Green Line Oberstufe•Global challenges• Thematic vocabulary
Global economicsWord/phrase / Usage/memory aid / Translation
access / fast access to information / Zugang
child labour / A problem with child labour in the sweatshops of developing countries. / Kinderarbeit
competition / to face increasing competition from sb / Wettbewerb
corporation / the corporate world / Konzern; Unternehmen
economy / a free market economy / Wirtschaft; Ökonomie
export / ↔ import / Export
flow / global flow of money and goods / Austausch
foreign aid / to grant foreign aid / Entwicklungshilfe
foreign markets / International trade agreements allow small companies to have access to foreign markets. / Fremde/Ausländische Märkte
global / global economy/market/player; to go global / global; weltweit agierend
infrastructure / with a highly developed/deficient infrastructure / Infrastruktur
living expenses / Wages do not cover living expenses. / die Lebenshaltungskosten
manufactured goods / China’s index of manufactured goods rose by 2.7 percent last month. / Industriegüter
merger / to plan a merger
to merge (v): to merge with another company / Fusion
multinational company / Multinational companies have been changing the face of business for centuries. / der Multi; multinationales Unternehmen/ Gesellschaft
negotiate / to negotiate trade agreements
→negotiation (n) / verhandeln; Handelsabkommen aushandeln
outsourcing / to outsource production to another country
→ source (n) / das Outsourcing; Ausgliederung
pool / the global talent pool
→to pool (v): pooling global resources / Pool; Fundus
to privatise / Germany went through a phase in the 1990s of privatising many state-owned companies, such as the post office and the telephone company. / staatliche Betriebe privatisieren
profits / Rationalising a business helps it to maximise its profits. / Profite maximieren
shareholder / to focus on shareholders’ interests and shareholder value / Aktionär/-in
standard of living / rising/increasing/decreasing standard of living / steigender/fallender Lebensstandard
state-of-the-art / state-of-the-art technology / hochmodern; aktuelle Technik
subsidy / European farmers get lots of subsidies.
→ to subsidise (v) / Zuschuss; Subvention
supply chain / →supply (n);→ to supply sb with sth (v) / Lieferkette; Versorgungskette
trade / Multi-national corporations expand trade beyond their country’s borders. / Handel
wealth / →wealthy (adj)
↔ poverty / zum materiellen Reichtum beitragen
working condition / working conditions worsen / Arbeitsbedingungen
History of globalisation; Developing Countries
Word/phrase / Usage/memory aid / Translation
colony / The British colonies were settled very rapidly.
to colonise (v); colonial (adj) / Kolonie
explorer / The explorers sailed the seven seas
exploration (n); to explore / Entdecker/-in
extinct / to go extinct / ausgestorben
imperialism / imperial (adj) / Imperialismus
mobility / the increasing mobility of people and goods. / Mobilität
information age / Children today are products of the information age. / Informationszeitalter
supporter/proponent of globalisation / Many industrialists and politicians are supporters of globalisation. / Unterstützer/-in/Befürworter/-in der Globalisierung
debt relief / The World Bank offers countries debt relief. / Schuldenerlass
developing countries / → development (n) / Entwicklungsländer
economically powerful/ weak countries / There is a world of difference between the economically powerful countries and the weak ones. / wirtschaftlich mächtige/
schwache Länder
exploitation / Many children suffer exploitation at the hands of greedy businesspeople. / Ausbeutung
few chances for employment / Price dumping results in few chances for employment. / geringe Aussichten auf Beschäftigung
human rights abuses / Human rights abuses include the death penalty. / Menschenrechts-verletzung
industrialised countries / Not all industrialised countries are free from poverty. / Industrienationen
minority / ↔ majority / Minderheit
Oppression / People often suffer from oppression under a dictator.
