August 8, 2010
To: Executive Team
Fr: Beth Bronder
Re: Institutional Sales – Weekly Reports 7/26 – 30 and 8/2 – 8/6
Here’s what the team was up to while I was on vacation…
- Sales Force database clean-up continues, Amy and sales reps are finalizing configuration fields and she has identified a cost effective Eloqua partner.
- Sales Meeting materials are finished and the agenda is set. Tuesday – Thursday of this week.
- Over 30 senior level govt execs are signed up for the Intelligence Briefing on August 26th
- After a successful meeting between our executive teams, Amy is crafting a new partner agreement with NDIA.
- Developed collateral & documents
- STRATFOR overview doc
- Finance portal sell sheet
- Areas of expertise reference guide
- Working on new contracts, service agreement and T&C with Steve Feldhaus
Debora Wright:
- From Friday 7/23-30 closed over $700K in business,including $120KUSAF, $503K OSIS and $36K Texas A&M.
- Added two new international EB to pipeline(both for BNP Paribas/Nov ) - $40K for one and $70K if they contract both
- Closed 5 deals 8/2 – 6 for a total of $24,670
- Two Renewals ($11,565)
- Three New Business ($13,105)
- Added InfoDesk for $50,000 to pipeline – could be August deal, know more next week
- Exec Br business with NMS group that has verbally committed for $50K (2010/11 business)
- Verbal from Virginia Commonwealth University Library for $13,235 (August -- new business)
Tracy Rana:(weeks of 7/26 – 30, 8/2 – 6)
-Portal sold to the Commandant of the Marine Corps - 100 users for $48,000
-Verbal agreement for 5 user license at Army TRADOC $1,745- waiting on service agreement
-Scheduled Portal demo with Cubic for September 8
-Scheduled meeting with Dept of Commerce for Aug 13
-Outreach to 51 people
-Demo'd Enterprise site and Military Portal to the Army G2 office - they are on trial now
-USS Washington is trialing the Military Portal and site for 35 users
-Outreach to 43 people
-Identified 90contacts within Joint Chiefs of Staff Office at DOD
Mitch Bell:
-Correspondence with Collin Millington CARICOM. Interest in custom portal. Meeting held via phone with Korena.
- He needs strategic monitoring and has budget, promised him a proposal next week.
-CGB – Greg Beck, unable to contact to follow up on proposal.
-World Bank: goal was to setup meeting w/Korena when in town.
-Hunt Oil: Web based presentation of security portal requested by client.
-IMF – initial contact from networking event, working to find correct contact.
-Reached out to contacts from my past including Accenture and TASR
Melanie McGeehan
- Portal demos – 2
- Followed up with HSC (dems and reps). No decision yet from Meghann/Republican side. Lanier/Democrats said that he met with the Chairman, who said that the tool was not “unique enough” to what they already receive. Also raised questions again about confidence ratings. Not sure if this is a “no” but price is no seems to no longer be an issue.
- DHS Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection has demo’d portal and is interested in purchasing. Only issue is that they don’t have 25 people in dept. I am working with POC to find other users to participate to offset costs.
- In progress of scheduling several portal demos over next 3 weeks