Title of Your Assignment
Your Name
Course Number & Title
Instructor’s Name
Month Day, Year
Title of Your Assignment
Author, A. (Year Published). Article title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), page range. doi:# or Retrieved from journal’s homepage URL
In the first paragraph of your annotation, summarize the main points of the source.Be sure to summarize the main points using your own words. Do not copy and paste information directly from the source.
In the second paragraph of your annotation,explain how the source is relevant to your paper. Explain how this particular sourcewill help you develop one or more of the main points in your essay.
Author, A. (Year Published). Article title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), page range. doi:# or Retrieved from journal’s homepage URL
In the first paragraph of your annotation, summarize the main points of the source.Be sure to summarize the main points using your own words. Do not copy and paste information directly from the source.
In the second paragraph of your annotation,explain how the source is relevant to your paper. Explain how this particular source will help you develop one or more of the main points in your essay.
Author, A.(Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Magazine Title. Retrieved from URL
In the first paragraph of your annotation, summarize the main points of the source.Be sure to summarize the main points using your own words. Do not copy and paste information directly from the source.
In the second paragraph of your annotation,explain how the source is relevant to your paper. Explain how this particular source will help you develop one or more of the main points in your essay.
Author, A. (Year, Month, Date Published). Article title. Retrieved from URL
In the first paragraph of your annotation, summarize the main points of the source.Be sure to summarize the main points using your own words. Do not copy and paste information directly from the source.
In the second paragraph of your annotation,explain how the source is relevant to your paper. Explain how this particular source will help you develop one or more of the main points in your essay.
Author, A. (Year published). Title of book: Subtitle of book (edition, if other than the first) [Electronic version]. Retrieved fromfrom URL
In the first paragraph of your annotation, summarize the main points of the source.Be sure to summarize the main points using your own words. Do not copy and paste information directly from the source.
In the second paragraph of your annotation,explain how the source is relevant to your paper. Explain how this particular source will help you develop one or more of the main points in your essay.