Sea Fish Records

© British Record (rod-caught) Fish Committee 1995-2008

lbsozsdmskilosgmsYearCaptor and Location

ALMACO JACK(Seriola rivioliana)

B17126732007C Torode, West Coast of Guernsey.

ANGLER FISH (Lophius piscatorius)

B94124429851985S M A Neill, Belfast Lough, N.I.

S6820308991967H Legerton, Canvey Island, Essex

BASS (Dicentrarchus labrax)

B199288761987P McEwan, off Reculvers, Herne Bay, Kent

S190086181988D L Bourne, S Breakwater, Dover, Kent

BLACK FISH (Centrolophus niger)

B310816581972J Semple, off Heads of Ayr, Scotland

S514826791998S Ostler, Aldbrough Beach, East Yorkshire

BLUEMOUTH (Helicolenus dactylopterus)

B32814311976Anne Lyngholm, Loch Shell, Stornoway, Scotland

S1---454Qualifying weight

BLUE RUNNER (Caranx crysos)

S1405672007O. Tinklin, Glenthorne Beach, Lynmouth Devon

BOGUE (Boops boops)

B113008221981K McBride, Eddystone Reef

S115408851978S G Torode, Pembroke, Guernsey, C.I.

BONITO (Sarda sarda)

B813440041969J Parnell, Torbay, South Devon

S210512001996P Blanning, St Brides Bay, Pembroke, Wales

BREAM (Black) (Spondyliosom cantharus)

B614431251977J A Garlick, over wreck off S Devon coast

S68629592001Rosanne Guille, Creux Harbour, Sark, CI

BREAM (Couch's Sea) (Pagrus pagrus)

B69729682007Raymond Fallaize, off Guernsey West Coast

S215113342006Lynton Carre, Coco Bay, Guernsey

BREAM (Gilthead) (Sparus aurata)

B915845211991C J Bradford, Salcombe Estuary, Devon

S105846921995Colin Carr (14 yrs) Salcombe Estuary, Devon

BREAM (Pandora) (Pagellus erythrinus)

B361215521997C Stone, off Newquay coast, Cornwall

S18706922001Phillip Jewell, Helford River, Cornwall

BREAM (Ray's) (Brama brama)

B631328291978L/Cpl J Holland, Barra Head, Scotland

S7151236211967G Walker, Crimdon Beach, Hartlepool

BREAM (Red) (Pagellus bogaraveo)

B981243301974B Reynolds, off Mevagissey, Cornwall

447020121979A Salmon, Alderney Lighthouse, CI

BREAM (White Sea) (Diplous sargus)

S1742003S Gavey, Jersey, Channel Islands.
BRILL (Scophthalmus rhombus)

B160072571950A Fisher, Derby Haven, Isle of Man

S77833871980B Fletcher, Nr Vason Bay, Guernsey, CI

BULL HUSS (Scyliorhinus stellaris)

B2240100921986M L Hall, Minehead, Somerset

S1914090151992G Ebbs, Pwllheli Beach, Gwynedd, Wales

CATFISH (Anarhichas lupus)

B2640119061989S P Ward, 5 miles out from Whitby, Yorkshire

S1212857971978G M Taylor, Stonehaven, Scotland

COALFISH (Pollachius virens)

B3750169231986D Brown, Sth of Eddystone over wreck

S241112112191995M Cammish, Filey Brigg, Yorkshire

COD (Gadus morhua)

B5860264781992Noel Cook, North Sea, off Whitby

S4480201831966B Jones, Tom's Pt, Barry, Glamorgan

COMBER (Serranus cabrilla)

B113008221977B Phillips (Aged 10), off Mounts Bay, Cornwall

S-12--340Qualifying weight

CONGER (Conger conger)

B13340604421995V Evans, from wreck, Berry Head, South Devon

S6880310721992M Larkin, at Devil's Point, Plymouth

DAB (Limanda limanda)

B212412541975R Islip, Gairlock, Wester Ross, Scotland

S29811761936M L Watts, Morfa Beach, Port Talbot, Glamorgan

DOGFISH (Black-mouthed) (Galeus melastomus)

B213812881977J H Anderson, NW Poll Pt, Loch Fyne, Scotland

S-12--340Qualifying weight

DOGFISH (Lesser Spotted) (Scyliorhinus canicula)

B49020692005M Donnelly, Off Fleetwood, Lancs.

