Functional Skills ICT
Entry Level 3 Sample Paper Party
Notes to the assessor
Assessor Information and Guidance
This task assesses the skills and knowledge required to meet the functional skills national standards at Entry 3 for Information Communication Technology.
At this level, the learner can:
Use ICT 20-30%
· Interact with and use an ICT system to meet given needs
· Store information
· Follow safety and security practices
Find and select information 10-20%
· Use simple searches to find information
· Select relevant information that matches requirements of given task
Develop, present and communicate information 50-70%
· Enter and develop different types of information to meet given needs
· Bring together different types of information for a given purpose
· Present information and review its effectiveness
· Use ICT-based communication
The learner will:
· Use correct procedures to start and shut down an ICT system
· Use input and output devices
· Use software applications to meet needs and solve given problems
· Recognise and use interface features
· Change simple software settings
· Open and save files
· Know how to insert and remove media
· Use and change passwords
· Minimise physical stress
· Search stored information
· Search web-based sources of information
· Enter, edit and format information including text, graphics, numbers or other digital content to achieve the required outcome
· Insert and position graphics or other digital content to achieve a purpose
· Process numbers to meet needs
· For print and for viewing onscreen
· Check for accuracy and meaning
· Check suitability of information
· Read, send and receive electronic messages
· Use contacts
· Understand the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication
Centre Contextualisation of Tasks
It is envisaged that teaching and learning approaches will underpin the knowledge needed for the assessments. The centre may alter the context of the ICT assessment, but care should be taken to ensure that all the standards are covered. For example, the context of the assessment could be changed to planning a day out, trip to a theme park or any other event. If a learner does not know what the word ‘venue’ means, the assessor can explain in more detail or direct the learner to a dictionary.
If contextualising the assessment, care should be taken to ensure that the assessment follows the exemplar paper. A copy of the assessment should be available at the External Verification visit.
Centres may devise their own assessments based on the standards, but in this case the assessment must be submitted to NOCN for standardisation at least 15 working days before planned use with learners. All new assessments, whether contextualised or centre devised assessment must use the NOCN produced mark scheme.
Learners are expected to be able to complete the assessment within one and a half hours in order to achieve the NOCN Entry Level Award in Functional Skills ICT (QCF).
Conducting and marking the assessments
Please note that assessments for ICT cover all the standards (the learner can…) and a selection of the coverage/range (the learner will…) in line with QCDA guidance. The sample of coverage and range statements will be a minimum of 60% of statements in any one assessment paper, with all the coverage and range statements covered across the series of live assessments.
At this level, assessors are allowed to read the instructions for the task. Learners may make notes to help them if they wish. Please note that any notes should be handed in after the assessment, but they will not be assessed.
Specific guidance about the amount of help a learner may receive can be found in the next section. Assessors must complete a record sheet for each learner to give evidence of how the criteria have been met.
Assessments can take place in the classroom and are available on demand. Learners should not be disadvantaged by the environment.
The ICT assessment must be completed within one and a half hours.
The assessments themselves may be split into individual tasks if this will support learner achievement. However, the total duration of each component assessment must not exceed the total permitted duration of the assessment.
All assessments must be marked against the NOCN devised mark scheme. Where the criteria have not been met, zero marks should be allocated.
If the learner does not pass the paper, a different assessment may be retaken after two weeks, but some teaching and learning must take place in this period of time to ensure that the learner has the opportunity to improve their skills.
Centres must retain records of failed assessments as well as those which are passes.
Assessors must sign and date the completed Assessment Mark Sheet.
Quality Assurance
When the assessment has been marked, a minimum sample of 10% of completed work and assessment records should be moderated by an internal verifier. Following this sample, the centre may request an external verification visit from the regional Open College Network (OCN). At the visit the External Verifier will check the quality of the assessment and moderation processes within the centre and will recommend that the achievements are certificated.
Instructions for Assessment
· Learners will need to access a computer which is connected to a printer.
· The prepared file ‘Party’ should be given to the learner on a memory stick. All of the learner’s work should be stored on the memory stick.
· The assessor should set up a logon account for the learner, so that they can access the computer. They will also need an email account, although the learner may use their own email address if they have one. One of the tasks is to receive an email from the assessor and then to send an email back to the assessor, so the learner will also need to have access to the assessor’s email address.
