How to Use Pear Deck

Intro to Pear Deck
Al Gonzalez
Pear Deck - August 14, 2017 at 2:30PM

Part 1 - Summary

This Pear Deck is to introduce what Pear Deck does and how it works.
Alfonso (Al) Gonzalez - Pear Deck Coach

Part 2 - Responses

Slide 1

This Google Doc with all the questions and answers are called Takeaways. Takeaways are only available with Premium accounts. Once the Pear Deck session is ended by the teacher, the teacher can choose to publish them. After Pear Deck gets them ready, the Takeaways are shared with all the students (students can find them in their Shared Google Drive folder or the teacher can send them to students in Google Classroom - much better to use Classroom!). So this is an example of what your Takeaway will look like when you get it at the end of this workshop.

Slide 2
Slide 3 - Multiple Choice / Your Response
/ You Chose:
I'm already using it!
Other Choices:
●I've seen Pear Deck being used
●I'm new! I've never seen it, but I'm sooo good with Technology
●What's Pear Deck, why am I here?

This is a multiple choice slide type, the bread and butter of quick digital formative assessment.

Slide 4 - Website / URL
Open This In a New Tab

Clicking the link on this slide opens up a Google Doc of this entire presentation. You can use it now to take notes if you have time. These Takeaways make excellent study guides for students!

Slide 5

We know that very few of our students can actually learn from just being talked to so what can we do to engage more of our students? Pear Deck is one way to have students interact with the lecture/presentation.

Slide 6
Slide 7 - Draggable / Your Response

This is a Draggable slide - only available on Premium accounts.

Slide 8 - Multiple Choice / Your Response
/ You Chose:
Different Processing
Other Choices:
●Fear of being wrong in front of peers
●Home stress is distracting

These are all correct! It depends on the child. Doesn’t Pear Deck solve all these problems?! Yes it does, I’ve seen it first hand.

Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 11 - Draggable / Your Response

This is a nice example of how to use a Draggable slide type.

Slide 12 - Drawing / Your Response
/ An actual image of your drawing shows here!

Drawing slides, also only available on Premium accounts, are fantastic. You can do so much with these!

Slide 13 - Text Response / Your Response
/ Answer 1:
Your responses are shown here!

Text Response slides allow the teacher to ask deeper questions and get more detailed responses.

Slide 14 - Draggable / Your Response

Here’s another great example of how to use the Draggable slides collaboratively!

Slide 15 - Number / Your Response
/ 1500

Number slides only take numbers and they display the class responses on a timeline/numberline. Really cool! When you show the answers, they display as a box and whiskers graph so you can see the median guess quickly. The grey box indicates that a 50% of the answers are in that zone.

Slide 16 - Drawing / Your Response

To write an equation in any text box in Pear Deck type “##” and it will pop up some guidance for you.

Here’s the help page for writing Math Equations on Pear Deck slides:

Slide 17 - Website / URL

This is great because students can view the website on their own device instead of just looking at the projector and seeing what the teacher is doing with the website.

Slide 18 - Website / URL
Slide 19 - Text Response / Your Response
/ Requires text-based evidence to support claim.

After having students read through a website, follow up with a question!

Slide 20 - Website / URL

This is awesome for Science Teachers!

Slide 21 - Drawing / Your Response

Another way to use a Drawing slide.

Slide 22

The rest of the slides here show how to sign up for Pear Deck (use your Google Account or GSuite Edu, formerly GAFE, account from your school).

Slide 23

Use this space for notes:

Slide 24

Use this space for notes:

Slide 25

Use this space for notes:

Slide 26

Use this space for notes:

Slide 27

Use this space for notes:

Slide 28

Use this space for notes:

Slide 29

Use this space for notes:

Slide 30

●Here’s an article about mirroring -

Slide 31

Use this space for notes:

Slide 32

Use this space for notes:

Slide 33

Use this space for notes:

Slide 34

Use this space for notes:

Slide 35

Use this space for notes:

Slide 36

Click here to see the features for the Free version vs the Premium version.

Slide 37 - Draggable / Your Response

This is a fun use of the Draggable slide type!

Slide 38 - Text Response / Your Response