ASHRAE Tech Weekend Meeting 2014
September 16, 2014
Approved by Standards Committee January 24, 2015.
TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Call to Order and Introductions
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Review of Action Items
5. Chair’s Report
6. Board Officials’ Report
7. Manager of Standards’ Report
8. Publication Drafts
9. SPLS Report
10. PPIS Report
11. SRS Report
12. Standards Committee MBOs
13. New Business
14. Information Items/Subcommittee Updates
15. Next Meeting/Closing Items
16. Adjournment
17. Attachments......
Standards Committee Action Items
As ofSeptember 16, 2014
Updated Items Noted in Red
August 1, 2014 Conference CallAI# / Action Item / Assigned / Status
1 / An action item was assigned to PPIS to review the policy on references and determine if referencesincluded in the normative portion of the standard must be date specific. / PPIS / Ongoing
2 / An action item was assigned to PPIS to review the language in
PC MOP 6.1.4, Criteria for Standards Intended for Use as
Regulatory Documents or for Reference in Another American
National Standard. / PPIS / Ongoing
1. Call to Order and Introductions
Call to Order
The Standards Committee Tech Weekend Meeting was called to order on September 26, 2014 at1:00 pm ET via webinar.
Members of the committee, staff and guests were greeted. The attendees were as follows:
Members PresentRichard L. Hall, Chair
Douglas Reindl, Vice-Chair
Joseph R. Anderson
James Aswegan
Charles S. Barnaby
Waller S. Clements
David R. Conover
Steven J. Emmerich
Patricia T. Graef
Adam W. Hinge
Srinivas Katipamula
Debra H. Kennoy
Malcolm D. Knight
Rick A. Larson
Peter Simmonds
Wayne H. Stoppelmoor, Jr.
Jack H. Zarour
Julia A. Keen, BOD ExO / Members Not Present
Donald M. Brundage
John A. Clark
John F. Dunlap
James W. Earley, Jr.
Rita M. Harrold
Arsen K. Melikov
Mark P. Modera
Cyrus H. Nasseri
Heather L. Platt
Staff Present
Nicole Jones, AMOS-I
Tanisha Meyers-Lisle, Procedures Administrator
Stephanie Reiniche, MOS
Mark Weber,Manager of American Standards
Guests Present
Roger Hedrick
2. Adoption of the Agenda
The agenda was adopted as presented. A reference to reviewthe ASHRAE Code of Ethics was made.
3. Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Rick Hall and seconded byWaller Clements:
1ThattheSeattle Annual Meeting Minutes be approved as presented.
MOTION 1 PASSED. 11-0-4[1] Chair not Voting (CNV)
Secretary’s Note: JR. Anderson’s attendance at the meetings needs to be corrected.
It was moved by Rita Harrold and seconded by Dennis Knight:
2That the August conference call minutes be approved as presented.
Secretary’s Note: Doug’s spelling of his name needs to be corrected.
4. Review of Action Items
See the updated status of Action Items beginning on pageii.
5. Chair’s Report
Chair Rick Hall informed StdC of discussions held by StdC ExCom including the formation of several ad hocs. This includes an Ad Hoc on standard formatting for all standards, chaired by Dave Robin, and one to allow electronic access to xml schema for certain automated standards, such as BACnet, in order to use the standards (chaired by Chip Barnaby). There will be updates from these Ad Hocs in Chicago. Chair Hall also updated the members on the action item from Technology Council on their request for a revised plan of action for SSPC 90.2 to revise the standard. ExCom is also working on a plan to get all ASHRAE standards in mandatory language as required by the Rules of the Board.
6. Board Officials’ Report
StdC ExO, Julia Keen indicated she had no information to report and thanked the committee for all its hard work.
7. Manager of Standards’ Report
Ms. Stephanie Reiniche provided an update on the ANSI audit and appeals.
The revised PASA procedures were submitted to ANSI and went out for public review and comment. There were no comments received and the ANSI ExSC is letter balloting the procedures for approval. Once the revisions are approved the audit can be closed. It is anticipated that there will be an update in October.
An appeal was received on Standard 100. There are three appellants Neil Leslie, Mark Krebs, and James Ranfone. The appeals are technical and not procedural. The hearing is scheduled for September 25, 2014.
