WIOA – AEFLA Local Plan

Programs and Student Services Division

College and Career Readiness Unit

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Title II – Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)

WIOA – AEFLA Local Plan

2016 – 2017 Request for Applications

Name of Provider:

Contact Information:

Please enter the contact information of the individual that NCCCS would contact if there are questions regarding the content of this Plan.

Name / E-Mail / Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) / Extension

Please submit the completed local plan electronically by 5:00 pm on April 1, 2016. Email to

Do Not Complete – For NCCCS Only

Date Received:
Assigned Staff:
Points Awarded
Award Status:

WIOA-AEFLA Requirements

Table of Contents and Point Value Self-Assessment

Section / Topics / Reference / Total Points / Breakdown
By Topics
1 / Eligible Provider Qualifications
Are you eligible to apply for funding? / Not Rated (NR)
· Organization Profile / Sec 203 (5)
· Demonstrative Effectiveness / Sec 203 (5)
2 / Teaching and Learning
Do you have the infrastructure to operate programs? / 50
· Adult Education and Literacy Activities / Sec 202
Sec 203 / 10
· Instructional Practices / Sec 231(e) (5)
Sec 231(e)(6)
Sec 231(e) (7) / 10
· Technology / Sec 231 (e) (7) / 5
·Eligible Individuals / Sec 231(e) (1)
Sec 231(e) (2)
Sec 231(e) (3)
Sec 232 (6) / 5
· Student Engagement / Sec 231(e) (8)
Sec 231(e) (11) / 5
· WIOA New Requirements / Sec 231(e) (8) / 5
·Transitional Services / Sec 231(e) (8) / 5
· Professional Development / Sec 231(e) (9) / 5
· Correctional Education / Sec 225 / NR
3 / Workforce Development System Integration
Are you at the table and what do you bring to the conversation? / 20
·Core Program Alignment / Sec 232 (3) / 10
· NCWorks Career Centers / Sec 232 (5) / 5
· Collaborations with Internal and External Partnerships / Sec 232 (2)
Sec 232 (2) / 5
4 / Management and Fiscal Oversight
Will your program be WIOA-AEFLA complaint? / 30
·Performance Accountability / Sec 231(e) (3)
Sec 231(e) (12)
Sec 232 (4) / 15
·Evaluation and Continuous Improve Plan / Sec 212
Sec 116 / 10
· Budget Worksheet & Narrative / Sec 232(1), 233 / 5
Total Points:

Funding Consideration


The mission of North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS)is to open the door to high-quality, accessible educational opportunities that minimize barriers to postsecondary education, maximize student success, develop a globally and multi-cultural competent workforce, and improve the lives and well-being of individuals. The College and Career Readiness (CCR) Unit under the NCCCS Programs and Student Services Division provides leadership, oversight, professional development, technical assistance, and monitors services to programs funded through WIOA-AEFLA grants.

The Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act requires that grants be awarded on a competitive basis to eligible providers. For the 2015-2016 program year, NCCCS College and Career Readiness Unitawarded Transition grants to existing eligible providers. This approach allowed programs to plan and prepare for the upcoming WIOA funding requirements. Grant awards for the 2016-2017 program year are only eligible to existing providers. An open, competitive grant process will be in place for the program year beginning July 1, 2017-2018.

Application Review

The purpose of the WIOA-AEFLA grant is to develop, implement, and improve adult education and literacy activities. This application outlines and highlights the new program requirements through a series of engaging questions. This application is organized to help programs self-access their readiness in response to the competitive award process that will occur for the 2017-2018 program year. All applications will be reviewed by CCR staff to recognize each programs readiness for full implementation of the WIOA-AEFLA requirements. Through this blueprint, programs can develop essential components that will establish collaboration with other agencies to assist learners attain further education and training opportunities. In addition, the responses recorded on the application will serve as a needs assessment for state leadership activities. Each section has a point value that offers programs a frame of reference to gauge their readiness for full implementation beginning July 1, 2017.