S415322441988S Ramsey, Abbey Burnfoot, Kirkcudbright

FLOUNDER (Pleuronectes flesus)

B511825931956A G L Cobbledick, Fowey, Cornwall

S57024661994B Sokell, River Teign, Devon

FORKBEARD (Greater) (Phycis blennoides)

B411421331969Miss M Woodgate, Falmouth Bay, Cornwall

S1---454Qualifying weight

GARFISH (Belone belone)

B39816301994A Saunders, Mount Bay, Cornwall

S341214951995F Williams, Porthoustock, Cornwall

GREATER WEAVER (Trachinus draco)

B22709761999R Pope, Porthcurno, Lands End, Cornwall

S181006982002K.Gilbert, Porthcuno, Cornwall

GUINEAN AMBERJACK (Seriola carpenteri)

B161006412000G Staples, Noir Pute, East of Hern, CI

S229-5672004B Adams, The Lizard, Cornwall

GURNARD (Grey) (Eutrigla gurnardus)

B27011051976D Swinbanks, Caliach Pt, Mull, Scotland

S110807511989P El-Balawi, Newquay Headland, Cornwall

GURNARD (Red) (Aspitrigla cuculus)

B214102005G Shields, Porthleven, Cornwall

S2101112091976D Johns, Helford River, Glebe Cove, Cornwall

GURNARD (Streaked) (Trigloporus lastoviza)

B12005101994M Adams, Poole Bay, Dorset

S16806371971H Livingstone Smith, Loch Goil, Scotland

GURNARD (Yellow or Tubfish) (Trigla lucerna)

B117451951952C W King, Wallasey, Cheshire

S123055281976G J Reynolds, Langlan Bay, Wales

HADDOCK (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)

B1311462151978G Bones, off Falmouth, Cornwall

S612030611976G B Stevenson, Loch Goil, Scotland

HADDOCK (Norway) (Sebastes viviparus)

B113808361975T Barrett, Southend-on-Sea, Essex

S13005381973F P Fawke, Southend Pier, Essex

HAKE (Merluccius merluccius)

B251214117061997R Roberts, Loch Etive, Scotland

S38215901984W S Parry, Morfa Beach, Port Talbot

HALIBUT (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)

B234001061361979C Booth, Dunnet Head, off Scrabster, Scotland

S10--4536Qualifying weight

HERRING (Clupea harengus)

B11004811973B Barden (Aged 13), off Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex

S1---454Qualifying weight

JOHN DORY (St Peter's Fish) (Zeus faber)

B1114053861977J Johnson, off Newhaven, E Sussex

S3--1360Qualifying weight

LING (Molva molva)

B5980269871989J Webster, off Bridlington, Yorks

S2110098091994K Smith, Seasons Pt, Plymouth, Devon

LUMPSUCKER (Cyclopterus lumpus)

B10121044931986J McCoy, River Tyne estuary

S2091293471987A J Perry (Aged 15), Weymouth Pier, Dorset

MACKEREL (Scomber scombrus)

B62727901984W J Chapple, off Penberth Cove, Cornwall

S5111426031982M A Kemp, Berry Head Quarry, Brixham

MACKEREL (Spanish) (Scomber japonicus)

B15406022001K Johnson, Cadgwith Cove, Nr Helston, Cornwall

S1101007542003Sean Coulson, Princess Pier, Torquay, Devon.

