Conclusions –when writing conclusions you don’t necessarily need to know the content, you need to know how to use the data table! The main things you need to focus on are shown by the arrows.
Acidity of Potato Juice vs. Volume ofFoam
Acidityof Potato Juice (pH) / Volume ofFoam(milliliters)
Trial 1 / Trial 2 / Trial 3 / Average
6 / 22 / 25 / 25 / 24
7 / 32 / 38 / 36 / 35
8 / 41 / 42 / 42 / 42
9 / 32 / 29 / 30 / 30
Then use these sentence stems below in bold. Everything that is underlined is what you need to fill in using information from the data table. You only need 4 points to pass this prompt.
- Conclusive statement: answer the scientific question. (1 point)
- As the Manipulated Variable title (MV) increased/decreased, then the Responding Variable title (RV) increased/decreased.
- State the data for the lowest and highest data points. (2 points)
- At lowest MV # (include the units of measure which are in the parenthesis by the titel) the RV was lowest RV # that belongs to lowest MV # (include units of measure).
- At highest MV # (include units) the RVincreased/decreased to highest RV # that belongs to highest MV # (include units).
- Explain the relationship between the lowest and highest data points. (1 point)
- So changing the MV by (subtract lowest MV from highest MV) caused the RV to increase/decrease by (subtract lowest RV from highest RV).
- Use scientific reasoning. If you have no idea about the science content don’t worry and take a stab at it. This is an extra point you can earn.
- The reason RV increased/decreased as the MV increased/decreased is because scientific reason.
OR use this to help you remember the steps you need: CHEESE
-C –Conclusive statement or Claim: answer the question.
-H –Hypothesis: support of reject the hypothesis.
-E –Evidence: state the lowest and highest data points.
-E–Explain: Explain the relationship between the data points.
-SE–Scientific Explanation:
Directions:Usethefollowinginformationtoanswerquestions3through6onpages 14 through17.
MikeandKelseywerestudyinghowhydrogenperoxide(H2O2)incellsbreaksdowntoformwaterandoxygen.Whenthisreactionhappens,bubblesofoxygengasarereleased,producing foam. This reaction is described as follows:
Aproteinnamedcatalase,foundinallcellsincludingpotatoes,increasestherateofthisreaction.MikeandKelseyusedpotatojuiceasthesourceofcatalasetodothefollowing controlledexperiment.
Question:Whatistheeffectoftheacidityofpotatojuiceonthevolumeoffoamproducedwhen hydrogen peroxide is added to potato juice?
graduated cylinders labeled pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, and pH9,potatojuicefromthesamepotato,divided and adjusted to four acidities: pH 6, pH 7,pH 8, and pH9,hydrogen peroxide(H2O2),beakerstopwatch,stirring rods,thermometer
1.Label four graduated cylinders, one for eachacidity.
2.Put 10 milliliters of potato juice at pH 6 in the appropriately labeledcylinder.
3.Do the same for each of the othercylinders.
4.Monitortheroomtemperaturetomakesurethetemperatureremainsthesamethroughout theinvestigation.
5.Add5millilitersofhydrogenperoxidetoeachgraduatedcylinder,stirfortwoseconds.Wait threeminutes.
6.Measure and record the volume of foam in each graduated cylinder as Trial1.
7.Clean all graduated cylinders and stirringrods.
8.Repeat steps 1 through 7 two times for Trials 2 and3.
Acidity of Potato Juice vs. Volume ofFoam
Acidityof Potato Juice (pH) / Volume ofFoam(milliliters)
Trial 1 / Trial 2 / Trial 3 / Average
6 / 22 / 25 / 25 / 24
7 / 32 / 38 / 36 / 35
8 / 41 / 42 / 42 / 42
9 / 32 / 29 / 30 / 30
1Writeaconclusionforthiscontrolledexperiment.In your conclusion, be sureto:
- Answer the experimentalquestion.
- Include supporting data from the Acidity of Potato Juice vs. Volume of Foamtable.
- Explain how these data support yourconclusion.
- Provide a scientific explanation for the trend in thedata.
Annotated example of a 2-point response for Item4
4Write a conclusion for this controlled experiment.In your conclusion, be sure to:
- Answer the experimentalquestion.
