The Muckrakers, urban blight and the impact of immigration: What is the connection among these topics? Who were the Muckrakers? How did they get their name and reputation? Did they accomplish anything worthwhile? What were the causes of urban blight in the 19th century? Was anyone addressing the problem? How? In what way did the immigration of millions of people in the last two decades of the 19th and first decade of the 20th century affect the industrial revolution, the growth of slums and the urban blight that spread across the major cities in the U.S.? Provide and analyze some statistics about immigration and the government’s response to the needs and rights of immigrants during this time period.
Book cover image courtesy of Fantastic Fiction, UK
Website Resources (OPD etc.) / Articles from GALE Discovery / ABC-CLIO EBooks / Links to JSTOR articles
OPD websites and other sources
Ida M. Tarbell / Lincoln Steffens / Nellie BlyJacob Riis / Upton Sinclair / Edwin Markham
David Graham Phillips / Samuel Hopkins Adams / Helen Hunt Jackson
Ray Stannard Baker
General Sources
1. America 1900 (PBS)2. Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
3. Agents of Social Change (Smith College)
4. Feature Presentation on Immigration in America (Library of Congress)
Ida Tarbell
1. American Experience: The Rockefellers: Ida Tarbell - Brief biography of US journalist Ida Tarbell (1857-1944) from the Web site of the PBS television series. Tarbell wrote a classic expose of Rockefeller and his Standard Oil Company.2. February 13, 1916, New York Times, Our Rich Authors Make Cheap Literature; Ida M. Tarbell Laments Tendency of Some of Our Modern Writers to Sacrifice Their Independence and Self-Respect for the Sake of High Prices
3. Harvard University Library Open Collections Program. Women Working, 1870–1930, Ida Tarbell (1857–1944). A full-text searchable online database with complete access to publications written by Ida Tarbell.
4. Ida M. Tarbell - Brief account of an interview with Tarbell, which appeared in The Bookman magazine, January 1903. From the University of Virginia Library, Electronic Text Center Website.
5. Ida M. Tarbell and the Ambiguities of Feminism , Robert Stinson , The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 101, No. 2 (Apr., 1977), pp. 217-239, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania,
6. Ida M. Tarbell: A Progressive Look at Lincoln, Judith A. Rice, Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Winter, 1998), pp. 57-72, University of Illinois Press
7. Ida Tarbell and the "Business of Being a Woman" by Paula Treckel
8. Ida Tarbell Papers, 1896-1943 - Finding aid for Tarbell's papers in the collections of Smith College, including biographical material, correspondence and writings.
9. Ida Tarbell Society Monthly Giving Program with Corporate Accountability International
10. National Women's Hall of Fame - Ida Tarbell
11. Never Too Old for New Ventures: Ida M. Tarbell's "Second Profession", Lynda Beltz , The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 99, No. 4 (Oct., 1975), pp. 476-489, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
12. The History of the Standard Oil Company by Ida Tarbell
13. The Ida Tarbell Home Page
14. Works by Ida M. Tarbell at Project Gutenberg
Lincoln Steffens
1. History Matters – Lincoln Steffens: essay on “Tweed Days in St. Louis”2. Pittsburgh: A City Ashamed: article for McClure’s Magazine by Lincoln Steffens from the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
Nellie Bly
1. American Experience | Around The World In 72 Days, a documentary about Bly's trip around the world.2. An account of Bly's trip around the world
Editions of Bly's books at the Celebration of Women Writers:
Information, photos and original Nellie Bly articles at Nellie Bly Online:
3. Nellie Bly Pioneer Woman Journalist
4. Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days
5. Six Months in Mexico
6. Ten Days in a Mad-House, and other early investigative reports by Nellie Bly
Jacob Riis
1. Jacob Riis page from the Open Collections Program at Harvard University. Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930 collection.2. Jacob Riis: Biographical information from the Richmond Hill Historical Society.
3. How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York by Jacob Riis
4. "Jacob A. Riis's New York". New York Times. February 27, 2008. Retrieved 2008-08-08.
5. Davis, Kay. "Documenting 'the Other Half': The Social Reform Photography of Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine"
6. Collection of Photographs by Jacob Riis
Upton Sinclair
PALS: Perspectives in American Literature: information on Upton SinclairEdwin Markham
1. Edwin Markham Archive at Wagner College Library2. Edwin Markham papers at Lewis & Clark College Special Collections
3. Edwin Markham Collection at San Jose State University, Special Collections & Archives
4. Edwin Markham at Internet Archive
David Graham Phillips
1. Works by David Graham Phillips at Project Gutenberg2. Works by or about David Graham Phillips in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
3. David Graham Phillips: bibliography, links, and information
4. Phillips, David Graham, "The Treason of the Senate: Aldrich, The Head of It All," Cosmopolitan, March 1906.
Samuel Hopkins Adams
1. Works by Samuel Hopkins Adams at Project Gutenberg2. Samuel Hopkins Adams Collection (Syracuse University Library)
3. The Great American Fraud: Adam’s work on the patent medicine industry and the false claims made about their products
Helen Hunt Jackson
1. Helen Hunt Jackson page at Colorado College Special Collections2. Papers, Special Collections, Jones Library, Amherst, MA.