→ to oppress (v) / Unterdrückung
poor/impoverished/ poverty-stricken countries / The World Bank aims to improve the lives of people in poverty-stricken countries. / arme/verarmte Länder
Poverty / to eliminate poverty; to live in abject poverty
→ poor (adj) / Armut
trafficking / illegal trade; trafficking of people/drugs/weapons / (illegaler) Handel
A Discovering globalisation
Word/phrase / Usage/memory aid / Translation
era / a new era starts; the end of an era; an era lasts from … to … / Ära; Zeitalter
to shrink sth / ↔ to expand, to enlarge, to stretch / etw. verkleinern; einschrumpfen
force / a dynamic force for change
→ forceful (adj), to force (v) / Kraft
to drive sth / Inflation is driven by many factors / etw. vorantreiben; antreiben
competition / global competition for resources
→ competitive (adj), to compete (with/against sb in sth for sth) (v), competitor (n) / Wettbewerb; Konkurrenz
opportunity / to have an opportunity to do sth
to take advantage of the opportunities of a globalised world
↔ risk / Chance; (günstige) Gelegenheit
to go global / Going global bears great risks for a company, but also great opportunities. / ins globale Geschäft einsteigen
to collaborate / to collaborate economically/politically/militarily
→ collaboration (n): a collaboration between different nations / zusammenarbeiten
stock / New York Stock exchange; to buy/sell stock / Aktien
to power sth / Political change was powered by the anger of the poor. / etw. antreiben; der Motor von etw. sein
falling costs / ↔ rising costs / sinkende/fallende Kosten
transportation costs / Fuel prices heavily influence transportation costs. / Transportkosten
global economy / If the American economy faces a crisis, the global economy does, too. / Weltwirtschaft
goods (pl) / Cheap goods are flooding the market. / Güter; Waren
global market / to open the global market for a country’s goods; to dominate the global market / Weltmarkt
to flatten sth / to flatten out differences, flat hierarchies / etw. nivellieren; flach machen
to empower sb/sth (to do sth) / to empower individuals/people/the masses (to do sth) / jmdm mehr Entscheidungsgewalt/Macht geben (etw. zu tun)
production site / → to produce (v); producer (n); productivity (n) / Produktionsstandort
spread / → to spread, spread, spread (v) / Verbreitung
distribution / → to distribute (v) / Verteilung
labour / Cheap clothes are often made by child labour. / Arbeit; Arbeitskraft
to expand / to increase, to extend
→ expansion (n) / ausdehnen; erweitern
to cut costs / to reduce costs / Kosten senken
efficiency / → efficient (adj) / Effizienz; Leistungsfähigkeit
profit / → profitable (adj) → to profit from sth (v) / Profit; Gewinn; Nutzen
working hours / the number of hours you have to work per day / Arbeitszeiten
wages (pl) / the money you get paid for your work / Gehalt
condition / Workers in poorer countries live in miserable conditions. / Bedingung; Zustand
unemployment / → to employ (v); unemployed (adj); employer (n); employee (n) / Arbeitslosigkeit
retirement / → to retire (from work) (v) / Pensionierung; Ruhestand
demand / When demand for a product increases, prices go up. / Nachfrage; Bedarf
qualification / → qualified (adj): She is a qualified teacher. / Qualifikation; Befähigung
advance / There have been rapid advances in information technology.
→ to advance (v) / Vorstoß; Fortschritt
electronics (sg) / → electronic (adj) / Elektronik
revolution / → the Industrial Revolution, the IT Revolution / Revolution
to aid / to help, to support / helfen; unterstützen
branch / A tree has branches.
Our newest branch produces more efficiently than the others. / Zweig; Sparte; Niederlassung
to preserve / to conserve / bewahren; erhalten
income / the money a household has available regularly / Einkommen
human rights (pl) / Menschenrechte
universal / recognized all over the world / universell; allgemein gültig
prosperity / → to prosper (v) / Wohlstand; Gedeihen; Hochkonjunktur
ecological / → ecology (n) / ökologisch; umweltverträglich; Umwelt-
stability / → stable (adj) / Stabilität
dependence / → dependent (adj) → to depend (on) (v)
↔ independence / Abhängigkeit
support / → to support (v);supportive (adj);supporter (n) / Unterstützung; Hilfestellung
investment / to make an investment / Investition
credit / to buy sth on credit / Kredit; Darlehen
mass medium, media (pl) / Modern mass media include TV, radio and the Internet. / Massenmedium, -medien
to predict / → to make a prediction (n) / vorhersagen
means (sg or pl) / What is the safest means of transport? / Mittel
pollution / air/water/environmental pollution
→ to pollute sth (v) / Verschmutzung
competitive / → competition (n); competitor (n); to compete (with sb for sth) (v)
The global market is a highly competitive market. = There is much competition in the global market. / konkurrenzbetont; wettbewerbsfähig; auf Wettbewerb beruhend
gap / The gap between the rich and the poor is widening. / Kluft; Lücke