MEGRIM (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis)

B312817151973P Christie (Aged 15), Loch Gairloch, Scotland

S26110781987F J Williams, Porthcurno, Cornwall

MONKFISH (Squatina squatina)

B6600299361965C G Chalk, Shoreham, Sussex

S52140239821984G S Bishop, Llwyngwril Beach, Gwynedd

MULLET (Golden Grey)(Liza aurata)

B213612861999John Case, Brixham Harbour, Devon

S38816012005D Woolcombe, Christchurch Harbour, Dorset.

MULLET (Red) (Mullus surmuletus)

B37015591981M T Hamel, Petils Bay, Guernsey, CI

S315017861996A Wright, Longy Bay, Alderney, CI

MULLET (Thick-lipped Grey) (Chelon labrosus)

B101045641952P C Libby, Portland, Dorset

S1421264271979R S Gifford, The Leys, Aberthaw, Glamorgan

MULLET (Thin-lipped Grey)(Liza ramada)

B515026931991Mrs A Copley, R Medway, Dartford, Kent

S70031751991N Mableson, at Saltside, Oulton Broad

OPAH (Lampris guttatus)

B12800580571973A R Blewett, Mounts Bay, Penzance

S20--9071Qualifying weight

PELAMID (Bonito) (Sarda sarda)

B813440041969J Parnell, Torbay, Devon

S210512001996P Blanning, St Brides Bay, Pembroke

PERCH (Dusky) (Epinephelus marginatus)

B2800127001973D Cope, off Durlston Head, Dorset

S7--3175Qualifying weight

PLAICE (Pleuronectes platessa)

B103846351974H Gardiner (Aged 16), Longa Sound, Scotland

S861438221989R Moore, Southbourne Beach, Bournemouth

POLLACK (Pollachius pollachius)

B2940132671987W S Mayes, Dungeness, Kent

S184082771986C Lowe, Abbotsbury, Dorset

POUTING (Bib, Pout)(Trisopterus luscus)

B58024941969R Armstrong, off Berry Head, Devon

S49020691991R Andrews, Pembrook, Guernsey, CI

PUFFER FISH (Lagocephalus lagocephalus)

B4--1814Qualifying weight

S69429831985S Atkinson, Chesil Beach, Dorset

RAY (Blonde) (Raja brachyura)

B39102179772006S Underwood, Off Brixham, Devon

S3280147421986C M Reeves, Mannez Targets, Alderney, CI

S3280147421994K Frain, Grosnez, Jersey, CI

RAY (Bottle-nosed) (Raja alba)

B7600344711970R Bulpitt, off The Needles, I.O.W

S15--6804Qualifying weight

RAY (Cuckoo) (Raja naevus)

B511025791975V Morrison, off Causeway Coast, N.I

S410020971981C Wills, North Cliffs, Cornwall

RAY (Eagle) (Myliobatis aquila)

B101146462212004R Lewis, off St Catherines Bay, I.O.W

S15--6804Qualifying weight

RAY (Electric) (Torpedo nobiliana)

B9610435711975N J Cowley, off Dodman Point, Cornwall

S52110238971980M A Wills, Porthallow, Cornwall

RAY (Marbled Electric) (Torpedo marmorata)

B106847202000C Ryan, Mid Shingles, Western Solent

S13151163411990M E Porter, Jersey (N Coast) CI

RAY (Sandy) (Raja circularis)

B2---907Qualifying weight

S2---907Qualifying weight

RAY (Small-eyed) (Raja microocellata)

B178079381991Mrs S Storey, off Watchet, N Somerset

S150868181991N J Wood, in South Wales

RAY (Spotted) (Raja montagui)

B810839261998A Hodge, Whitsands Bay, Cornwall

S85037701980D G Bowen, Mewslade Bay, Sth Wales

RAY (Sting)(Dasyatis pastinaca)

B7220327151996P Burgess, River Blackwater, Essex

S59129271022003T Back, Whitstable, Kent

RAY (Thornback) (Raja clavata)

