circle or highlight Yes or No

Voting Results of Officer Election


Candidate Name: Eboni Jemison
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate / Shawanda Dickey Donna Smith Sharee Brinkley Eboni Jemison Ashley Weems
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate




Candidate Name: Shawanda Dickey
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate / Shawanda Dickey Eboni Jemison Sharee Brinkley Donnna Smith Ashley Weems
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate




Candidate Name: Ashley Weems
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate / Shawanda Dickey Sharee Brinkley Ashley Weems Eboni Jemison Donna Smith
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate



Cluster Representative

Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate


__The election has been deferred until next meeting on September 22, 2016. ______

Student Representative

Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate

Notes: [add comments about actions taken if needed]


2016-2017 Meeting Schedule










September 22, 2016




Usher-Collier Media Center



October 20, 2016




Usher-Collier Media Center



November 17, 2016




Usher-Collier Media Center



December 8, 2016







Discussion Items

Notes: [add comments about actions taken if needed]

__Voted on Public Comment (Format: After the end of agenda there will be a 5 min window for public comment) (all in favor) Voted on Team Norms (all in favor) ______

Information Items

Notes: [add comments about actions taken if needed]



[Add your text here.]

Ashley Weems
Secretary / Date of approval

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