Working with Youth of All Abilities at a 4-HAnimal Science Show
Sally W. Barney, Extension Specialist Emeritus, 4-H Youth Development
The goal of a 4-Hanimal science show is to provide an opportunity for youth to exhibit theresults of working with their project animal over an extended period of time. Thelength of time spent working with the project animal is equalized for all children byhaving each child indicate their project animals on a 4-H Approval Form prior to anestablished date. All children enrolled in a 4-H animal project and wishing to exhibittheir animal at a 4-H show must have a valid 4-H Approval Form signed by theircounty Extension staff member prior to the established date.
All youth will participate in the same classes. Youth with documented disabilitiesmay receive an accommodation which will enable them to compete fully and fairlywith the other youth in a class. It is the responsibility of the show staff to work withyouth needing an accommodation to see that a reasonable accommodation ismade which makes it possible for that child to safely participate.
Show Information Packets and Entry Forms
When you send out your show information, you should be sure that theshow entry form provides a space forpersons who require an accommodation in order to fully participate to indicate that need on their entry. Use thewords “Do you require an accommodation in order to participate fully in thisevent?” Following the question, leave aspace for the participant to indicate theaccommodation they will need. Be surethat the entry, and/or the informationabout accommodations needed arereturned at least two weeks prior to theevent. You may need those two weeksto prepare for the accommodation.
Accommodations such as adaptiveequipment, ring assistance, or modifiedtesting are examples of reasonablerequests. When you receive an entryform which indicates that the participant will require an accommodation,call the participant and his or her familyto determine the exact accommodationrequested; clear communication is thekey. Often the youth’s 4-H leader, parent or guardian, or riding instructor,can clearly describe the modificationneeded. While all reasonable effort willbe made to accommodate all youth,safety procedures will not be compromised.
It is important that all show personnel respect the privacy of the individual4-H participant. Information regardinga child’s personal situation or disabilityis confidential. Any information youmust have in order to assist the childwith full participation should be usedfor that purpose only.
The show staff should work with the4-H member and his or her family, thechild’s 4 -H leader, and their county Extension staff member to see that all children areentered in the correct classes.
Modifications to equipment and/orspecial supports that are necessary fora child’s safe and fair participation willbe permitted; the accommodation mustbe agreed upon by the Show Superintendent prior to the show. Such modifications (accommodations) might include, but are not limited to,sidewalkers, interpreters, adaptedequipment, or verbal or modified testing. Youth requiring accommodationmust request this at least two weeks inadvance of the show (as indicated onthe entry form).
Participation in Quizzes
Often at 4-H animal shows a quiz isgiven to test the general project knowledge of the youth involved. Because4-H youth are responsible for the wellbeing of their project animals, it isimportant that they understand animalcare and management. Testing is a waywe can measure information learned.Some youth may have a disability whichinterferes with their ability to show whatthey know through a written test.
Accommodation in the form ofmodified testing is for youth with documented disabilities, not for youth whojust don’t like to take tests. Childrenwho are capable of learning and testingwithin the normal range for their age donot require the accommodation ofmodified testing. As show staff, you willbe responsible for seeing that youthwith the inability to test in the usualmanner are provided with a modifiedtesting procedure. You can follow theseguidelines:
- First you must determine whetherthere will be any youth attendingyour show who require an accommodation as it relates to testing.This can be determined by lookingat the entry forms for persons whonoted that they would need an accommodation to participate.
- Persons indicating that they willneed accommodation to participateshould be contacted to see how theymight best be accommodated. If theaccommodation requested refers totesting, they will be youth who areunable to test in the usual fashionand who receive an accommodationin the form of modified testingthrough their school system.
- The accommodation should fit theneed of the individual. This requiresthat you communicate with theyouth and their family and possiblyhis or her 4-H leader or county Extension staff member to determine the modification (accommodation) that would best meet the needs of the individual. It is important to rememberthat a test should challenge allparticipants equally; the child takinga modified test and a child takingthe original version of the testshould be equally challenged. Because each person is an individual,it is impossible to second guess howto best accommodate youth withdisabilities:
- Having a youth test out of his orher age range. This might be asenior 4-H member 14-18 yearsof age who takes a junior ornovice test for 8-13 year olds.
- Taking the age appropriate testbut having the test questionsread to them.
- Taking the age appropriate testand having a scribe write theanswers as given by the 4-Hparticipant.
- Using an alternative testing procedure. Asking the child to pointout the parts of the horse using apicture or a real horse would bean example of an alternativetesting procedure.
- Providing the test in an alternative format such as large print orbraille.
- Allowing the use of technology. A4-H’er might be able to test bycomposing their answers on acomputer (they might want tobring their own lap top) or letterboard.
- In sending a youth who requiresthe accommodation of modifiedtesting to the State 4-H HorseShow, please indicate on theirentry the type of testing the 4-Hmember will require. Pleaseprovide at least two weeks’ noticeof the modification required bythis participant at State Show.
Class Procedures
There are a variety of things that ashow staff can do to make the showexperience a positive one for the youthinvolved. Repeating directions is veryhelpful to many youth. In the horseshow, when you ask the class to walk ortrot, etc., don’t hesitate to repeat thecommand several more times.
When giving instructions to a group,don’t assume every child understoodwhat you said. You can ask the child ifthey have understood the directions, butmost likely the child will say “yes”. Mostchildren don’t like to admit to strangersin authority that they don’t understand.You can be sure a child understands ifyou ask the child “tell me what it is youare going to do.” The child will respondwith what they believe their instructionsto be. At this point you can determinewhether the child truly understands ornot. Using this procedure will meanthat the judge, or ring assistant, willhave to speak to each child. Thissounds time consuming, but it helps toput all children on an even keel. Children with learning disabilities or whoare hard of hearing will be given thechance to clearly understand the instructions and they can compete equallywith those children who process information well or who can hear well.
Feedback is an important part of the4-H show experience. Children improveby receiving honest feedback regardingthose things that they are doing welland those things that they might dodifferently. Show personnel will want toprovide feedback to youth who participate. You should be providing each childthe opportunity to have (see, or hear)the correct answers to quizzes and thecorrect judging class placings. Likewise,youth should receive feedback regardingtheir efforts in fitting and showmanshipand performance classes. A judge couldspeak briefly to each participant orcomments could be written on thejudges’ cards which can be shared bythe judge at the end of the day.Fitting and showmanshipscorecards are returned to the 4-Hmembers. Please have judgesmake comments as appropriate.
Often the thing a child needsmost is time. Most of us do notprovide youth with adequate “waittime” after asking a question orgiving directions. Give children theopportunity to process directions orquestions before they respond. Itwould be too bad if a leader/judgemissed actually seeing what a childcan do because he or she did notgive the child enough time.
When a child in a show is participating through the use of anassistant or adaptive equipment, itis important that the judge lookbeyond the modification to theskills that the participant is exhibiting/using.
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University of New Hampshire, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and NH counties cooperating.