B3170142601981J Wright, Liverpool Bay

S2112098651985S Ramsay, The Ross, Kirkcudbright

RAY (Undulate) (Raja undulata)

B214896521987S Titt, St Aldhelms Hd, Swanage, Dorset

S214096381983K Skinner, St Catherine's B'water, CI

ROCKLING (3-bearded)(Gaidropsarus vulgaris)

B34414811992C Hurst, south of the Isle of Wight

S3121417262001M Negus, The Lizard, Cornwall

ROCKLING (Shore) (Gaidropsarus mediterraneus)

B0121003582000J Simmonds, off Redcliff Point, Dorset

S191207301992D Lane, at Chesil Cove, Dorset

SALMON (Coho) (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

B1---454Qualifying weight

S18106811977R J McCracken, Petit Port, Guernsey, CI

SCAD (Horse Mackerel) (Trachurus trachurus)

B35315071978M A Atkins (late), Torbay, Devon

S301413841981R Dillon, Cockenzie Power Station, Scotland

SEA SCORPION (Short-spined) (Myoxocephalus scorpius)

B23009921973R Stephenson, Gt Cumbrae Island, Scotland

S27811191982B G Logan, Whitley Bay, Tyne & Wear

SHAD (Allis) (Alosa alosa)

B2---970Qualifying weight

S412721661977P B Gerrard, off Chesil Beach, Dorset

SHAD (Twaite) (Alosa fallax)

B24210241985D Protheroe, off Barry, S Wales

S212012471978J W Martin, Garlieston, SW Scotland

SHARK (Blue) (Prionace glauca)

B21800988781959N Sutcliffe, Looe, Cornwall

S40--18143Qualifying weight

SHARK (Mako) (Isurus oxyrinchus)

B500002267861971Mrs J M Yallop, off Eddystone Light

S40--18143Qualifying weight

SHARK (Porbeagle) (Lamna nasus)

B5070023001993C Bennett, Dunnet Head, Scotland

S40--18143Qualifying weight

SHARK (Six-gilled) (Hexanchus griseus)

B98043091976F E Beeton, S of Penlee Pt, Plymouth

S5--2268Qualifying weight

SHARK (Thresher) (Alopias vulpinus)

B323001465041982S Mills, Nab Tower, off Portsmouth

S40--18143Qualifying weight

SKATE (Common)(Raja batis)

B227001029611986R Banks, off Tobermory, Inner Hebrides

S16960768281994G MacKenzie, Loch Roag, Isle of Lewis

SMOOTHHOUND (Starry)(Mustelus asterias)

B2820127571998A Bowering, off Minehead, Bristol Channel

S2320104881972D Carpenter, Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex

SMOOTHHOUND (Mustelus mustelus)

B2800127001969A T Chilvers, Heacham, Norfolk

S203091572000P Orchard, Hillhead sea wall, Hampshire

SOLE (Solea solea)

B46019842005M Le Moignan, Off Lepe Beach, Western Solent.

S681029661991N V Guilmoto, off Alderney, CI

SOLE (Lemon) (Microstomus kitt)

B3414152006G Newcombe off Teignmouth, Devon.

S271111241980W N Callister, Victoria Pier, Douglas, I.O.M

SPURDOG (Squalus acanthias)

B213796221977P R Barrett, off Porthleven, Cornwall

S1612876111964R Legg, Chesil Beach, Dorset

SUNFISH (Mola mola)

B10800489861976T F Sisson, off Saundersfoot, Wales

S4940223381976M G H Merry, Fisherman's Cover, Cornwall

TADPOLE-FISH(Raniceps raninus)

B16406302003A Gray, Mouth of River Tyne.

S1121206162005D McCormick, Bangor Harbour Co Down.

TOPE (Gaeorhinus galeus)

B8280374221991R Chatfield, off Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex

S6600299372006K Legge, Lynmouth N Devon.

