Press Release
Freeletics celebratesthebeginningof a greatmovement
June8, 2014. Freeletics hasbrokenthroughthebarrierwithonemillionusersanditshowsnosignofslowing down. Sincethelaunchofthewebsite in September of 2013, thenumberofusersusingthis online platformhasgrownconstantly. Beforelong, fansofthisnewfitnessprogram will beabletoenjoy an improvedservice. New featuresareprovidedwiththedesiresofexistingusers in mindaswellastoappealtonewtargetaudiences.
The Freeletics web platform was launched in September 2013. Sincethen, usershavebeenabletoregister online andreceive high intensityworkoutsdesignedfortheirbodyweightonly. Yourguideto an athleticlifestyle. With just oneapp, Free Athletes – whatwecallfansofthisnewfitnessprogram – canaccesstheir personal trainingplanseasily. The service also includes a suitablenutritionguide.
Milestones actas an incentivesincethelaunchofthe web platform, thenumberofusershasrisensteeply. The user total brokethe 100,000 mark in September 2013. Just fivemonthslater, in February 2014, morethan 500,000 membershadregistered. Since May of 2014, therearemorethanonemillion Free Athletesworking out withthisnewfitnessprogram. The high numberofusersisincentiveenoughtoconstantlyimprovetheserviceandbetteraccommodateuserdemands. Therefore, Free Athletes will alwaysenjoynewimprovements. In thenearfuture, newworkoutslikerunningexercises will beintegratedintothetrainingprogram. Furthermore, personal trainingplans will bemoreexactlyadaptedtoeachindividualsneeds.
Due tothis, it will bepossibletoadaptexercisedifficultytothe individual, makingiteasierforbeginnerstostartwith Freeletics. Ifyouhaveproblemswithcertainexercises due torestrictions, youhavetheabilitytoexcludethesefromyourworkout plan. A furtherdevelopmentisfound in thetrainingperiod: The newWorkout Coach will nolongerbe limited to 15 weeks but will bearrangedbymonthandwithout time limits.
FREELETICS is a rapidly growing fitness-sport. It composes a training system of bodyweight only exercises. These build the basis for FREELETICS high-intensity workouts. There is no additional equipment needed. FREELETICS the efficient and motivating way to lead an athletic and healthy lifestyle. Next to its uniqueness, the FREELETICS community is what really makes FREELETICS special. Free Athletes connect with and motivate each other, online as well as offline, like with no other sport. Today, over 3 billion Free Athletes share and compare their performances with friends and other Athletes worldwide.
The idea of FREELETICS was initialized by Andrej Matijczak, Joshua Cornelius and Mehmet Yilmaz in 2012 and the company was founded in 2013. It was developed by both personal trainers and sports scientists to ensure maximum efficiency. The initial idea was to create a fitness concept that met the needs of the 21st century: diversity, efficiency, flexibility, the use of modern information technologies, personalization and independence therefore played a huge role in the design of FREELETICS.
Press contact
Sarah Braun
Public Relations Manager
Tel: +49 (0) 162 1645036
Lothstraße 5, 80335 Munich, Germany