FIRST QUARTER: Colonization Era- 1607-1754


1492 – Columbus “discovers” America

*1607 - Jamestown, VA.: First permanent; economically successful English settlement

*1620 - Pilgrims at Plymouth, MA: Separatist group seeking religious freedom

*1620 - Mayflower Compact; Established ideas of self-government and majority rule

Reasons for Settlement/Exploration: (3G’s)

Political reasons: Expansion of Empire (GLORY)

Economic reasons: profit for empire, i.e. mercantilism (GOLD)

Religious reasons: freedom of worship; escape religious persecution (GOD)

Social reasons: better life


New England- subsistence farming, timber and ship building, fishing and whaling, manufacturing

Rocky soil

Middle- farmed wheat, oat, barley and rye, called the “Bread-Basket Colonies”, some trade

Southern- farmed tobacco, rice, indigo, and cotton, grew “cash crops” on plantations (slavery)


Magna Carta – 1215 - Limited the power of the king (share power with Parliament)

English Bill of Rights – 1689 – protected individual rights

Mayflower Compact: self-government; majority rule, “Civil body politic”

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut: first written constitution in the colonies

Virginia House of Burgesses: 1st representative assembly


Transatlantic slave trade-millions of Africans were captured, shipped across the Atlantic Ocean, and sold

First Great Awakening: religious revivals - encouraged ideas of equality, the right to challenge authority

Enlightenment – reason (thinking) should be a guide for society


Pilgrim- Wanted to separate the Church of England

(Plymouth, Mass.)

Puritans- Wanted to reform (purify) the Church of England

William Penn- Quaker who founded Pennsylvania, self gov’t

John Winthrop – “we should be like a city upon a hill” (Boston, Mass) – an example for others to look up to

John Locke- Enlightenment philosopher who wrote about natural rights

Anne Hutchison-Religious dissenter who fled to Rhode Island

John Smith- takes over Jamestown; “he that shall not work, shall

not eat”

Lord Baltimore- founded Maryland for religious freedom for Catholics

John Peter Zenger- this trial established freedom of the press Quakers- religious group that believed in a simple lifestyle and equality for all; lived in Pennsylvania

John Rolfe- arrives with tobacco that will make Jamestown rich

James Oglethorpe- founded Georgia for debtors and prisoners

Roger Williams- founded Rhode Island for religious freedom

Separation of Church and State

Thomas Hooker-founder of Connecticut; wrote Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

George Whitefield- famous preacher during Great Awakening

Eliza Pinckney- created improved strains of the indigo plant from which a blue dye can be obtained and brought them to the colonies

SECOND QUARTER: Revolutionary Era- 1754- 1783


*1776 - Declaration of Independence: adopted July 4

1783– Treaty of Paris; Independence recognized; our new Western border = Mississippi river


French and Indian War – British raised taxes on colonists to pay for the expensive war.

Proclamation of 1763– King George said colonies can’t settle west of the Appalachian Mountains = ANGERED colonists

Mercantilism – economic policy; colonist exist (send raw materials) to benefit the mother country

Taxation with Representation! – lack of colonial representation in Parliament

1765 Stamp Act-tax/economic burden . . . led to colonial boycott of British goods

1765 Quartering Act – invasion of privacy/economic burden

1770 Boston Massacre- 1st civilians killed by British soldiers. Paul Revere created an engraving of it = used as propaganda

1773 Tea Act – tax on tea. Colonists (Sons of Liberty/Sam Adams) responded with . . . Boston Tea Party

Boston Tea Party- (example of Civil Disobedience) citizens (Sons of Liberty) unhappy with Tea Act. Resulted in British passage of the Intolerable Acts, thereby, limiting the rights of citizens of Boston

1774 Intolerable Acts – punishment for the Boston Tea Party. Closed the Boston Harbor; angered colonists!

1774 First Continental Congress-voted to ban all trade with Great Britain until Intolerable Acts repealed/delegates determined to uphold colonial rights

Sons of Liberty-Colonial protest group led by Samuel Adams


Lexington and Concord “Shot Heard Around the World” – Start of the American Revolution – first shots fired

Battle of Saratoga – TURNING POINT OF REVOLUTION (victory encourages France (ships & $) and Spain to help us

Winter at Valley Forge – winter camp where Washington, LaFayette (and Barron von Steuben) trained the troops. Washington read The American Crisis to the troops to lift their spirits

Battle of Yorktown – last battle of the Revolution (1781) Cornwallis defeated by Americans on land, and French by sea


