2018 Hopkins Fellowship10/17/2018
2018David and Rachel Hopkins Fellowship ApplicationAward: Fellowships up to $1500 each will be awarded for use during calendar year 2018. Funds may be used to cover tuition, supplies, equipment, or other research-related expenses, excluding salary.
Requirements: Applicant must be a full-time graduate student in good academic standing at the University of Alaska.Preference will be given to students who have not received the Hopkins Fellowship before.Students may receive the award a maximum of twice during their graduate career at the University of Alaska. Applicant must be conducting interdisciplinary Quaternary research over historic or geologic time scales within or relevant to Beringia or the North Pacific Rim. Modern process studies are permitted, so long as the relevance to paleo research questions is clear and explicit. Contact the AQC Director or the Board if you are unsure whether your project is appropriate.
Instructions: Fill out the form below. Be sure to also include:
1) A C.V. including name, contact information, education, teaching and other relevant experience, awards and honors, relevant presentations and publications (1 page limit).
2) A letter of recommendation from a faculty supervisor or committee member (the letter can be sent separately to ).
Application must be receivedby 5 pm Tuesday, December 12, 2017.
Submit asingle pdf file of the completed application packet by e-mail to Nancy Bigelow
Questions?Contact Nancy Bigelow at (907) 474-5433
Title of Research Project:
Name of Applicant: / Applicant’s Student ID:
Applicant’s mailing address: / Applicant’s e-mail address:
Applicant’s telephone numbers:
Cell: / Home: / Work:
Applicant’s degree program, department, and prospective graduation date:
Graduate committee (indicate major advisor).
Project Description: Be sure to state how your research is interdisciplinary and relevant to Beringia or the North Pacific Rim. (2 pages maximum [not including figures or reference list], single-spaced with a minimum of 11 pt font).
Research on Federal, State, and some private land may require a permit.
Do you (or your advisor) have the required permit for your proposed research? Y N
If you do not have the required permit:
- Provide the name of the issuing agency and person in charge of permitting (and their contact info.).
- Describe at what stage you are in the permitting process (i.e., the application is submitted, but no response, or you have a verbal assent, but not in writing, etc.), and the likelihood that you will receive the permit.
- Applicants that have not started the permitting process at the time of proposal submission may be at a disadvantage during proposal evaluation.
Agency contact person and their contact information (phone and/or e-mail address):
Stage of the permitting process and likelihood of receiving the permit:
Please include an itemized budget and budget justification being as detailed as possible (add or delete rows as needed):Description / Amount / Source of Funding
Amount requested from AQC (max $1500)
TOTAL Project:
Budget Justification (use as much space as needed):