· The assessor must send the following email message to the learner:
As you know we are having a party on Wednesday 15th July at The Old Beams Restaurant. The address is 19 Park Road, Leeds. Can you make a poster to advertise the party which we can put on the notice board? The poster needs to have the name and address of the restaurant and it needs to have a picture on it. It has to look really good.
You have the spreadsheet that has the costs of the party. The restaurant has reduced the cost of the meal to £250. Can you change that on the spreadsheet and work out the total cost? Thanks ______ (insert name of tutor)
During the assessment
· Introduce the assessment by asking the learner to read through the scenario. The assessor may help with the reading if necessary.
· The assessor should ask the learner to turn on the computer and logon.
· The assessor should give the learner the memory stick and explain that the work should be saved on the memory stick and also that there is a spreadsheet on the memory stick that they will need.
· If a memory stick is not allowed, then the assessor should question the learner about inserting and removing a memory stick safely. The files should be stored on a network drive or the computer.
· The assessor should then direct the learner to their email and tell them they have a message from you and they then must follow the instructions to complete the task. The learner should open the email message independently. The assessor may help with reading the text if required.
· The assessor may read all/any of the instructions on the task sheet.
· The learner has to access software such as Word, Excel, and email independently. This can either be from a desktop icon or via the Start menu. Although they are required to find an image, they could use clipart or a CD of images rather than using the internet so internet access is not required in this assessment.
· The learner has to calculate the total amount that they have spent on downloads. Although the spreadsheet is printed out by the learner, the assessor will need to check the file on the memory stick to check that a suitable formula has been used. The assessor may complete a formula print as evidence, but the learner is not expected to do this.
· The learner must save and print independently as required.
· The third part of the assessment is to prepare an email to the assessor (there is no need to send the email). The assessor must provide the learner with an email address which must be used for the task (this would normally be the assessor’s work email address). No further help is allowed.
· The learner has to print out the email prepared as evidence that the email was correctly addressed and that the task was completed correctly. They do not need to send the email.
Assessment Guidance
Using ICT systems
Interact with and use an ICT system to meet needs / Use correct procedures to start and shut down an ICT system / 1, 21 / 1, 1
Use input and output devices / 8, 16, 20 / 1, 1, 1
Use software applications to meet needs and solve given problems / 3 / 1
Recognise and use interface features
Change simple software settings
Store information / Open and save files / 9, 10, 15 / 1, 1, 1
Know how to insert and remove media / 1, 17 / 1, 1
Follow safety and security practices / Use and change passwords / 1 / 1
Minimise physical stress
Find and select information
Use simple searches to find information (Qs 3, 12) / Search stored information
Search web-based sources of information / 3, 12
4 / 1, 1
Select relevant information that matches the requirements of given task (Q4)
Develop, present and communicate information
Enter and develop different types of information to meet given needs / Enter, edit and format information including text, graphics, numbers or other digital content to achieve the required outcome / 3, 6, 11, 12, 14 / 2, 3, 2, 1, 4
Insert and position graphics or other digital content to achieve a purpose / 5 / 3
Process numbers to meet needs / 13 / 1
For print and for viewing on screen
Bring together different types of information for a given purpose / Check for accuracy and meaning. / 7, 19 / 3, 3
Use ICT-based communication / Check suitability of information. / 18 / 1
Read, send and receive electronic messages. / 2, 18 / 1, 1
Use contacts / 18 / 1
Understand the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication
Using ICT systems – 12 marks – 28%
Find and select information – 5 marks – 12%
Develop, Present and Communicate Information –25 marks - 60%
Learner Name / Start time of AssessmentLearner Registration Number / End time of Assessment
Centre Name / Date of Assessment
Task / Evidence/Acceptable Response / Mark Allocation / Learner Mark
1. Turn on the computer and log on / Observation
1 mark - computer turned on correctly
1 mark - Logon - checked and corrected as required to enable log in
1 mark – memory stick inserted correctly / 1
2. Open your email and read the message from your assessor. / 1 mark - Email accessed independently (observed) / 1
3. Make a leaflet. Add the information from the email / Printout and files saved
1 mark – relevant software used e.g. Word or Publisher
1 mark – venue name included
1 mark – venue address included
1 mark - date of party included / 1
4. Search for a suitable picture / Observation
3 marks – search facility accessed independently using any method. Suitable search used to gain relevant picture e.g party..