Common Sense - by Thomas Paine – convince Americans to break away from Britain; “Tis time to part”

The American Crisis – by Thomas Paine – written to encourage support for troops and encourage troops to keep fighting (read at Valley Forge); “These are the times that try men’s souls . . . the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot”

Declaration of Independence-unalienable rights (life, liberty and pursuit of happiness), grievances against the British

Articles of Confederation-First official government of the new nation-Created by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia (had many weaknesses – see next page)

Treaty of Paris 1783- ended the war; set new boundaries: Mississippi River to the west, Canada to the north, and Spanish Florida to the south


Abigail Adams -“Remember the Ladies”-wife of John Adams/early advocate for women’s rights in America

John Adams-vocal member of First Continental Congress/convinced that only outright resistance would gain liberty for America

Wentworth Cheswell- African American “Paul Revere” member of the Committee of Safety

Samuel Adams-Leader of the Sons of Liberty-urged colonists to resist British controls

Mercy Otis Warren-American woman who wrote about the Revolution using prose, plays, and poetry

James Armistead- slave who served General Lafayette as an American spy. After the war, Lafayette helped Armistead obtain his freedom, and in return Armistead added the name “Lafayette” to his own

Benjamin Franklin-signer of the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris 1783, and later the U.S. Constitution-long time American leader-spent the Revolution in France and helped convince them to come to American aid. Great inventor.

Bernardo de Galvez-Spanish governor of Louisiana-captured Natchez, Baton Rouge, and Mobile/prevented British from attacking the U.S. from the southwest

Crispus Attucks-sailor of American Indian and African American ancestry, 1st to die at Boston Massacre

King George III-King of Great Britain during the American Revolution

Haym Solomon-Polish native-Jewish Revolutionary hero; prime financier ($$) of the Americans during the Revolution

Patrick Henry-Vocal Virginian who urged the Americans to resist British tyranny-Famously said “…as for me, give me liberty or give me death”

Thomas Jefferson-writer of the Declaration of Independence

Marquis de Lafayette- 19 yr. old French nobleman who volunteered to serve in Washington’s army. Led his own division.

Thomas Paine –Writer of Common Sense (written to convince Americans to break with Britain) and The American Crisis (written to encourage Americans to keep fighting)

George Washington-commander of the Revolutionary Army

HALF-TIME: Confederation, Convention, and Constitution- 1783- 1787


*1787: Constitutional Convention: debate and writing of the U.S. Constitution (Philadelphia)

1791: Bill of Rights is added to the Constitution


13 Original States

Northwest Territory


REPRESENTATION? How will states be represented in Congress?

·  Virginia Plan =Population, favored by big states;

·  New Jersey Plan= based on quality, favored by small states

o  Great Compromise = 2 house Congress, House of Reps (population), Senate(equality) = same Congress we have today!

SLAVES?- North didn’t want slaves to count for population, South wanted all slaves to count

o  3/5th Compromise = for every 5 slaves 3 count in terms of population and taxes

Political Parties

Federalists- led by Hamilton, Jay, Madison; federal gov’t has more power, pro-manufacturing, wealthy/elite should rule

Anti-Federalists- led by Jefferson and Mason; states have more power, pro-agriculture, average citizens should rule;

·  demanded a Bill of Rights be added before ratifying Constitution


Articles of Confederation: our 1st National Constitution

·  Strengths: Governed nation through the Revolutionary War; Negotiated Treaty of Paris; Passed the Land Ordinance of 1785; Passed the Northwest Ordinance 1787

·  Weaknesses: Lacked power to enforce laws (no President) ; lacked power to levy taxes; Lacked power to negotiate trade among the states; Required all 13 states to approve changes in the Articles; no judicial branch

o  Shay’s Rebellion = showed us the Articles was too weak (no way to put down a rebellion) = led to Constitutional Convention

Land Ordinance of 1785: asked surveyors to measure out townships in Northwest Territory; lot 16 = education

Northwest Ordinance: Law that set up govt. for Northwest Territory; provided method for new states to be admitted; provided for the orderly expansion of the US

Magna Carta1215: No man is above the law; importance of individual rights; limited the power of the king

English Bill of Rights: Provided for rights of the individuals; provided right to trial by jury

Constitution (1787): the supreme law of the United States of America. The first three Articles of the Constitution establish the rules and separate powers of the three branches of the federal government: legislative (makes the laws), executive (president = carries out the laws) judicial (court system: interprets the laws) the last four Articles frame the principle of federalism