8. Publication Drafts
It was moved by Steve Emmerich and seconded byJR Anderson:
3That BSR/ASHRAE Addendumr to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, be approvedforpublication.
MOTION 3PASSED. 14-0-1[2], CNV
It was moved by Steve Emmerich and seconded byChip Barnaby:
4That the following be approved by consent agenda for publication:
- BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum c to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
- BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum d to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
- BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum g to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
- BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum h to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
e. BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendumac to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy
Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
MOTION 4 PASSED. 13-0-2[3], CNV
It was moved by Steve Emmerich and seconded by Waller Clements:
5That BSR/ASHRAE/ASHE Addendum ae to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, Ventilation fo Healthcare Facilities, be approvedfor publication.
Secretary’s Note: Concern was expressed that Section 8.6b in the addendum does not meet the requirements of the Rule of the Board that all standards shall be in mandatory language. Concern was also expressed that the term regular was ambiguious.
It was moved by Steve Emmerich and seconded by Doug Reindl:
6That BSR/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, be approved for publication.
MOTION 6 PASSED. 14-0-1[4], CNV
It was moved by Steve Emmerich and seconded by Dave Conover:
7That BSR/ASHRAE Addendum g to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2013, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings, be approved for publication.
It was moved by Steve Emmerich and seconded by Waller Clements:
8That BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, be approved for publication.
MOTION 8 PASSED. 13-0-2[5], CNV
It was moved by Steve Emmerich and seconded by Waller Clements:
9That BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendumab to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, be approved for publication.
MOTION 9 PASSED. 12-0-3[6], CNV
9. SPLS Report
The SPLS Report was presented by SPLS Chair, Steve Emmerich. For more information regarding this report please see AttachmentA.
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
10That the following revision to the membership roster for SSPC 100, Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings, be approved.
i.Appointment of Richard Hermans as Chair and PCVM-Producer for a four-year term beginning September 17, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018
MOTION 10 PASSED. 14-0-1[7], CNV
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
11That the following revisions to the membership roster forSSPC 62.1, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, be approved.
i.Appointment of Elliott Horner as PSVM-General on the Administration Subcommittee for a three-year term beginning September 17, 2014 and ending June 30, 2017
ii.Appointment of Erica Stewart as PSVM-Owner/Operator/Occupant on the Administration Subcommittee for a three-year term beginning September 17, 2014 and ending June 30, 2017
MOTION 11 PASSED. 14-0-1[8], CNV
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
12That the following revisions to the membership roster forSSPC 62.2, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings, be approved.
i.Appointment of Joseph Lstiburek as PCVM-Designer/Builder on the Envelope Subcommittee for a four-year term beginning September 17, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018
ii.Reappointment of Stephany Mason as PCVM-General on the Indoor Air Quality Subcommittee for a four-year term beginning September 17, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018
iii.Reappointment of Sarany Singer as PSVM-General on the Indoor Air Quality Subcommittee for a two-year term beginning September 17, 2014 and ending June 30, 2016
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
13That the following revisions to the membership roster for SPC 118.1, Method of Testing for Rating Commercial Gas, Electric and Oil Service Water Heating Equipment, be approved.
i.Appointment of David Berning as Chair and PCVM-Producer
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
14That the following revision to the membership roster forSPC 124, Methods of Testing for Rating Combination Space-Heating and Water-Heating Appliances, be approved.
i.Change of Status for George Kusterer from Vice Chair and PCVM-Producer to Chair and PCVM-General
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
15That the following revision to the membership roster for SSPC 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, be approved.
i.Reappointment of Ernest Conrad as Primary Organizational Representative for BOMA and PCVM-User on the Format and Compliance Subcommittee for a two-year term beginning September 17, 2014 and ending June 30, 2016
MOTION 15 PASSED. 14-0-1[9],CNV
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
16That the following revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 90.2, Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings, be approved.
i.Appointment of Wes Davis as PCVM-User on the Mechanical Subcommittee for a three-year term beginning September 17, 2014 and ending June 30, 2017
ii.Removal for cause for Kym Carey as PCVM-Compliance; Envelope Subcommittee
iii.Removal for cause for Tom Meyer as PCVM-General-Mechanical Subcommittee
iv.Removal for cause for Larry Ross as PCVM-General; Mechanical Subcommittee
MOTION 16 PASSED. 14-0-1[10],CNV
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
17That the following revisions to the membership roster for SPC 180, Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial-Building HVAC Systems, be approved.
i.Appointment of Thomas Paxson as Chair and PCVM-General
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
18That the work plan for SSPC 34, Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants, be approved as shown in SPLS Attachment A.
