1.Name of Applicant (legal nature of entity) and vendor identification number (federal tax number).
2.Address (Street, City, Zip):
3.Demonstrate that the applicant has the legal authority to plan for and control flooding, and has zoning and building code jurisdiction over the planning area:
4.Is the applicant a current (not on probation) NFIP participating community? (Yes or No),and what is the CRS rating of the applicant?
5.Point-of-Contact or Official Representative (Name and Title):
6.Phone Number:
7.Fax Number:
8.Project Narrative:
This should be an executive summary of the information provided in detail by the narrative statement prepared for Form 20-22. Please attach an itemized scope of work, as well as a completed Form 20-20 with a budget breakdown by category. (The purpose of a FMA Planning Grant is to assist in the community's preparation to develop or update the Flood Hazard component of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Statutory requirements of flood hazard component of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan are given in 44 CFR Part 79.)
9.Proof of Notification:
To satisfy E012372 process, applicants must notify all political subdivisions (pursuant to 31 Texas Administrative Code §355.8) in the proposed planning area by certified mail that an application for FMA planning grant assistance is being filed with the Texas Water Development Board. Prior to Board action on an application, the applicant must provide one copy of the notice mailed to the affected political subdivisions, a list of political subdivisions to which notice was sent, and the date the notice was sent.The Board may not act on an application before the end of the 30-day notice period unless all political subdivisions to which notice was required to be sent, agree in writing to waive the period. The notification shall include the following:
- Name and address of applicant and applicants official representative;
- Brief description of proposed planning area;
- Purpose of the proposed planning;
- Texas Water Development Board Executive Administrator's name and address; and
- Statement that any comments on the proposed planning must be filed with the applicant and the Texas Water Development Board Executive Administrator within 30 days of the date on which the notice was mailed.
10.Please provide the following as attachments to the application:(or refer to e-grant submittal)
Attachments Provided (yes or no?)
Federal Form 424*
Federal Form 20-22 and attached narrative statement*
Federal Form 20-20*
Evidence of Local Financial Participation
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Proof of notification, certified mail receipts, etc.
*Federal Forms are all found in this spreadsheet[form20-22]. Use the tabs at the bottom to access the form needed.
11.Has applcant ever received an FMA planning grant before?
If so, when? Amount?
12.Estimated Cost of Planning Study:$
13.FEMA Funding Requested (federal share is maximum 75%): $
14.How Does Applicant Propose to Finance Non-Federal Share? (Local share, 25%, 3rd party in-kind service can be no more than 12.5%)
16.Title: 17. Date:
Please return completed application form and necessary attachments to:
Texas Water Development Board
Attn. Mr. Gilbert Ward
1700 N. Congress Avenue
P.O. Box 13231
Austin, Texas78711-3231