These questions can serve as a starting point for discussion and evidence gathering during the site visit. They are not intended to be all inclusive and it is not necessary to ask them as written. The evaluator may use additional items based on the standards.

DOMAIN 1: Planning and Preparation / Sample questions/topics to explore
Knowledge of counseling theory and techniques; knowledge of child and adolescent development; establishing goals for the counseling program; demonstrating knowledge of state and federal regulations and of resources within and beyond school district; counseling plan integrated with regular school program; plan for evaluating counseling program /
  • What is the mission and vision of the school counseling program? what are its goals? What information did you use to set these goals ? How will you evaluate their achievement?
  • How do you use your knowledge of the students’ developmental levels, basic skills, backgrounds and interests, as well as abilities and specials needs in developing counseling services?
  • How do you actively solicit feedback and input from the school’s staff and community to improve instruction, program and services of the Comprehensive School Counseling Program? What role does ASCA’s National Model and the associated standards play in your efforts?
  • What is your system for managing and ensuring the confidentiality of student records?

DOMAIN 2: The Environment
Creating environment of respect and rapport, establishing culture for productive communication, managing routines and procedures, establishing standards of conduct; organizing physical space /
  • How have you participated in developing interventions for students and in reducing barriers to learning?
  • What role do you play in creating a safe environment for students?
  • Describe your referral process for counseling services and how this is communicated to others.
  • Describe how you might assist a teacher with academic/behavior concerns involving a student.
  • Describe how you might handle interpersonal problems among students.
  • How do you ensure the counseling environment is conducive to working with students?
  • How do you ensure that the work environment is conducive to open communication with school staff, parents, and students?

Assessing student needs; assisting student and teachers in formulation of academic, personal, social, and career plans; using counseling techniques in individual and classroom programs; brokering resources to meet needs; demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness /
  • What kinds of small and large guidance sessions have you held this year?
  • How do you adapt the guidance program to address individual needs and differences?
  • How do you use technology to support the guidance program?
  • Describe how you assist students in education planning and course selection
  • What role does conferencing with students and parents play in your work? How do you manage conferences?
  • Describe how you assist students in education and career planning and course selection.
  • How are ILPs developed and monitored? What is your role in this process?
  • As a counselor, how do you keep up with the academic, career and personal/social curriculum and current research in counseling in order to make meaningful connections with resources?

Reflecting on practice; maintaining records and submitting them in a timely fashion; communicating with families; participating in a professional community /
  • To what extent and in what ways do you counsel individual students?
  • What kinds of small and large guidance sessions have you held this year?
  • What is your system for managing student records?
  • How do you involve parents and families when working with students?
  • How do you disseminate needed information (such as academic progress, progress on interventions, assessment results) to students, staff and parents?
  • Please give an example of a way in which you have demonstrated your professionalism in activities outside the school district.
  • Tell about participation in school events, service on school and district committees and leadership roles. How does this involvement impact your relationship with colleagues?


  1. What do you consider some of the strengths of our guidance program?
  2. What are examples of successes of the program this year?
  3. What current challenges do you face in having a quality program and in being effective in your job?
  4. What progress is being made on your Professional Growth Plan? Does it support your work effectively? Are you current on your EILA hours?