Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2016
Present: John Marrin, Ray Robbins Jr., Sharon Grant-Guerra, Raquel Garcia, Vanessa Beltran, Julie Bustamante, Bryanna Covarrubias, Leslie Jaramillo, Ashley Suvvatt, Yesenia Flores, GenaroOlmedo, Gabriela Garcia, Maria Martinez, Nohemi Alvarez, Curtis Weber, Alicia Krug, Mimi SalinasNext meeting: Holiday party December 9, 2016
I.Welcome and Introductions- Maria
II. Scholarships-Congratulations to the recipients. Thanks to the board for their time and efforts with the
raising funds with Muevete and ACA grants. Muevete video presented. Recipients are:
Alejandra Sandoval, Gabriela Garcia, Vanessa Beltran, Bryanna Covarrubias, Yesenia
Flores, Sarah Rogge….Congratulations to you all for your hard work!!!!
III. KU- 2017 expected to hire approximately 1000 employees. Ashley Surratt here to partner with NAHN
to increase diversity in the health care fields and she works at KU. Information left and her
contact information is or (913) 588-5685.
IV.Treasurer report–Maithe—current balance is about $8757.69.
V. Argentine Neighborhood Health Fair- Juntos doing screening. October 15th. Any volunteers? Diva
Esparza wanted to keep up partnership. Also wanted to continue with potential Muevete
like fair for smaller children. Possible free zumba class and help with the children. Mimi
and Ray interested in helping. Also going on a blood drive with Red Cross on 10/27/201
at the Argentine Community Center need donors.
VI. TMC- would like to diversify leadership positions. Partner with NAHN to help with this. Discussions with in our organization to spread the Hispanic and nursing professionals. Contact Maris Martinez
VII. UMKC mentors- Mentors needed to help with students. If interested please contact Theresa Gomez
at. Also mentioned Avazando also with UMKC.
VII. Health Profession Opportunity Grants- Missouri residents only. Tuition assistants for LPN, medical
assistant, surgical techs. Contact Teresa Gomez .
IX. Mattie Rhodes- November 3rd 6-9 pm health fair. Going well and steady with about 1 patient visiting.
X. Rentention- Looking at ways to keep members. Different sporting event outings. Julie will look into
Chiefs game and get back with the group. Other ideas came about for fundraising
concessions at various sports venues, restaurants, etc.
XI. Latina Giving Circle- October 18, 2016, 530 pm at Don Chisolm.
XII. Board meeting- November 5, 2016. Time and place to be determined.
Meeting adjourned.