- Include supporting data from the Acidity of Potato Juice vs. Volume of Foamtable.
- Explain how these data support yourconclusion.
- Provide a scientific explanation for the trend in thedata.
In this investigation, the prediction that if the acidity of potato juice is decreased then the volumeof
foam was increased was proven incorrect. Catalase is damaged by acid. The lowest foamvolume
was 24 ml with the highest acidity, pH6, However the highest foam volume was an averageof
42 ml with the second lowest acidity level,pH8 The third highest volume was 35 ml with thesecond
highest acidity level pH7, and the second lowest foam volume was 30 ml with thelowest
acidity levelpH9
Annotations / Attributes
Conclusive statement: …the prediction …wasincorrect. / 1
Supporting data for pH 6: … the lowest foam volume was 24mL with thehighest acidity, pH 6 ... / 1
Supporting data for pH 9: … foam volume was 30mL … pH9 / 1
Explanatory language: … the highest foam volume was an average of 42mL withthe second lowest aciditylevel / 1
Scientific explanation: Catalase is damaged byacid / 1
Total Attributes & ScorePoints / 5 / 2
Annotated example of a 1-point response for Item4
4Write a conclusion for this controlled experiment.In your conclusion, be sure to:
- Answer the experimentalquestion.
- Include supporting data from the Acidity of Potato Juice vs. Volume of Foamtable.
- Explain how these data support yourconclusion.
- Provide a scientific explanation for the trend in thedata.
In conclusion the acidity of potatoe juice does affect the volume of foam produced. When there ismore
potatoe juice the volume of foam increases, but at one point the volume of the potatoejuciestarts
to decline once again. A beaker with 6pH of potatoe juice had aavg of only 24 foam volume.and
the one with 9pH had a volume of 30. The one with 8pH had a volume of42.
Annotations / Attributes
Conclusive statement: …the acidity of potatoe juice does affect the volume offoam produced. Vague / 0
Supporting data for pH 6: …6 pH … 24 foamvolume. / 1
Supporting data for pH 9: …9 pH …30. / 1
Explanatory language: … 6pH of potatoe juice had a avg of only 24 foamvolume
Note: credited because of reference to 8pH / 1
Scientific explanation:None / 0
Total Attributes & ScorePoints / 3 / 1
Annotated example of a 1-point response for Item4
4Write a conclusion for this controlled experiment.In your conclusion, be sure to:
- Answer the experimentalquestion.
- Include supporting data from the Acidity of Potato Juice vs. Volume of Foamtable.
- Explain how these data support yourconclusion.
- Provide a scientific explanation for the trend in thedata.
Ph8 has the most foam at 42. The more Ph does not mean the more foam, but the least Ph doesmean
the least foam. When the Ph got to 8 it went down again at ph9. Ph7 is higher that Ph9. Ph9 ishigher
that Ph6. Ph8 caused the most foam than anyother.
Annotations / Attributes
Conclusive statement: Ph 8 has the most foam at42. / 1
Supporting data for pH 6:None / 0
Supporting data for pH 9:None / 0
Explanatory language: …the least Ph does mean the leastfoam / 1
Scientific explanation:None / 0
Total Attributes & ScorePoints / 2 / 1
Annotated example of a 0-point response for Item4
4Write a conclusion for this controlled experiment.In your conclusion, be sure to:
- Answer the experimentalquestion.
- Include supporting data from the Acidity of Potato Juice vs. Volume of Foamtable.
- Explain how these data support yourconclusion.
- Provide a scientific explanation for the trend in thedata.
Acidy of potato juice’s effect on foam produced by adding hydrogen peroxide is it how quicklythe
2H2O2 converts into oxygen and water. The higher the pH, the less amount of bubbles (which meansa
slower reaction time). Acidity of 9 was 30mL.
Annotations / Attributes
Conclusive statement: The higher the pH, the less amount of bubbles...Incorrect conclusivestatement / 0
Supporting data for pH 6:None / 0
Supporting data for pH9:
Conclusive statement attribute note 2: A response with an incorrect conclusivestatement or no conclusive statement may not be credited anyattributes. / 0
Explanatory language:None / 0
Scientific explanation:None / 0
Total Attributes & ScorePoints / 0 / 0