Learner resource 5 - Screen printing
Using screen printing to print patterns on to fabric is an easy way to create quick accurate patterned fabric. This can be achieved by using stencils or transferring photos on to the screen.
The Activity
How to screen print
1. Place masking tape or gumstrip around the edges of your screen. This will strop paint bleeding around the edges. Also tape down the edges of your fabric to keep it flat to the table, just a few pieces of masking tape over each corner. Lay out the fabric flat (if using a stencil lay it where you want your design to be). Place the screen on top, taking care not to move the paper and making sure the screen is centered or placed where you would like the print to be.
2. Put a tablespoon of ink in a line at the top edge of your screen.
3. Holding the screen firmly down with one hand, place the squeegee above the paint. With pressure on the squeegee pull the paint down the screen, at a 45º angle. Repeat back up the screen and then put the squeegee to one side, being careful not to drip excess ink.
4. Lift the screen up carefully and slowly from the bottom edge and then away.
5. If you have used a stencil the acetate stencil sticks to the screen with the ink. It is important at this stage that you make your next prints quickly and if you notice the ink starting to dry out you must wash out the screen.
6. When you have printed all your fabrics, throw away the stencil and wash out the screen. Scrub it lightly with a sponge or washing-up brush to get all the paint out. Leave the screen to air-dry before printing again.
Once the screen has been made for you can then go on to use it for your final piece.
You can experiment by using different printing techniques, layering up the design by using different stencils, repeat printing, flocking, filing and rainbow printing.
Version 1 1 © OCR 2017
Textile Design: Individual differences