Milden News

June, 2013

From Rev. Blasdell’s Desk:

To many, the Bible is uninteresting and irrelevant because they read too fast and do not understand it. Among the insects which subsist on the sweet nectar of flowers, there are two very different classes. One is remarkable for its imposing color, beauty and grace; and as you watch its graceful dance over the fields from flower to flower, you cannot help but admire it, or even follow it. But in the same field there is another worker, whose simple appearance and businesslike straight-forward flight may not have drawn your attention; or if it did, you made every attempt to avoid it. His fluttering neighbor darts down here and there, and sips elegantly wherever he can find a drop of ready nectar; but this dingy plodder makes a point of alighting everywhere, and wherever he alights he either finds honey or makes it. He explores all about until he discovers it, and then having ascertained his goal, joyful as one who has found great spoil, he labors to extract all he can before moving on to his next quarry. His rival, of the painted velvet wing, has no patience for such dull and long-winded details. But the one died last October along with the flowers, while the other rested warm in his hive amid the fragrant stores which he gathered beneath the bright beams of summer.

To which do you belong—the butterflies or the bees? Do you search the Scriptures, or do you only skim them? Do you dwell on a passage till you bring out some meaning, or till you can carry away some memorable truth or immediate lesson? Or, do you flit along on heedless wing, only on the lookout for novelty? Far too many people approach the Bible like a novel to read, hoping something will pop out at them, or like a text book that is something one turns to when they need to look up something. Then they wonder why they are not finding the answers they seek.

In truth, the Bible should be treated like a personal friend. Yet most people treat it like an acquaintance. The occasional visit to politely inquire after one’s health, family, or business will never reveal the depth of character. Likewise, contacting someone merely for advice, help, or support as needed does not communicate the heart. Think of someone whom you believe to be a true close friend. You have taken the time to learn their history. You seek them out for their company in both good times and bad. You may even know them well enough to complete their sentences for them. You do not need a translator, nor do you need a guide to understand them. Can you say the same about the Bible, God the Father revealed before you in a way like nothing other?

For many, the summer is the time of year when we take things a little easier; schedules are often a bit less hectic. I want to encourage each of you to make it a goal over the summer months to buzz about the Bible like a bee on a mission. Take the time to dwell on each passage until you know it; milk it for every last morsel. Get to know it like the most treasured friend you have ever found. Then you will know the heart of God, and, as He promised, the Holy Spirit will cause it to live within your mind and soul.

Church News

On May 26, 2013, we celebrated Milden’s 125th birthday, and what a celebration it was! Rev. Charles Blasdell led the morning Worship Service with help from some of the former ministers, Rev. Dr. Dick Sommers, Rev. Dr. Howard Leming and Rev. Dan McCoig. In addition to former ministers who had served Milden’s congregation, we were pleased to have Jamie Barrack (member and former pianist and choir director) participate in the Worship Service as well. Among those attending in support of Milden as well were Rev. Judy Thomson from St. Andrews in Kilmarnock and Rev. Carson Rhyne from Presbytery. Following worship, there was a box lunch under a beautiful white tent in the yard, with crisp white table cloths and fresh cut flowers.

Revs. Blasdell, Leming, McCoig, Rhyne, SommersDr. Leming “Holding Court”

During the luncheon break, there were Sharps Samplins’ Cookbooks for sale which not only shares recipes but also photos and history of the homes in Sharps, notecards with Milden on the front were for sale as well as the First 100 Years. Additionally, there was an update of the History available, informational copies of the Cemetery plots, and Passage to Sharps, courtesy of Ardyce Kinsley.

After ample time for visiting and catching up with the nearly 200 people in attendance, we enjoyed an afternoon program that was full of special music provided by Rev. and Mrs. Tom Waltz, former music director for Milden, Matt Rosendahl, former organist and choir director, and the Baytones led by Matt Rosendahl. William Rice, Marie Becker Smart and Walther Fidler shared their observations and thoughts regarding the importance of Milden in their lives and in the community. Additionally we Rev. McCoig reflect on his years at Milden as well as from some folks who expressed gratitude for having Milden and her community in their lives. During the afternoon program, Milden was pleased to present to Emerson Hughes from Tappahannock Presbyterian a check for $5,000 to be used towards their new building.

