Honeywell Retiree Club Board Meeting Minutes

February 7, 2012

Meeting was called to order by Shirley Krieger at 1:00pm.

Those present were:

Don Peeples, Shirley Krieger, Harry Heller, Nadine Arney, John Kopala
Tom Turner, Barbara Rippstein, Victor Fragnito, Russ Henzel, Jane Bilyeu,
Francis Cartwright, Jim Scarlett, Ibis Valles . From Sperry Retiree Club: Karen Thomas
Visitor: Dawn Orgill and Linde Harned (Speaker)

Absent was Russ Henzel

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 6, at the Glendale Library.

A motion to approve January meeting minutes was made by Harry Heller and seconded by Tom Turner, all board agreed.

Treasurer’s Report

Tom presented copies of the expenses and income for month of January with a year to date loss of $1114.88. Some Certificates of Deposit were moved to accounts with a higher return rate. Harry Heller made a motion to approve the report, Vic Fragnito seconded the motion and the board approved.

Electronic Tools

Russ is back East. We had just one change from paper to electronic.

Bridge Publication Status

John took the information and updates for the February Bridge and ready it for distribution. More pictures from the Christmas Dinner & Dance will be included.

Membership Report

We had no updated membership report since Mary Bakl was absent.

There are currently 697 active members in the HRC. Ninety-six were dropped due to non-payment of dues.

No new subscriptions to the Bridge.

New retirees will remain on the mailing list for 3 months to be given a chance to join the HRC.

Programs and Event Status

January 25AZ Broadway Theatre

January 27AZ Science CenterVic reported there were a lot of children at the Science Center and next time we should schedule it for the afternoon.

February 14Turf ParadiseHarry: 63 people signed up last day today.

February 21Fraud/ID TheftNadine: 32 people signed up so far

March 10Cruise to HawaiiBarbara: There will be on board credits. There are 45-46 people in the group with 1/3 either HRC or SRC people.

March 13Ft. McDowell Casino Trip Sponsored by SRC

March 28Spring Pot LuckMary will be asked to chair.

March TBDSpring Training Game Fred Bauer of SRC sold only 2 tickets.

April 26Annual MeetingJane: Tim Mahoney will attend. Linde Harned will be the backup speaker. Next year the price will go from $15 to $18.

October TBDOktoberfest

December TBDChristmas Dinner


Tom Turner reported that scholarships were paid out. $1000 has been received from Garrett Retiree Club. Jim Scarlett will be asked to verify web links and list award winners. SRC voted down to donate money for scholarships. However if an SRC joins HRC their family members will be eligible for scholarships. Karen will write an article in the WINGS regarding scholarships.

Old Business

Potential board members for next year are: Judy Edmonds, Dave Kresl, Matilda Pineschi, Kaye Eibeck, Pat Golic and Dawn Orgill. Biographies will be needed by February and the ballots prepared in March forApril distribution. Ibis Valles agreed to run for Vice-President, Frances Cartwright agreed to run for Treasurer, Vic Fragnito agreed to run for President and Mary Barkl for Secretary. New officers should be on board in May. Harry will schedule the meetings. Next meetings this Spring are scheduled for: March 6, April 3 and May 1.

Next year’s Christmas Dinner: There was a discussion of costs, subsidies, and locations and decided it has to be a dinner not a luncheon. A committee made up of Ibis Valles, Nadine Arney, and Barbara Rippstein will research other locations and opportunities. We know we don’t want Arrowhead and separate from SRC. December 6 is the SRC party at either Union Hills or Arrowhead. It was determined Ironwoods is not suitable. The committee is looking at the Elks Lodge and some hotels nearby.

New Business

Volunteering: We had a speaker at the opening of our meeting Linde Harned from “Experience Matters” who talked about Opportunities to volunteer; these will be advertised in the Bridge.

GE Club/Potential Merger: Don Peeples and Frances Cartwright attended their meeting and reported back some of their findings. In a nutshell we need to find out more about eligibility per the bylaws and the most important question is to find out who is paying their retirement to determine if they can join HRC. Don and Frances both felt their club is mainly a social media so they can stay in touch with former employees. Both of them felt that the GE Club will like to merge with HRC.

Motion was made to adjourn by Harry Heller and seconded by Tom Turner. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm

Respectfully Submitted

Ibis Valles