Programs are encouraged to plot their self-assessment total score on the continuum below to gauge their level of readiness.

Eligible Provider Qualifications

Organization Profile

Minimum StandardReference: Sec. 203 (5) / Points
Available / Points
The applicant can describe their organization structure and give assurance that they meet the definition of an eligible provider. / NR
  1. Complete the form below.

Official Name of Organization:
Working Title for the Program:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip Code+ 4-digit:
DUNS Number:

County Service Areas:

1. / 4.
2. / 5.
3. / 6.
  1. Mark the category that best describes your organization:

(A)local educational agency
(B)community-based organization or faith-based organization
(C)volunteer literacy organization
(D)an institution of higher education
(E)public or private nonprofit agency
(G)public housing authority
(H)nonprofit institution that is not described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (G) and has the ability to provide adult education and literacy activities to eligible individuals
(I)consortium or coalition of the agencies, organizations, institutions, libraries, or described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (H)
(J)partnership between an employer and an entity described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (I)
  1. Insert your organization’s Mission Statement.

Support Document:

  1. Applicants must submit a copy of their organizational chart. If the organization chart has multiple pages, only submit the page(s) that represents the structure of the Adult Education program. If the applicant is a nonprofit organization, then submit your 501c3 letter. This document should be placed in the Attachment section of this planfound on page 26.

Demonstrated Effectiveness

Minimum StandardReference: Sec. 203 (5); Sec. 231(e)(3) / Points
Available / Points
The applicant can demonstrate their past effectiveness with official documents (organization and/or NCCCS reports) and can discuss their record of improving the skills of eligible individuals through a narrative summary of their most recent performance data. / NR
  1. Insert your organization’s 2014-2015 performance outcome data from NRS Table 4:

NRS Table 4: Educational Gains by Educational Functioning Levels

Entering Educational Functioning Level / Total Number Enrolled / Total Attendance Hours / Number Completed Level / Number Completed a Level and Advanced 1+ Levels / Number Separated Before Completed / Number Remaining within Level / % Completing Level / NC’s
2014 Target / Were
Met? / % Change
ABE Beginning Literacy / 19%
ABE Beginning Basic Ed / 39%
ABE Intermediate Low / 40%
ABE Intermediate High / 36%
ASE Low / 29%
ASE High / N/A
ESL Beginning Literacy / 40%
ESL Beginning Low / 44%
ESL Beginning High / 45%
ESL Intermediate Low / 39%
ESL Intermediate High / 35%
ESL Advanced / 19%

Educational Gains by Educational Functioning Levels (Annual Trends)

Entering Educational Functioning Level / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
ABE Beginning Literacy
ABE Beginning Basic Ed
ABE Intermediate Low
ABE Intermediate High
ASE High
ESL Beginning Literacy
ESL Beginning Low
ESL Beginning High
ESL Intermediate Low
ESL Intermediate High
ESL Advanced
  1. Write one or two paragraphs describing boththe positive and negative results of your performance outcomes.
  1. Identify two or three circumstances that impacted the increase or decrease of your performance outcomes.

Teaching and Learning

Adult Education and Literacy Activities

Minimum StandardReference: Sec. 202 and Sec. 203 / Points
Available / Points
The applicant must use the funding to establish or operate programs that provide adult education and literacy activities in accordance to the WIOA-AEFLA. / 10
  1. Mark thetype of programthat describes your request for WIOA-AEFLA funding. (mark only one)

Comprehensive Program – Community College
Non-comprehensive Program – Community-Based Organization
  1. Mark the adult education and literacy activities that your organization will provideto eligible individuals. (mark all that apply)

Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Adult Secondary Education – High School Equivalency (ASE-HSE)
Adult Secondary Education – Adult High School (ASE-AHS)
English Language Acquisition (ELA)
Family Literacy
Workplace Literacy
Correctional Education

9a.If you plan to operate an Adult Secondary Education–Adult High School program, provide a list of the Local Education Agencies that you have Agreements of Affiliation.