Rev. Dr. Dick Sommers then challenged us looking forward to expand our reach in the community and offered suggestions on ways we might do that. One suggestion was to undertake a program of helping members and community members in need of help with odd jobs or small projects at their homes. We have much work to do going forward!

Milden’s Choir with former and current members Member and friends (Ashley Fidler, Peyton Motley,

J.R. Fidler, Emily Packett)

Kristin Bowdler Stock and grandmother, Peggy Bowdler Frances Spencer, Anne Temple Ryland, Anne Ryland

There remain copies of the cookbook, notecards and histories of the church as well if anyone would like one. Please contact a member of Session or Rev. Blasdell.

Meals on Wheels

For those of you who have helped with Meals delivery in the past, and were waiting to sign up again for this year,we have found out that the Agency no longer needs our help. Because it is only done on Monday's now, there is a permanent driver for the lower county(Sharps)route.

However, if anyone wants to help with the upper county (Warsaw) route, you can call 333-5522 and speak to "Barbara" and get details. We believe that is all handled by volunteers from the Warsaw area churches.


If you are giving flowers and would like a dedication to appear in the bulletin, please contact Ellen Hart Pritchett at (804) 580-5269 or to get the dedication in the bulletin.

Milden’s Mission Statement: Focusing on Adults and Families, build a bridge to our future by sharing our faith and love of God.

Don’t forget to check out

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!: Over the years, many have commented about the need to increase our community outreach. What has not been as forthcoming is a recommendation on what we can actually do. If you have an idea, please let an elder know, or write it down and place it in the collection plate, or e-mail to . Many thanks!

Circle News

The ladies Circles have suspended meetings until the Fall. Everyone who would enjoy participating in some of the programs that make Milden a warm and giving community of people, you’re most welcome to join us in the Fall of 2013.

Janet Cordes asks that anyone who has fancy or old postage stamps or important stamps to save them for her as a means of helping fund many of the Presbyterian Church projects worldwide. The money from the sale of these stamps goes to the Congo for educational materials for ministers.

The Haven Thrift Store is always in need of items in good condition to be sold. Food and necessary items for the Haven are collected in the Fellowship Hall of the Church each month and delivered to the Haven office.

Committee Reports From Session

Christian Education: Elder Mary Beth Barrack, Chairman

Milden’s Tree of Concern: Elder Dave Cordes, Chairman -- The Session continues its Tree of Concern program.

Hospitality and Congregational Care: Elders Mary Beth Barrack, Nancy Davis, Kathleen Beane and Ellen Hart Pritchett (Committee Members – B.J. Bowdler, Martha Davis, Becky Glant, Mary Headley, Jane Kemper, Donna Rice) --

Finance and Stewardship: Elders William Clements and Sterlin Headley, Co-Chairs,– (Committee Members: Sandra Clements, Maston Davis, Dan Dotson, Martha W. Fidler, Ira Glant,, Jane Kemper, James F. Roberts) --

Communication: Elder Ellen Hart Pritchett –

Property and Grounds: Elders Dave Cordes and Tim Davis, Co- Chairmen (Committee Members: Becky and Ira Glant, Charles Rice): Cleaning, organizing and sprucing up in preparation for our big 125th Celebration has been the focus of the last few months. Thanks to all those who have worked tirelessly in getting us “spic and span”.

Publications (Milden News and Yearbook): Elders Ellen Hart Pritchett and Kathleen Bean, Co-Chairs–The Yearbook is published annually. Copies available in the Fellowhip Hall.

TheMilden News will be published every quarter. If you have information or news that you would like to submit for the June, 2012 issue, please contact Ellen Hart Pritchett at (804) 580-5269 or by e-mail at . Thanks so much for your help!