3. A Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes
Ray Stannard Baker
1. Works by Ray Stannard Baker at Project Gutenberg2. Bannister, Robert. "Ray Stannard Baker: A Guide to Resources". Retrieved 2006-10-09.
3. Papers, Special Collections, Jones Library, Amherst, MA.
Articles from GALE Discovery Collection
These materials are from GALE Discovery Collection. To access the full text of the article, please use your LAPL login and password. That should be your LAPL library card # and the password is the last four digits of your home phone.1. "American Newspapers in the 1910s."DISCovering U.S. History.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
2. "Baker, Ray Stannard (1870-1946)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale.Los Angeles Public Library.4 Oct. 2010
3. "Hapgood, Norman (1868-1937)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
4. "Helen Hunt Jackson writes A Century of Dishonor, 1881."DISCovering U.S. History.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale.Los Angeles Public Library.4 Oct. 2010
5. "Jackson, Helen Hunt (1830-1885)."DISCovering Biography.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale.Los Angeles Public Library.4 Oct. 2010
6. "Jackson, Helen Hunt (1830-1885)."UXL Biographies.OnlineDetroit:UXL,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale.Los Angeles Public Library.4 Oct. 2010
7. "Lawson, Thomas William (1857-1925)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
8. "Markham, Edwin (1852-1940)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale.Los Angeles Public Library.4 Oct. 2010
9. "McClure, Samuel Sidney (1857-1949)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
10. "Media in the 1900s: Overview, 1900-1909."DISCovering U.S. History.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
11. "Media in the 1910s: Overview."DISCovering U.S. History.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
12. "Muckraker."DISCovering Authors.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
13. "Muckrakers."Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History.Thomas CarsonandMary Bonk.Detroit:Gale Group,1999.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
14. "Nellie Bly: Editors Slammed Doors in Her Face. But with Nerve and Pluck, Elizabeth J. Cochrane Became Nellie Bly—One of the Most Daring Reporters of Her Time."Student Resource Center.Detroit:Gale,2009.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
15. "Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act, June 30, 1906."DISCovering U.S. History.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
16. "Regulating Medicine in the 1910s, 1910-1919."DISCovering U.S. History.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale.Los Angeles Public Library.4 Oct. 2010
17. "Riis, Jacob (1848-1914)."American Eras, Volume 8: Development of the Industrial United States, 1878-1899.Vincent Tompkins.8Detroit:Gale Research,1997.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
18. "Riis, Jacob A. (1849-1914)."DISCovering U.S. History.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
19. "Riis, Jacob August (1849-1914)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
20. "Russell, Charles Edward (1860-1941)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
21. "Sinclair Publishes The Jungle, 1906."DISCovering U.S. History.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
22. "Sinclair, Upton (1878-1968)."DISCovering Biography.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
23. "Sinclair, Upton (1878-1968)."UXL Biographies.OnlineDetroit:UXL,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
24. "Sinclair, Upton Beale, Jr. (1878-1968)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
25. "Steffens, Lincoln (1866-1936)."DISCovering U.S. History.OnlineDetroit:Gale,2003.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
26. "Steffens, Lincoln (1866-1936)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
27. "Tarbell, Ida Minerva (1857-1944)."Encyclopedia of World Biography.Suzanne M. Bourgoin.2ndDetroit:Gale Research,1998.17vols.Discovering Collection.Gale..>.
28. "Tarbell, Ida Minerva (1857-1944)."Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History.Thomas CarsonandMary Bonk.Detroit:Gale Group,1999.Discovering Collection.Gale..
To open the books, remember to login to ABC-CLIO after you have clicked on the title of the book. Every book can be searched by keywords. MLA Citations for these books are already built into ABC-CLIO.1. Consumer Fraud: A Reference Handbook
2. Propaganda and Mass Persuasion: A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 to the Present
3. Encyclopedia of Urban America: The Cities and Suburbs
4. Encyclopedia of Women Social Reformers
5. Poverty in the United States: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, and Policy
6. Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia
7. The American Economy: A Historical Encyclopedia
8. Political Corruption in America: An Encyclopedia of Scandals, Power, and Greed
9. Native American Issues: A Reference Handbook, Second Edition
JSTOR Article Links
These JSTOR article links are “advanced search” queries for articles on the specific subject listed below. You can only see the article results after logging into JSTOR. Click on name of person to link.Person / Subject
Brand Whitlock / Death Penalty
David Graham Phillips / Political Corruption
Edwin Markham / Child Labor
Helen Hunt Jackson / Treatment of American Indians
Ida M. Tarbell / Oil Monopolies
Jacob Riis / Urban Slums
Lincoln Steffens / Local and State Corruption
Nelly Bly / Mental Asylums
Ray Stannard Baker / Race Relations
Samuel Hopkins Adams / Drugs and Medicine
Upton Sinclair / Food Industry