Grandparents Against Gun Violence

Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2017

President Judy Sherry convened the meeting at Colonial Church in Prairie Village at 4:05 pm.

Secretary Charlotte Davison gave the membership report. GAGV has 738 contacts (subscribers) and 171 dues paying members. First time attendees were recognized.

Loren Stanton gave the Kansas Legislative Report reviewing the status of gun bills in the Kansas Legislature:

  • Loren, Linda Finkle, Susie Rawlings and Stevie Brick visited Kansas legislators’ office in support of HB2074 – the bill that would permanently exempt public colleges and universities from concealed carry.
  • A law passed in 2016 allowing public employees to conceal and carry a gun on the job is being tweaked to take away liability for employers.
  • Removing a gun from the household because of careless storage has had a hearing.

Pat Goodwin gave the Missouri Legislative Report. Twenty bills have been filed regarding firearms; half are gun safety measures. Pat asked Missouri residents to write Reps. Bruce Frank and Stacie Newman to thank them for filing smart bills.

Steve Lopes, coordinator of Johnson County Voting Coalition (JOVOTES), was our guest speaker. The purpose of JOCO Votes is “to facilitate communication and coordinate resources among like minded not for profit organizations to maximize mutually agreed election outcomes.” Steve presented to us the various ways each of us can become advocates.

  • Steve encouraged us to use the new Grandparents Against Gun Violence “How to Become an Advocate for Common Sense Gun Laws” which is a summary from the Indivisible Guide, people are using as an advocacy road map.
  • He reminded us that as a 501c(3), GAGV cannot recruit or support candidates or give them money; however, as individuals we can do those things and say we are members of GAGV. We can lobby and speak out on issues.

We then broke into small groups, talked about how each of us might want to become an advocate, what action steps might appeal to us, and proceeded to come back together to share our thoughts.

On the way out, we began our advocacy by stuffing envelopes with the GAGV Thesaurus and a note to be sent to area Kansas and Missouri legislators:

We want to change the conversation when we talk about common sense gun laws and one first step may be to look at the words we use in our everyday language. Please take a look at this thesaurus, give it some thought and let’s be ready to communicate.

With best wishes for a productive legislative session,Judy Sherry, President, Grandparents Against Gun Violence

PS We would be delighted to meet and talk with you, so when you have plans for any events or constituent meetings, please let us know so we can attend.

Our next meeting is Monday, March 27 at 4pm at Colonial Church in Prairie Village. Scott Mosher, director of training at Frontier Justice firearms range, will be our speaker.

Charlotte Davison, Secretary