2 marks – search facility accessed independently. However search criteria did not enable learner to access relevant picture immediately and a further search was required
1 mark – search facility accessed with support. Support required to identify relevant picture.
0 marks – assessor has to access search facility and input search criteria to enable picture to be found / 3 marks maximum
5. Insert the picture. Make sure you can see all the information on one page. / Print out of document:
3 marks – picture inserted in relevant place in document. E.g. top or bottom of text. Picture may be resized to ensure that everything fits on one page and leaflet may be printed in portrait/landscape to ensure all info on one page. Info not obscured by picture.
2 marks – picture inserted but some of info on page not clear or picture may appear to be too big/small. Info all on one page, Landscape/portrait may be used to help all info fit on page.
1 mark – picture inserted but info does not all fit on one page. Text not clear because of picture obscuring info or text too small.
0 marks – picture not inserted or obscures text / Maximum 3 marks
6.Make the leaflet look good / Print out:
Maximum 3 marks – one mark for each way of formatting the leaflet
e.g. word art, text box or callout. Suitable formatting used e.g. bold, underline, italic, different font/colour/text type/size, use of border / 3 marks maximum
7. Check the information is correct and makes sense / Printout:
3 marks – text is correct and matches information in email. Any additional text makes sense and the reader would be able to understand the information to enable them to download music
2 marks – one or two errors maximum which would not impact on the task, e.g. the reader would still be to find some suitable websites. OR any additional information does not make sense
1 mark – errors would impact on the reader being able to download music
0 marks – information given does not match the information in email and additional information is not relevant and does not make sense / 3 marks maximum
8. Print out the leaflet / Print out of poster / 1
9. Save the leaflet. Give it a suitable name. / Observation
1 mark – Save with suitable name e.g. Party Leaflet on memory stick
File must be saved on memory stick to have mark allocated / 1
10. Open the spreadsheet named Music / Observation:
1 mark - File accessed independently from memory stick / 1
11. Add a title / 1 mark - relevant title given e.g. Party Costs
1 mark - title stands out in some way e.g. larger font, different colour, size
or style / 1
12. Change the information as given by the assessor in the email / 1 mark – found relevant information from assessor’s email – change made to cost of meal made.
1 mark – Cost of meal reduced from £310 to £250 / 1
13. Use a formula to find the total cost of downloads / Access learner’s saved work
1 mark - Formula used e.g. =SUM(B3:B7) or
= B3+B4+B5+B6+B7 / 1
14. Format the spreadsheet to make key information stand out / Printout of spreadsheet shows at least four different formatting tools being used e.g. bold, underline, different font size/colour/style, italic, cell borders, columns widened to show all text
1 mark for each method to a maximum of 4 marks / 4 marks maximum
15. Save the spreadsheet with a different name / 1 mark - Spreadsheet file accessed from learner’s work shows use of different name, e.g. revised costs or party costs / 1
16. Print out the spreadsheet / 1 mark – print of spreadsheet available / 1
17. Take out the memory stick safely. / Observation:
1 mark – learner uses safe method of taking the memory stick out e.g. uses safely remove hardware / 1
18. Send an email to your assessor. / Print out of email:
1 mark - Relevant information included in the email for example, the learner tells the assessor that the work is complete.
1 mark - Relevant subject e.g. completed work/check the work (mark awarded if no or all capitals used)
1 mark – email address completed correctly to allow email to be sent / 1
19. Spell check and correct the email. / Print out of email:
3 marks - Accurate with no errors
2 marks - Mainly accurate and errors do not impact on overall meaning
1 mark - Although there are errors throughout the document, they do not impact on the meaning.
0 marks - Contact details are given incorrectly and so the writer would not be able to send the email / 3 marks maximum
20. Print the email
To be printed before it is sent / 1 mark - Email print out / 1
21. Shut down computer / Observation:
1 mark - Computer closed down correctly / 1
Total marks / 43
Pass mark for paper 29 marks out of 42
Assessor Name Assessor Signature