* If applicable, insert additional rows.

9b.If you plan to operate aWorkplace Literacy program, provide a list of the employer worksites were classes will be held.


* If applicable, insert additional rows.

9c.If you plan to operate an Correctional Education program, provide a list the facilities were classes will be held.


* If applicable, insert additional rows.


Minimum StandardReference: Sec 231(e) (5), Sec 231(e) (6), and Sec 231(e) (7) / Points
Available / Points
The applicant mustdevelop adetailed scope of work that provides evidence of their ability to deliver high-quality instruction that is of sufficient intensity and quality, and based on the most rigorous research available, so that participants achieve substantial learning gains; uses instructional practices that include the essential components of reading. (Consideration #7) / 10

Support Documents:

  1. Do you have Administrative Policy Manual(s) that provide guidance to staff as it relates to the operation and/or delivery of instruction? If yes, then submit a copy in the Attachment section of this plan.

Yes / No


  1. Describe the educational degrees, work experiences, and on-going professional development requirements for instructors and tutors.
  1. Describe the various types of instructional materials and educational activitiesused in your program and how do you ensure they include evidence-based best practices derived from the most rigorous research available, including scientifically valid research and effective educational practice. Narrative should also include 1) citations and references to research, 2) how you plan to ensure materials are up-to-date and accessible to students and 2) how instructors are trained to use these evidence-based practices.
  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for creating and incorporatingcontextualized instruction. Narrative should include the resources/tools used to develop curriculum content so that an individual acquires the skills needed to transition to and complete postsecondary education and training programs, obtain and advance in employment leading to economic self-sufficiency, and to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies fortraining instructorsto develop and deliver contextualized instruction.
  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for integrating the North Carolina Adult Education Content Standards in the curriculum design and lesson planning of your instructions. Narrative should include strategies for training instructors, instructional administrators, and volunteers.
  1. Describe how you incorporate the essential components of reading instruction in your curriculum design and lesson planning.
  1. Describe your current/future strategies for providing instructional support services for students. Narrative should include the type of services andimpact on students.
  1. How do students play a role and/or give input to the design and delivery of your instructional practices?
  1. Describe your approach forscheduling (days, timeframes, and locations) to ensure intensity, flexibility, and student access to instruction and services.


Minimum Standard Reference: Sec 231(e) (7) / Points
Available / Points
The applicant can show evidence of proactive strategies that leverage technology for the improvement of teaching, learning, professional development, productivity, and system efficiencies. / 5

Support Documents:

None Required.


  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies forintegratingtechnology (devices, software, and social media) into the classroom.
  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for providing digital literacy skills training to students. Narrative should include specific product names, course titles, tools/resources, and current/intended outcomes related to improving the learning gains for students.
  1. Describe how you use technology to provide instructional and/or support services to students?
  1. Describe how you use technology to improve system efficiencies and streamline administrative processes?
  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for using technology for professional development activities for instructors.
  1. Do you offer instruction through a vendor-specific distance learning format? If yes, what vendor, what type of system, how did you verify the quality of the curriculum content, and has it impacted the learning gains of students? Use the chart below to record your answer. If no, why?

For the purpose of this grant, distance learning formats include but is not limited to the following: vendor-specific learning management systems (LMS), licensed instructional video, CD, TV, DVD, instructional software, or other technology/media devices.

Vendor / Product Name / Format / Curriculum Content

* If applicable, insert additional rows.

