Greenfield Crescent, Edgbaston

Birmingham, B15 3AU, United Kingdom

Telephone: 0121 455 8982

Facsimile: 0121 455 8983

End Stage Heart Failure in Congenital Cardiac Patients


1st May 2015

The Beeches Conference Centre, Birmingham

Over the last year many national charities have had the opportunity to work with congenital cardiac teams from around the country working together to create new Standards of Care and to contribute to the work of the Clinical Reference Group. Over the year a number of expert care and treatment services have emerged some of which have not been included in the Standards currently under final consideration.

Having discussed these innovative and specialist treatments it has become clear that an emerging area of expertise is the improving quality and length of life for patients in a state of intractable heart failure but as yet there are no clear pathways of treatment or referral for specialist care. Little Hearts Matter and the Somerville Foundation have a vested interest in seeing this care move forward as both organisations support patients with complex heart conditions negotiating adulthood with a failing heart.

Having discussed the need for nationally recognised Pathways and Standards with both NHS England and the CRG team. The charities have agreed to host a symposium of national experts and interested clinicians where current innovative work can be presented and then pathways of referral and treatment agreed with the aim of producing some draft Standards that can be considered for inclusion in future service provision plans.

We would like to invite each of the UK units to send an expert or interested clinician to the Symposium on Friday 1st May at the Beeches Conference Centre in Birmingham. The agenda for the day and application details are attached.

If you would like any further information about the event feel free to email directly to

We look forward to hosting the event

Yours sincerely

Suzie Hutchinson Michael Cumper

Chief Executive Little Hearts Matter Past Chair of the Somerville Foundation

End Stage Heart Failure in Congenital Cardiac Patients


1st May 2015

Symposium Programme

10.00 Registration and Coffee

10.30Introduction and Aims discussion

10.45Michael Burch – Heart Failure Pathways

11.15Graham Stuart – Management of Heart Failure in the adult patient the use of Exercise

11.45David Crossland – Transplantation in the adult Congenital Cardiac Patient

12. 15Heart failure and Patient’s perspective

12.30 Panel discussion

13.00 LUNCH

13.45Introduction to the aims of the afternoon session

The choice of questions raised to guide the pathway plans

Round table discussions re pathways in Paediatric and Adult care, Transition and referral

15.00 TEA


Draw together agreed pathways of care

16.30 The Symposium Ends

End Stage Heart Failure Symposium

Application to attend

We invite one team member from each leading congenital cardiac unit, adult and paediatric to represent their work.


Unit represented……………………………………………………..…………




Contact number…………………………………………….…………………….


Dietary requirements…………………………………………………………..

It is important that the round table discussions in the afternoon session answer the key needs of patIents’ and the ongoing concerns about pathway management.

Please submit a leading concern or question that you would like to contribute to the discussion