Personnel: Elder Dale Fox, Chair

Witness and Mission: Elder Kathleen Beane, Chair

Worship and Sacraments: EldersNancy Davis and Tim Davis – Co-chairs – The next Communion will be the first Sunday in August.


From Elder Peter Rigterink:

Tips for Managing Heat Stress

  • Take time to allow your body a chance to adjust to high-heat situations before you begin working.
  • Don't depend on thirst or sweat as indicators of increasing body heat. Be aware of the temperature and humidity; drink fluids with electrolytes throughout the day.
  • Know the signs of Heat Stroke: Fatigue, confusion, collapse, unconsciousness.
  • Response: Seek medical attention immediately and cool the body down as quickly as possible.
  • Know the signs of Heat Exhaustion: Fatigue, confusion, clammy skin, nausea, low blood pressure, rapid pulse, fainting.
  • Response: Stop exertion, move to a cooler place and drink plenty of fluids
  • Know the signs of Heat Cramps: Fatigue, confusion, painful muscle spasms in arms, legs or abdominal areas.
  • Response: Stop exertion, move to a cooler place and drink plenty of fluids with electrolytes.

If symptoms persist, seek medical assistance immediately.
Milden Birthdays:
June, 2013July, 2013August, 2013
4 – Sarah Headley 4 – Andrew Davis 1 – Mark Hinson
5 – Maston Davis 4 – Harold Hinson 2 – Cary Sheehan
15 – Nancy Davis 12 – Jann Steele 3 – Martha W. Fidler
15 – James F. Roberts 13 – Tim Davis 3 - Geoff Lam
16 – Ginny Morris 14 – Patti Gilliland 8 - Carol Smith
18 – Liz Roberts 14 – Bobby Pemberton 9 – Jimmy Barrack
20 – Mary Clare Ailor 17 – Bryant Harrison 15 – Carol Motley
24 – Dave Cordes 19 – Sandra Clements 19 – Sally Clements
26 – Richard Davis 21 - Colt Stock 19 – Mary Beth Woleben
23 – Tracy Winegar 23 – Bridgar Headley-Boyd
24 – Martha S. Fidler 28 – Lowery Pemberton
25 – Brooke Roberson 28 – Jim Roberts
26 - Joey Fidler 30 – Charles Rice
30 – Todd Davis
30 – Elizabeth Lawson
Flowers: July August September
7 – Becky Glant / 4 – April Davis / 1 -
14 – Mary Crump / 11 – Lucy W. Koll / 8 - Marian Howell /Dale Fox
21 – Vicki Jackson / 16 - Barbara Walker / 15 – Jane Kemper
28 - B.J. Bowdler / 25 – Brenda Pemberton / 22 – Martha W. Fidler
29 -
Upcoming Dates of Interest:
June 30, 2013 – Rev. Bill Arnold will be in the pulpit for Rev. Blasdell (on vacation)
July 4, 2013 – Fourth of July
August 4, 2013 – Communion
September 2, 2013 – Labor Day
And Now ………
A Child's view of a thunderstorm!
(When you read this, you will never think of thunderstorms the same way again. This will make you smile.)
A little girl walked to and from school daily. Though the weather that morning was questionable and clouds were forming, she made her daily trek to school. As the afternoon progressed, the winds whipped up, along with lightning. The mother of the little girl felt concerned that her daughter would be frightened as she walked home from school. She also feared the electrical storm might harm her child. Full of concern, the mother got into her car and quickly drove along the route to her child's school. As she did, she saw her little girl walking along. At each flash of lightning, the child would stop, look up, and smile. More lightning followed quickly and with each, the little girl would look at the streak of light and smile. When the mother drew up beside the child, she lowered the window and called, "What are you doing?" The child answered,
"I am trying to look pretty because God keeps taking my picture."
May God bless you today and every day as you face the storms that come your way.
"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so 'Love the people who treat you right. Pray for those who don't."

Milden Presbyterian Church

P.O. Box 31

Sharps, Virginia 22548