Bill of Rights: 1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution (demanded by anti- federalists)

·  addresses colonial grievances such as lack of individual rights, the right to bear arms, quartering of soldiers, due process of law, rights of accused, how a trial is conduced, limits on punishments, rights of the people and powers of states and people


Popular Sovereignty- Ultimate power and final authority is held by the citizens – “People Power” = “We the People” “Consent of the Governed”

Republicanism- People EXERCISE their power by voting for their political representatives

Limited Government- Government’s power is limited by the Constitution; everyone obeys the law

Federalism- Power is divided (or shared) between the national and state governments

Separation of Powers- Power is divided between 3 branches

Checks and Balances- Each branch has certain controls (checks) over the other 2 (so that one branch

doesn’t become too powerful)

Individual Rights- Personal liberties or privileges guaranteed to the citizens


George Washington- President of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia

James Madison- Federalist who supported a strong executive; “Father of the Constitution”

Patrick Henry- Anti-Federalist who insisted on a Bill of Rights

Thomas Jefferson- leader of the Anti-Federalist party

Alexander Hamilton- Federalist leader who supported a strong executive

George Mason- Anti-Federalist who insisted on a Bill of Rights

John Locke – (natural rights = unalienable rights) Montesquieu - separate powers into 3 branches

THIRD QUARTER: Early Republic and Industrialization- 1789- 1825


Federal Judiciary Act of 1789- 6 member court; Created lower federal courts

Precedents set- sets the standards that other presidents will follow. Ex: neutrality, cabinet system, 2 terms

Hamilton’s Financial Plan- protective tariffs to pay back the war debt; national bank; government would pay state AND national debt (Free Enterprise system based on competition ex: donut shops, nail shops etc)

Whiskey Rebellion: Washington used his power as commander –in-chief (send in troops) to enforce the tax on whiskey

Jay’s Treaty- Britain agreed to leave the Ohio Valley and pay us back for our stolen ships; this helped reduce awkward tension between the U.S. and Britain

Pinckney’s Treaty- U.S. got the freedom to travel on the Mississippi and store goods at New Orleans (from Spain)

Washington’s Farewell Address: his advise and warnings for future: said stay away from “permanent alliances” (foreign alliances) and beware of the “spirit of party” (political parties)


XYZ Affair: French agents (known as X, Y, and Z) demand a $10 million loan and a bribe before they will discuss a treaty; U.S. refused to give a cent “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!”

Alien & Sedition Acts: Increased time for immigrants to become citizens from 5 to 14; Made saying or printing “false or hateful” writing about the gov’t illegal (unconstitutional – 1st amendment) Made Adams unpopular

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions: In response to the Alien and Sedition Acts; Jefferson and Madison drafted a set of statements declaring that states can nullify a federal law if the state believes it to be unconstitutional


1803 Louisiana Purchase- U.S. purchases Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million; doubled our size

1803 Marbury v. Madison- The Supreme Court ruled that it had the power to declare laws unconstitutional (JUDICIAL REVIEW!)

Lewis and Clark Expedition – explored Louisiana Territory; helped by Sacagawea

Embargo Act of 1807- Forbid American ships to sail into foreign ports and closed U.S. ports to British ships; hurt the economies of each region; leads to War of 1812 and American needing to make its own goods (factories develop in North)


War of 1812- Causes: Great Britain was taking U.S. ships (impressments) and interfering with U.S. trade, British arming American Indians to attack settlers

Results: Increased American Patriotism, Weakened American Indian resistance; U.S. manufacturing grew


Era of Good Feelings- Period characterized by Nationalism (pride in nation)

Clay’s American System- Wanted the U.S. to be economically self-sufficient

Missouri Compromise 1820- by Henry Clay:

·  debate over admission as slave or free state would upset the “balance of power” between slave and free states in Congress

·  Kept the balance of power by admitting Maine as free and Missouri as slave and banning slavery north of the parallel 36°30’

·  Sectionalism developed as a result of the slavery issue

McCulloch v. Maryland- Could not tax federal government (hint: M & M’s = taxes)

Gibbons v. Ogden- Federal Government will regulate interstate commerce Promoted economic growth

(Gibbon’s = Monkey – Gibbon’s are traded across states lines by zoo’s)

Factory System- brought together workers and tools under one roof, increasing urbanization and changing the way of life. Factories developed on fast moving rivers in the NE, People went work in the factories (Lowell Girls) – led to industrialization.