Eligible Individuals

Minimum Standard Sec 231(e) (1), Sec 231(e) (2), Sec 231(e) (3), and Sec.232 (6) / Points
Available / Points
The applicant can show evidence of operational procedures for ensuring students enrolled in their programs meet the WIOA-AEFLA definition of eligible individuals and that priority of services is given to learners identified in the considerations for funding providers. / 5


  1. How do you ensure that students enrolled in your program meet the WIOA-AEFLA definition of eligible individual?
  1. Providers will describe their strategies for serving eligible individuals in their serve area identified as most in need of adult education and literacy activities including individuals who have low literacy skills and/or who are English language learners. How will you identify individuals most in need of adult literacy services?
  1. What are your policies and strategic practices for providing programs and services for the following groups?

Target Groups / Policies/Strategies
ABE Beginning Literacy
ABE Beginning Basic Ed
ESL Beginning Literacy
ESL Beginning Literacy
ESL Beginning Low
Individuals with disabilities
Individuals with learning disabilities

Student Engagement

Minimum StandardReference: Sec 231(e) (8), Sec 231(e) (11) / Points
Available / Points
The applicants have proactive strategies that address student access, policy development, collaboration with internal/external partners, and elimination of barriers for students. / 5


  1. Provide a written narrative or submit a graphic that describes the workflow for the following touch points with students: 1) Outreach and Recruitment, 2) Orientation & Intake, 3) Assessment and Placement, 3) Advising & Goal Setting, 5) Student Support Services, 6) Student Retention, and 7) Transition Planning.

WIOA New Requirements

Minimum StandardReference: Sec 203 (2), Sec. 231(e) (8) / Points
Available / Points
The applicants have proactive strategies to meet the three new requirements included in the definition of adult education and literacy activities. / 5


  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for developing career pathways and transition models that are aligned with the definition of integrated education and training. If applicable, applicants should submit sample documents (printed or website link) that highlight the success. These documents should be placed in the Attachment section of this plan.
  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for Workforce Preparation Activities that are aligned with the definition of integrated education and training. If applicable, applicants should submit sample documents (printed or website link) that highlight this success. These documents should be placed in the Attachment section of this plan.
  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for programs and services that are aligned with the definition of Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education. If applicable, applicants should submit sample documents (printed or website link) that highlight this success. These documents should be placed in the Attachment section of this plan.

Success Story – Past Effectiveness (optional)

  1. In the 2015-2016 Continuation Plan, you were asked to describe current/future strategies for developing content and models for integrated education and training and career pathways. Write a brief narrative regarding your implementation of those strategies. If available, applicants should submit sample documents (printed or website link) that highlight this success. These documents should be placed in the Attachment section of this plan.

Transition Strategies

Minimum Standard Reference: Sec. 231 (e) (8) / Points
Available / Points
The applicant must provide transitional services that assist the eligible learners with the attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; and transition to postsecondary education and training; or employment. / 5

* For the purpose of this grant award, transitional services includes, but not limited to one or more of the following activities: career/academic advising, technology-based activities, peer support activities, community outreach activities, workshop/seminars, resource manuals/publications, family literacy programs, or social media networks.

  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for providing transition services that focus on the attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent.


* If applicable, insert additional rows.

  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for providing transition services that focus on enrollment in postsecondary education and training.


* If applicable, insert additional rows.

  1. Describe your current/proposed strategies for providing transition services that focus on placement into unsubsidized employment, concentrating on in-demand industries, and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency.


* If applicable, insert additional rows.

Professional Development

Minimum StandardReference: Sec. 231 (e) (9) / Points
Available / Points
The applicant must show evidence of a plan to provide ongoing professional development activities for staff funded with WIOA-AEFLA funds. / 5

Note: Providers will be required to designate a portion of their WIOA-AEFLA funds to support staff development activities.

Support Documents:

  1. Do you have a Professional Development Plan?

Yes / No

If yes, then submit a copy of the document in the attachment section of this plan.


  1. What policies and procedures do you have in place to ensure that instruction and services are delivered by well-trained instructors, tutors, and administrators.
  1. What are your current professional development priorities?


* If applicable, insert additional rows.