TORSK (Brosme brosme)

B15121171632005H Foster, Off Mowsa, Shetland.

S3--1361Qualifying weight

TRIGGER FISH(Balistes capriscus)

B641428592002P J Phillips, 0.5 mile off Tywyn Beach, Wales.

S514826791995K Lydiard, Lynmouth Rocks, N Devon

TUNNY (Thunnus thynnus)

B851003859891933L Mitchell-Henry, Whitby, Yorks

S40--18143Qualifying weight

TUNNY (Big-eyed) (Thunnus obesus)

B30--13607Qualifying weight

S66120302761985A L Pascoe (Aged 15), Newlyn Harbour, Cornwall

TUNNY (Long-finned)(Thunnus alalunga)

B412021551990B Cater, Salcombe Estuary, Devon


TURBOT (Scophthalmus maximus)

B33120153081980R Simcox, Salcombe, Devon

S2880129261973J D Dorling, Dunwich Beach, E Suffolk

WHITING (Merlangius merlangus)

B612030611981N R Croft, Falmouth, Cornwall

S40718261984T Dell, Abbotsbury, Dorset

WHITING Blue (Poutassou) (Micromesistius poutassou)

B112007931977J H Anderson, Loch Fyne, Scotland

S-12--340Qualifying weight

WITCH (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus)

B-12--340Qualifying weight

S121305331967T J Barathy, Colwyn Bay, Wales

WRASSE (Ballan)(Labrus bergylta)

B971243021999A Heart, off Jersey, Channel Islands

S91041101998P Hegg, Portland, Dorset

WRASSE (Cuckoo)(Labrus mixtus)

B271211261998K Marden, off Dungeness, Kent

S112908091999Mark Hooper, Rosaire, Herm, CI

WRECKFISH (Polyprion americanus)

B11141254072001Patrick Banks, mid-channel wreck SSW of Poole

S1---454Qualifying weight

Sea Fish - Mini Species Records

© British Record (rod-caught) Fish Committee 1995-2008

ozsdmsgmsYearCaptor and Location

ANCHOVY (Engraulis encrasicolus)

1110492003Douglas Roots, Off Hastings, East Sussex.

ARGENTINE (Argentina sphyraena)

531471978I Miller, Loch Long, Arrochar, Scotland

BARRACUDINA (Paralepis coregonoides)

1140541987D Gillon, Newton Shore, Ayr, Scotland

BLACKFISH (Cornish) (Schedophilus medusophagus)

842331983R L Cooke, Cefn Sidan Beach, Wales

BLENNY (Butterfly)(Blennius ocellaris)

120321990M Hegg (Aged 8) Portland Harbour, Dorset

BLENNY (Tompot) (Parablennius gattorugine)

581561989M K Webb (Aged 16), Mevagissey, Cornwall

BLENNY (Viviparous) (Zoarces viviparus)

1303681982H Harrison, Redcar shore, Yorkshire

BLENNY (Yarrell's) (Chirolophis ascanii)

310861996D Owen, Raven's Point, Anglesey, Wales

BLUE RUNNER (Caranx crysos)

621752001Peter Godden, Walmer Beach, Deal, Kent

BOAR FISH (Capros aper)

300851983Mrs R K Bennett, Rinsey, Nr Porthleven, Cornwall

BREAM (Axillary) (Pagellus acarne)

852361995J Breedijk, wreck off S W Guernsey, CI

BREAM (Saddled Sea) (Oblada melanura)

1544392000S Giles, St Austell Bay, Cornwall

BUTTERFISH (Pholis gunnellus)

120321978D McEntee, Gourock Pier, Scotland

120321992P Henson, Whitby Pier, N Yorkshire

DAB (Long Rough) (Hippoglossoides platessoides)

581551975I McGrath, Coulport, Loch Long, Scotland

DRAGONET (Callionymus lyra)

661801992B Sokell, Berry Head Quarry, Brixham, Devon

GARFISH (Short-beaked) (Belone svetovidovi)

13143931990C W Cass, Mounts Bay, Penzance, Cornwall

GOBY (Black) (Gobius niger)

240631980F O'Brien, off Inveraray Pier, Scotland

GOBY (Common) (Pomatoschistus microps)

--12006G Green, Blackwater & Chelmer Canal.