It was moved by Steve Emmerich:
19That a waiver of PC MOP Clause, Termination for Failure to Form a Project Committee,be granted for SPC 78-1985R, Method of Testing Flow Capacity of Suction Line Filters and Filter-Driers, until January 30, 2015.
10. PPIS Report
The PPIS Report waspresented byDoug Reindl. For more information, please see AttachmentB.
It was moved by Doug Reindl:
20That the Standards Committee Manual of Procedures (StdC MOP), Normative Appendix A-Approval of Standards Committee Documents, be approved as shown in PPIS Attachment B.
11. SRS Report
The SRS Report was presented by SRS Chair, Doug Reindl For more information regarding this report please see Attachment C.
It was moved by Doug Reindl:
21That ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 158.1-2012, Methods of Testing Capacity of Refrigerant Solenoid Valves, be approved for revision and that a revision project committee be formed.
It was moved by Doug Reindl:
22That ASHRAE Guideline 21-2012 (IEEE 1635-2012), Guide for the Ventilation and Thermal Management of Batteries for Stationary Applications, be approved for revision and that a revision project committee be formed.
It was moved by Doug Reindl:
23That ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 87.3-2001(RA 2010), Method of Testing Propeller Fan Vibration- Diagnostic Test Methods, be approved for withdrawal public review.
12. Standards Committee MBOs
The StdC MBOs were reviewed as shown in Attachment D.
13. New Business
It was moved and seconded that
24That ASHRAE cosponsor the IESO Standard 3210, Standard Guide for the Assessment of Education Facilities for Moisture Affected Areas and Fungal Contamination, with IESO being the lead organization.
MOTION 24 PASSED. 13-2[11]-0, CNV.
14. Information Items/Subcommittee Updates
Dave Conover updated StdC regarding CIS’s work indicating that ASHRAE Staff will participate in the the ICC Green Construction Code hearings in October. The IMC deadlines are in early 2015 and CIS is working with the appropriate TCs and PCs for the IMC proposals.
Debra Kennoy updated that she had almost completed the powerpoint on training for the new approved
procedures on International requests for adoption and adaptation. She has also been working on ISO
tables for ISO Standard 817 that is the international version of ASHRAE Standard 34.
15. Next Meeting/Closing Items
Next Meeting:
- ASHRAE Winter Meetings January 24 & 28,2015, Chicago.
16. Adjournment
The Standards Committee conference call adjourned at approximately 2:30 ET.
17. Attachments
LIST OF ATTACHMENTSAttachment / Description / Attachment Document
A / SPLS Report /
B / PPIS Report /
C / SRS Report /
D / StdC MBOs /
[1]David Conover, Srinivas Katipamula, Wayne Stoppelmoor and Jack Zaror abstained because they did not participate in the meeting.
[2] Waller Clements abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.
[3] Dave Conover abstained because he works with a member of the SSPC. Wayne Stoppelmoor abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.
[4] Waller Clements abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.
[5] Dave Conover abstained because he works with a member of the SSPC. Wayne Stoppelmoor abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.
[6] Dave Conover abstained because he works with a member of the SSPC. Wayne Stoppelmoor abstained because he is a member of the SSPC. JR Anderson abstained because he would like to see the unresolved objector take a more proactive approach and request a research project.
[7] Wayne Stopplemoor abstained because he was on the membership ballot.
[8] Waller Clements abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.
[9] Wayne Stoppelmoor abstained because his a member of the SSPC.
[10] Wayne Stoppelmoor abstained because his a member of the SSPC.
[11] Dave Conover voted no because it was too early in the process of the acquisition and did not want ASHRAE liable. He would prefer to join forces after the merger is complete. Peter Simmonds voted no because he was confused as to why is ASHRAE doing this if they are inheriting IESO and the title of the standard is misleading.