History Assessment Task Sheet
Student Name: / Year Level: 1Name of Task: / Assessment Task 3: Jobs/task: Past/Present/Future / Teacher:
Learning Area/s: / History
Date Commenced: / Date Due:
Type of Task: / Oral / Written / Other
Task Conditions: / Individual / Pair / Group Work
In Class / Homework / Other
Opportunity to Access: / Books / Notes / Library / Technology
Assessed By: / Self / Peer / Teacher
Task Description
· Assessment Task 3
§ Students choose a job or task. They draw a picture of what the task/job looked like in the past, present and will look like in the future.
§ Students write a sentence to describe what the job/task would involve.
- Assessment Task 3
- Students choose a job/task which they have knowledge on in relation to the past and present.
- Students use their knowledge to predict what this task might look like in the future.
- Students use this knowledge to draw and picture and write a sentence to describe the task.
· Assessment Task 3
Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services
Criteria / A / B / C / D / EKnowledge and Understanding / Part 1
Justification of Who is the Busiest in Your Family / Student identifies busiest person and provides a comprehensive reason for their choice. / Student identifies busiest person and provides a thorough reason for their choice. / Student identifies busiest person and provides a satisfactory reason for their choice. / Student identifies busiest person. No reason is provided for their choice. / Student does not identify the busiest person or provide a reason.
Part 2
Compare and Contrast the Busiest Family Member to the Smith Family / Student thoroughly lists a range of jobs to show how busy the person is and comprehensively compares and contrasts the two people chosen. / Student satisfactorily lists a range of jobs to show how busy the person is and attempts to compare the two people chosen. / Student satisfactorily lists a range of jobs to show how busy the person is. / Student may list 1 job to show how busy the person is. / Student does not list any jobs to show how busy the person is or provides irrelevant answer.
Skills / Part 3
Past/Present/Future Job Chart / Student displays a comprehensive understanding of the progression from past to present to future by isolating technological advances within the chosen job/task. / Student displays a thorough understanding of the progression from past to present to future by isolating technological advances within the chosen job/task. / Student displays a satisfactory understanding of the progression from past to present to future by isolating technological advances within the chosen job/task. / Student displays a limited understanding of the progression from past OR present OR future by isolating technological advances within the chosen job/task. / Student does not display any progression between past to present to future within the chosen job/task.
Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services
Assessment Task 1: Who is the Busiest in your family?
The busiest person in my family is ______because ______
Assessment Task 2: Draw a picture of the
Busiest Person in my Family / Same person from the Smith FamilyWho is busiest? Your family member or the Smith’s family member?
Who is busiest out of the two pictures above?
Why? Give reasons why you think they are busier.
Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services
Assessment Part 3
Choose a job/task and draw a picture of what the job/task would look like in the past, present and future.
Write a sentence to describe what the job/task would involve.
Past / Present / FutureDiocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services