Action 4.3 Seminar

October 18th to 24th – Kayseri – TURKEY

Participant countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain

The project is granted by Youth in Action:

Project’s Summary

"Make Your Own Way" is a Youth in Action Seminar developed as an initiative of a group ofyoungsters, with their peers and having a main target group youth workers, aiming at raise thepotential of the youth work to improve chances of young people in professional life. According to United Nation reports;

• The global youth unemployment rate, which has long exceeded that of other age groups, saw its largest annual increase on record in 2009; at its peak, 75.8 million young people were unemployed.

• In 2010, the global youth unemployment rate was 12.6 per cent, dramatically overshadowing the

global adult unemployment rate of 4.8 per cent.

• Today about 152 million young workers live in households that are below the poverty line (US$1.25

per day) comprising 24 per cent of the total working poor.

As you know we lived huge economic crisis in Europe with these problems which United Nation reported. Make Your Own Way brings to a practical understanding the concept that might be still perceived as being abstract, by the youngsters, by working on themes as workers’, solidarity and mutual understanding between workers and community. The project include solutions to youth unemployment such as encourage to professional entrepreneurship more then discuss problems . In a global context fully affected by social and economical problems, issues as un/employment. Additionally, the project involves 21 youngsters from 7 countries, youngsters who are volunteering in and for their communities and have the potential to contribute to developing the entrepreneurship to a practical approach.


To raise the potential of the youth work to improve chances of young people in professional life.


Understand un/employment role of youth work in giving youth better changes on labor market /in their professional life

Exploring potential and limitations of youth work towards young peoples chances in professional life

Sharing experiences / realities learn from that experiences

Operationalize how to improve young people’s chances on labor market

Programme Elements

Non- Formal Education /Youth in Action / Youth Pass and their effect on Youth Employment

Vocabulary of Work ( employment, unemployment ,labor market, business etc.)

Trends and Tensions on Youth Employment in Europe

Youth work approach on youth employment

Youth Employment Policies in Europe

Designing career & supporting Youth to design their career

• Multicultural partnership

• Intercultural Learning

Youth in Action Programme and project planning

Approach and Methodology

In conjunction with the topic of this seminar – Make Your Own Way – it determines that

the learning process will:

• be based on intrinsic motivation of the learner;

• be learner –centered and based on the experience of the participants;

• be based on a personal responsibility for learning, supported by a strong group dimension and collective approach;

• enable participants to apply and transfer what they have learned to their youth work, practice and social life

•take into account the needs and motivation of participants and be open to regular feedback and evaluations.”

In the setting, the group process, the content and the methodology of the training activities, the focus is put on participation, active involvement, sharing of thoughts and feelings, learning by doing, group work and the intercultural dimension. Creativity & variety of the methods are important in our approach.

Main methodologies were learning by experiencing, intercultural communication, reflective approach and the educational approach. The intercultural setting is an overall educational approach during the training as working/living/leisure experience

Venue / Travel days

Training will be held in Kayseri city located on center of Turkey. If you want to learn more about Kayseri check

Seminar will be in 18-24 October 2012. Arrival day will be in the 18th of May and Departure will be in the 24th of October 2012. Please participate to all training days and arrange your arrival-departure time on those days.

The course will be intended for young people, youth workers and youth leaders who:

 to be more than 18 years and motivated

 have experience in youth field (as volunteers or professionals) and in developing a project with and for young people;

 are committed to work directly with youth on the issues related to the training;

 have basic knowledge on YiA Programmes and interests in developing projects;

 are motivated to undergo training and able to attend the course for its full duration;

 are able to work in English.

The rules of reimbursement

Will be reimbursed:

- The expenses of visa all together; on the condition of bringing the receipt of visa;

- 70 % of the tickets of transport from your country to Kayseri and in the dates of

the project (arrive at Kayseri on October 18th, departure from Kayseri on October

24th) and not exceeding amounts imposed (for Bulgarian participants 250 € per person )

1. during the training:

Reimbursement of 35% of the travelling expenses, in modality cash, on condition:

- to have sent the filled documents of travel and the copies of expenses by e-mail, as


- to have the originals of invoices (visa, flight ticket, other handling charges)

- to have boarding cards , train tickets, bus tickets…

2. after the receipt of documents:

The reimbursement of 35% of the travelling expenses will occur by transfer (bank

transfer, Western Union…), when we receive by post the original return

boarding card and all other originals of travelling tickets.

We will not reimburse:

- the expenses of renewal of passport

- the expenses of insurance

- the charges of change of flight ticket

- the travelling expenses outside of itinerary form your country to Kayseri.

- the travelling expenses outside of project time

- the price difference between the granted amount and the real price of your trip.

Educational preparation, every participant must:

- Fill and send back the application form in attachment before Agust 1th. This will

allow the pedagogical team to identify yours expectations and yours needs.

- Do research and collect educational supports and studies of concrete cases

concerning the theme of employment/unemployment (your difficulties and/or good practices) in

your respective country in order to exchange at best during the various workshops of

the seminar.

- Prepare according to your own creativity and innovation (please try to not use power

points), a presentation of your country, region and a traditional typical meal of your

village, which you will present during the intercultural evening, for the other

participants and the local population.

- Prepare upstream a presentation of your sending organization, by specifying the

themes, the objectives and the activities, which you will present during the evening