GOBY (Giant) (Gobius cobitis)

942621994A Carre, Beaucette Marina, Guernsey, CI

GOBY (Leopard-spotted) (Thorogobius ephippiatus)

160391995R Jones, Llanbadrig, Cemaes Bay, Anglesey, Wales

GOBY (Sand)(Ctenolabrus rupestris)

32005G Miller, Herne Bay Beach, Kent.
GOBY (Rock) (Gobius paganellus)

140351993T Brown, Caernarfon, N Wales

PILCHARD (Sardina pilchardus)

802261987N Berry, Plymouth, Devon

PILOT FISH (Naucrates ductor)

108297.951997J Richards, Towy Estuary, Carmarthen Bay, Wales

PIPEFISH (Greater) (Syngnathus acus)

401131981T J Sherwood, Fareham Creek, Portsmouth Harbour

PIPEFISH (Snake) (Entelurus aequoreus)

100281987T A Evans, Menai Straits, Anglesey

POGGE (Agonus cataphractus)

1100461985J E Meakin, Pointlynas, Llanelian, Anglesey

POOR COD (Trisopterus minutus)

1303582003Adam Slack, Berry Head, Torquay.

RED BAND-FISH (Cepola rubescens)

702002001G Tipling, Inverkip, Scotland

ROCKLING (Five bearded) (Ciliata mustela)

1604541995A Boswell, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, Wales

ROCKLING (Four bearded) (Enchelyopus cimbrius)

170401981S W Hodgson, off Cloch Point, Gourock, Scotland

SANDEEL (Corbin's) (Hyperoplus immaculatus)

491281978S L Carter, N W Jersey, CI

SANDEEL (Greater) (Hyperoplus lanceolatus)

872391979B K Le Breton, Amfroque, Herm, Guernsey, CI

SEA SCORPIAN (Long spinned) (Taurulus bubalis)

1002831992G Lockwood, Ferry Bridge, Portland, Dorset

SHANNY (Lipophrys pholis)

3151121995M Carter, Poldhu Cove, S W Cornwall

SKIPPER (Scomberesox saurus)

541481994A Woods, Seaham Chemical Beach, Co Durham

SMELT (Osmerus eperlanus)

6121911981G Idiens, Fleetwood, Lancashire

SMELT (Sand) (Atherina presbyter)

290721975A D Laws, New Jetty, St Peter Port, Guernsey, CI

SMELT (Sand - Big Scale) (Atherina boyeri)

050081980N L G Dorling, The Leys, Aberthaw, S Wales

STICKLEBACK (Sea 15 spined) (Spinachia spinachia)

05.60101997V Hendrie, Newton Shore, Ayr, Scotland

TOPNOT (Common) (Zeugopterus)

1383821998R Thomson (Aged 10) Grande Rocques Guernsey, CI

WEEVER (Lesser)(Echiichthys vipera)

36095.672001D Thompson, Shambles Bank, Weymouth, Dorset

WRASSE (Baillon's)(Crenilabrus bailloni)

802262004A.Hopkins, Off Weymouth, Dorset.

WRASSE (Corkwing) (Crenilabrus melops)

12113602005Toni Pay off Portland, Dorset.

WRASSE (Goldsinney)(Ctenolabrus rupestris)

3101022005Richard Prosser, Off Portland, Dorset.

WRASSE (Rock Cook) (Centrolabrus exoletus)

3131092001Andrew Drysdale, boat off Newquay, Cornwall

WRASEE (Scale-rayed) (Acantholabrus palloni)

14124181992J Vaughan, off Eddystone Reef, Plymouth, Devon