/ Inspection, Care and maintenance of PPE / Section: / 6000
File: / 6010
Rev. Date: / April 25, 1999
Calvin E. Wells, Asst. Chief

I.inspection PROCEDURE

A.Members shall inspect their PPE at the beginning of each shift and after each use.

B.Captains shall inspect each subordinate's PPE at roll call on the first shift of a three-shift work cycle.

C.Captains shall fill out the Personal Protective Inspection Form and forward the completed form to the appropriate Captain II and Safety Officer.

D.Any equipment missing or in need of immediate replacement shall be replaced according to directive 6009.

II.INSPECTION, care and maintenance


1.Helmets shall be clean with proper company numbers in place. The chin strap; interior labels listing the name or designation of manufacturer, the month and year of manufacture, lot number and model designation: and suspension shall be in good condition.

2.All items constructed from thermoplastics are susceptible to ultra violet and chemical degradation. When the helmet loses its surface gloss and the surface begins to flake away, this chemical degradation has occurred. During inspections, helmets shall be checked for these conditions and the shell be replaced immediately if they are evident.

3.Helmets shall be cleaned with hot water and mild (household) detergent.

a)The following is a list of additional cleaning materials which can be used to remove stubborn dirt and smoke stains:
(1)Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)
(2)Windex (regular, not ammoniated)
(3)Dish washing detergent
(4)Dupont Wash-wax.

4.The use of other materials such as strong (industrial strength) detergents, solvents, petroleum products, etc. will damage the shell. Therefore use of these products is prohibited.

5.Replace items as follows when:

a)Chin strap assemblies and helmet suspension when worn/frayed/deteriorated
b)Helmets with visible cracks or warped
c)Helmets, which have been exposed to mist of fumes, which are known to weaken polycarbons.

B.Firefighting Hood

1.Firefighting hoods shall be cleaned with warm water and any mild detergent.

a)Replace hoods as follows;
(1)Hoods with holes
(2)Hoods which are not fire department approved
(3)Hoods stretched out of shape
(4)Hoods with labels missing or not readable.


1.Gloves shall be cleaned with warm water and any mild detergent.

a)Replace gloves as follows:
(1)Gloves with worn or rotten stitching
(2)Gloves with insulation worn through
(3)Gloves with holes or splits
(4)Gloves that are not Fire Department approved
(5)Gloves without labels

D.Turnout Coats and Pants - Brush Coat and Pants

1.A Commercial washing machine and a commercial clothes dryer are available at Station 32 for washing, decontamination and drying of PPE (turnouts) or brush gear. See "E" & "F" below.

2.All PPE (turnouts) shall be washed at least every six (6) months.

3.For contamination with products of combustion, fire debris or body fluids, firefighters shall remove contaminants by flushing with water, followed by appropriate washing of the firefighter clothing as soon as possible. Follow bloodborne pathogen protocols when removing body fluids from turnouts. Do not use bleach on turnouts.

4.At the time of washing, the garment shall be inspected to determine if it is still in serviceable condition. If needed, arrange with the appropriate Captain II for the replacement or repair of the garment.

E.PPE delivery to station 32.

1.If PPE is dirty but not contaminated, PPE should be dropped off after tour of duty by member or by on coming shift. This would negate the need for a temporary replacement set.

2.If PPE is contaminated and in need of immediate attention, a Captain II on duty can issue used replacement PPE from stock at station 33 until de-contamination is complete. Member is still responsible for arranging pick-up and return of garment.

F.Machine Washing Procedure:

1.Deliver clothing to station 32. It is the responsibility of the person to which the clothing belongs to retrieve the clothing. Station 32 personnel will not be responsible for returning the clean garments.

2.Outer shells and liners will be washed in separate loads to prevent contamination of the liners with contaminants from the outer shell. Hoods may be washed with liners and gloves may be washed with outer shells.

a)Separate liners from outer shells. Insure that name or identifying marks are on liners and shell so that they can be matched up later after cleaning. Turn outer shells inside out and fasten all hooks and D's.
b)Place up to four sets of turnouts, pants and coats, in washing machine. (Remember, outer shells and liners in separate loads).
c)Add 1/2 cup of liquid detergent to the pre-wash dispenser and 1 cup of liquid detergent to the wash dispenser at top of washing machine (under rubber flap). Never use chlorine bleach.
d)Close and lock door, set water temperature to hot, push start rocker switch on front of washing machine.
e)At end of cycle, remove liners from washing machine and place in dryer
f)Place outer shells in washing machine and repeat steps 2 & 3.
g)Set heat control on dryer to medium, turn timer to approx. 30 minutes and push start button on front of dryer.
h)At end of wash cycle remove outer shells from washing machine and place in dryer with liners. Set timer back to approx. 30 minutes, push start button and continue to dry turnouts.
i)When dry, remove garments from dryer and properly reassemble matching outer shells and liners.

j)After cleaning and during reassembly of garments, they shall be inspected using the following guidelines:

(1)Tears, burns or abrasions in the outer shell, moisture barrier, and thermal liner.
(2)For the outer shell pay close attention to thread, shoulders, elbows, cuffs, crotch, and knees.
(3)For the liner composite pay close attention to neckline seam, shoulders, underarms, elbows, crotch and knees.
(4)Structural seam integrity in the outer shell, moisture barrier, and thermal liner.

(5)Physically inspect all major structural seams in the outer shell and the liner composite. Be especially watchful for breaks in the moisture barrier seams.

G.Turnout Boots

1.Turnout boots shall be cleaned with warm water and mild detergent. Replace turnout boots as follows:

a)Boots with holes, cracks or cuts compromising the integrity.

b)Boots with worn soles.


1.Goggles shall be cleaned with warm water and mild detergent. Replace goggles as follows:

a)Replace scratched lenses

b)If rubber parts break, new goggles shall be issued.


A.Minor repairs may be appropriate for turnout coats and pants. All repairs shall be handled with the approval of a Captain II by an approved turnout repair service or by a Pasadena Fire Department turnout repairperson.

B.Typical repairs may include:

1.Broken snaps

2.Rivets pulled loose from fabric and from the objects they secure

3.Suspenders, snaps and leather eyes which are broken or elongated

4.Stitching missing

5.Holes or rips in shell of garment

6.Frayed or worn collars

7.Ripped liners

8.Reflective stripes which are cracked or torn.

IV.Repair of Safety shoes

A.Safety shoes needing repair shall be replaced with new safety shoes, however replacement zippers are available.

V.Identification of Personal safety equipment

A.All department issued safety equipment shall be identified with the name of the issuee.