San Antonio – Global Business Travel Association (SA_GBTA)
Enterprise Holdings Corporate Offices Training Room
1505 Harry Wurzbach, San Antonio, TX78209
Friday, March 21, 2014, 11:30 A.M.
Networking and Lunch 11:30 until noon
Rita Called MeetingTo Order by Phone: 12:05 PM
Roll Call: see detailed list of attendees at the bottom
Rita Wenthold by phone
Introduced Officers from the organizational meeting February 18, 2014
President Direct
Rita Wenthold
Vice President Allied
Jeff Eigel
Vice President Direct
Velia Cox
Rhunette Mangan
Bobby White
Last Meeting Minutes were distributed. Changes or any updates were requested by email later that day. Rita Wenthold approved by email.
Old Business:
- GBTA Approval of San Antonio Chapter
- Discussed start up charges being fronted by CTP
- Treasurer will explore opening bank account before final chapter paperwork finalized with National
- Signors on the account will be President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Single or dual signature?
- Distributed Bylaws
New Business:
- Texas Secretary of State Articles of Incorporation has been filed
- Tax exemption filing under IRS 501(C)(6) were ass
- Establishing Mission and Vision for Association
- Reviewed and discussed Dallas and Austin chapter websites for as models. Frances Booker volunteered to draft Mission and Vision statements for Board review to be presented to chapter at next meeting. Suggestions for language within vision: consistency of communication, sharing best practices, education and community.
- Membership is the focus for the rest of the year. The chapter set a goal of 100 members in the first year. Great database started from those contacted for exploratory meetings and from nominations since then. Christy Prescott reminded the group a promise for 75 was made to grant membership. The chapter adopted National guideline for Membership Dues of $175 per member whether Direct or Allied. Meeting fees will be $25 for members and $45 for non-member. Note: if meal or facility charges are more than normal these fees will be adjusted accordingly
- Discussed Committees and accepted the following Chairs who will recruit committee members directly or accept members from the “survey” section of the website one it is established. Chairs were tasked with outlining the purpose and scope as well as the responsibilities of their individual committees by the next meeting. Committees and Chairs are as follows:
Committee / Chair
Membership / Helen Bryan
Website / Arron Diaz
Marketing / Pat Hernandez
Newsletter / Amy Hamrick
Event Venues / Carol Forrester
Speakers / Christy Prescott
Programs / Sarah Eury
or Yolanda ?
Professional Development / Dan Culver
Government Affairs / John Busarello
Nominating / TBD
Scholarship / TBD
- Discussed fees to be a chapter: Access to GBTA website setup $550 plus $85 monthly for tools for eBlasts, new member registration and payment, profiles, meeting registration and payment, forums, and surveys.
- Recommended venues rotate between host hotels.
Next Meeting – Wednesday, April 30th 3:00 PM confirming Contessa Hotel with the Airport Hilton as back up.
Adjourned at 1:15 PM
Minutes Submited by:Minutes Approved by Board:
Bobby White, SecretaryRita Wenthold, President
Attendee List:
Name / E-mailCarol Forrester /
Arron Diaz /
Jeff Eigel /
Rhunette Mangan /
Joseph Kennedy /
Johnny Martinez /
Nichole Dahl /
Velia Cox /
Dayne P.S. Sullivan /
Olga Escamilla /
Emily Miller /
Helen Bryan /
Nancy Reams /
Amy Hamrick /
Marianela (Nelly) Eichler /
Ricardo Ramirez /
Yolanda Enellar /
Christa Flatt /
Melody Guerrero /
Wendy Augustus /
Liz Rivera /
Kyla Moore /
Frances Booker /
Sarah Eury /
Bobby White /
Bella Zavala /
Pat Hernandez /
Christy Prescott /
Amanda Avendano /
Stacy Crabb /
Alicia Clark /
Dan Culver /
John Busarello /
Rita Wenthold /
SA-GBTA Minutes March 21, 2014Page 1