PHS PTA Meeting 2/1/17
The meeting will please come to order. (Number of attendees not inclpta and admin – 14)
Welcome everyone – Thank you for coming to our meeting tonight. We have Mr. Keim here tonight and he has a lot to share with us, so I’m going to go through the agenda quickly. Please hold questions for me until the end. Please sign the attendance sheet which is being passed around the room.
I would like to propose a change to the order of business. I propose to waive the reading of the minutes from the prior meeting which was held Sep 28th. Is there anyone who would second this proposal? Can I see a show of hands for all in favor of the proposed change? Any opposed? Second – Lisa Cassesa, majority in favor
These minutes will be on our Paramus HS PTA Website. Dawn has also distributed these minutes. Please take a moment to review the minutes. Are there any corrections or additions to the minutes? Can I have a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting? Second? The minutes are approved. First motion – Stacy Novoshefski, second motion – Kimberly Lesser
Leadership Change – The PTA executive committee is under new leadership and we have lost a few lead roles. Anyone interested in joining our team, please come see me after the meeting or send us a note on Paramus PTA website. We have a great team and work closely with the high school administration to bring parents relevant and important information on high school programs.
Treasurer Report – Doug has passed out a copy of the treasurer’s report. Are there any questions? If not, the report will be filed. In addition the PTA board voted to permit a new Bank Account for 2018, we cannot find any open account from 2015 and believe it was closed out.
Membership – Stacy, can you tell us # of members to date? Do you have anything to report?
300 new single and family members
Scholarship Events – Some important events pertaining to Scholarships
-The Scholarship Show will be on March 31st and April 1st. It is ‘The Drowsy Chaperone – a musical within a comedy’. It is noted on our PTA website.
-There will be a Scholarship Dinner and we have provided a gift basket for the tricky tray, with the theme “Dinner and a Movie”. This will be held onSat March 4th, 7-12am at the IBEW Hall on West Century Rd. We will add this to the Paramus PTA website with details.
-The Paramus High School PTA is looking for a few volunteers from parents of freshman through juniors (no senior parents) for Scholarship Interviewing March 23th and 24th. All PTAs and many other organizations encourage volunteers to help in this worthy cause. The event spans 2 days with 2 time slots (8:45-11:30am or 12 to 2:30pm) each day. I have a sign-up sheet here if you’d like to participate. It is a great opportunity to give back to the community and learn about this process to prepare your child in their senior year.
Some other notable events coming up are as follows:
-Relay for Life will be June 16th/17th and this years’ theme is Disney with a new spark.
-Senior Class Fashion Show will be held Thurs March 23rd from 6:30 – 10pm at Rockleigh Country club. Tickets will be $50/pp and can be purchased through participating seniors.
-Harlem Wizards is coming up soon on Saturday Feb 25th with 2 events at 2:30 and 7pm. Doors open 1 hour ahead of time. Come see teachers and administrators try their skills against the Wizards. Very entertaining and a worthy cause, proceeds go to the Paramus Children’s Health Foundation. Contact is Marty Diamond and I can provide additional contact information if you are interested. (place holder for the info or 201-390-6834)
-We have some upcoming Project Graduation events:
- PG 17 has Senior Mania in Fri Feb 24th, volunteers needed
- PG 18 has their craft fair March 5th, and
- PG 19 has a Fundraiser at Panera Bread on Feb 16th
Administrative Report – We would now like to welcome Mr. Keim, our high school principal who will provide some important information on the high school.
Is there any new business?
Our Superintendent Dr. Robinson provided some definite dates for the 17/18 school year as follows: 1st day 9/5, last day 6/21, ½ day 9/8 and election day (will be security). Spring break April ?
Our next meeting is May 17th. We may set an interim meeting at the end of March if possible and this will be noted in our PTA website shortly. I hope to see you all at the next meeting.