Post LPN BN Clinical Evaluation Tool 1
Faculty of Health Disciplines
Post LPN BN Clinical Evaluation Tool
Assumptions about Post LPN to BN Clinical Assessment
o LPN to BN students are adult learners and, hence, are self-directed.
o Clinical expectations based on broad entry-level registered nurse (RN) nursing practice standards foster participatory self-directed learning.
o LPN to BN students possess a beginning knowledge and skill base, as well as values consistent with RN baccalaureate level education.
o Clinical learning is not a result of a pre-designated number of hours in a clinical agency.
o LPN to BN students will welcome recognition of their status as LPNs as they progress through the program.
Clinical Evaluation
The LPN to BN student must demonstrate ongoing and increasing proficiency and independence as he/she strives to meet the clinical competencies of each of the nursing practice courses. In the nursing practice courses LPN to BN students are required to complete a portfolio. The purpose of the portfolio is to demonstrate attainment of course and Alberta RN entry-level competencies.[1] Formative evaluation occurs throughout the course, with the instructor providing ongoing feedback to assist in the enhancement of learning and meeting of competencies. Both the student and the instructor will complete a formative, midpoint evaluation, and a summative, final evaluation.
Upon completion of NURS 435, 437, and 401, the LPN to BN student must consistently function at the Satisfactory (S) or Progressing (P) level for all listed nursing practice course and entry-to-practice competencies. Ratings of Unsatisfactory (U) and Not applicable/not observed (NA) received during the formative evaluation period will result in development of detailed learning plans addressing how the LPN to BN student will work to achieve the identified competency prior to the end of the course. Upon completion of NURS 441, the LPN to BN student must consistently function at the Satisfactory (S) level for all listed nursing practice course and entry-to-practice competencies.
The following rating designations are used in all Post LPN to BN nursing practice courses:
S – Satisfactory / Consistently demonstrates skill in performance, synthesis of learning and application of nursing principles. Is able, usually in an independent manner, through reflective and critical thought to develop appropriate strategies to meet course and entry-to-practice competencies.P – Progressing / Is able to demonstrate skill in parts of required course and entry-to-practice competencies; requires occasional verbal/written direction; requests supervision appropriately; safe.
U – Unsatisfactory / Unable to demonstrate skill in required course and entry-to-practice competencies; lacks confidence and proficiency; requires frequent verbal/written cues; unprepared; unsafe.
NA – Not applicable/not observed
Faculty of Health Disciplines
Post LPN BN Clinical Evaluation Tool
Start Date:
End Date:
The following core categories and competencies are taken directly from the
College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (2013, May).
Access the CARNA Entry-to-Practice Competencies for the Registered Nurse (2013) using the following link:
It is expected that the student and the instructor and/or preceptor will in consultation complete a formative, midpoint evaluation, and a summative, final evaluation.
I. Professional Responsibility and Accountability
Demonstrates professional conduct and that the primary duty is to the client to ensure safe, competent, compassionate, ethical care.
Competencies: Midpoint/Formative Final/Summative
S / P / U / NA / S / P / U / NAProfessional Responsibility and
Review the competencies related to professional responsibility and accountability and provide at minimum two examples using clear, concise statements of your strengths and areas for improvement.
II. Knowledge-Based Practice
A. Specialized Body of Knowledge
Has knowledge from nursing and other sciences, humanities, research, ethics, spirituality, relational practice and critical inquiry.
Competencies: Midpoint/Formative Final/Summative
S / P / U / NA / S / P / U / NASpecialized Body of Knowledge
Review the competencies related to specialized body of knowledge and provide at minimum two examples using clear, concise statements of your strengths and areas for improvement.
B. Competent Application of Knowledge
Demonstrates competence in the provision of nursing care. The competency statements in this section are grouped into four areas about the provision of nursing care: ongoing comprehensive assessment, health care planning, providing nursing care, and evaluation. The provision of nursing care is an iterative process of critical inquiry and is not linear in nature.
Area 1: On-going Comprehensive Assessment
Incorporates critical inquiry and relational practice to conduct a client-focused assessment that emphasizes client input and the determinants of health.
Competencies: Midpoint/Formative Final/Summative
S / P / U / NA / S / P / U / NAOn-going Holistic Assessment
Review the competencies related to on-going holistic assessment and provide at minimum two examples using clear, concise statements of your strengths and areas for improvement.
Area 2: Health Care Planning
Within the context of critical inquiry and relational practice, plans nursing care appropriate for the clients which integrates knowledge from nursing, health sciences and other related disciplines as well as knowledge from practice experiences, clients’ knowledge and preferences, and factors within the health-care setting.
Competencies: Midpoint/Formative Final/Summative
S / P / U / NA / S / P / U / NACollaborates with Clients to Develop Plans of Care
Review the competencies related to collaborates with clients to develop plans of care and provide at minimum two examples using clear, concise statements of your strengths and areas for improvement.
Area 3: Providing Nursing Care: Provides client-centered care in situations related to:
o health promotion, prevention and population health;
o maternal/child health;
o altered health status including acute and chronic physical and mental health conditions and rehabilitative care; and
o palliative care and end-of-life care.
Competencies: Midpoint/Formative Final/Summative
S / P / U / NA / S / P / U / NAProvides Registered Nursing Care
Review the competencies related to provides Registered Nursing care and provide at minimum two examples using clear, concise statements of your strengths and areas for improvement.
Area 4: Evaluation: Monitors the effectiveness of client care to inform future care planning
Competencies: Midpoint/Formative Final/Summative
S / P / U / NA / S / P / U / NAOn-going Evaluation of Client Care
Review the competencies related to on-going evaluation of client care and provide at minimum two examples using clear, concise statements of your strengths and areas for improvement.
III. Ethical Practice
Demonstrates competence in professional judgment and practice decisions guided by the values and ethical responsibilities in the CNA Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (2008) and the CARNA document Ethical Decision-making for Registered Nurses in Alberta: Guidelines and Recommendations (2010). Engages in a critical inquiry process to inform clinical decision-making, and establishes therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and health-care team.
Competencies: Midpoint/Formative Final/Summative
S / P / U / NA / S / P / U / NAEthical Practice
Review the competencies related to ethical practice and provide at minimum two examples using clear, concise statements of your strengths and areas for improvement.
IV. Service to the Public
Demonstrates an understanding of the concept of public protection and the duty to provide nursing care in the best interest of the public.
Competencies: Midpoint/Formative Final/Summative
S / P / U / NA / S / P / U / NAService to the Public
Review the competencies related to professional responsibility and accountability and provide at minimum two examples using clear, concise statements of your strengths and areas for improvement.
V. Self-Regulation
Understands the requirements of self-regulation in the interest of public protection.
Competencies: Midpoint/Formative Final/Summative
S / P / U / NA / S / P / U / NASelf Regulation
Review the competencies related to professional self-regulation and provide at minimum two examples using clear, concise statements of your strengths and areas for improvement.
Midterm/Formative Evaluation
Student Signature: ______
Faculty/Preceptor Signature: ______
Date: ______
Final/Summative Evaluation
Student Signature: ______
Faculty/Preceptor Signature: ______
Date: ______
01/2014 McQueen
[1] College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta. (2013, May). Entry-to-practice competencies for the Registered Nurses Profession. Edmonton: Author.